' Thinking'
" Talking"
What their watching
'I wonder what we'll see.'Hades thought it had beeen awhile since the fates brought forth demigods from the future and while most of the gods were shocked that the oath was broken hades was more so by the fact that hazel his dead daughter was not so dead in the near future and she was brought back by little crezia who he had apparently got out of the casino Hades sighed 'well she was one of the more adventurous and bold of my children I shouldn't be surprised.'
Poseidon meanwhile, was shocked to see his son as a teenager in front of him with his jet black hair, sea green eyes and troublemaker smile he looked like a mini version of Poseidon, and to find out they would be reacting to his young niece who he thought had died Well he had good reason to be shocked right ?
After Everyone was seated
The screen turned on to show camp half-blood it then zoomed in to a little cove by the lake and showed a girl who couldn't have been older than Nineteen or Twenty with long glossy black hair, eyes like twin onyx and tan skin she was very beautiful that you couldn't deny.
"Ekkkkk." Aphrodite squealed looking at the screen
" she is so beautiful."
Apollo nodded his head unconsciously then caught himself but he couldn't deny that she was very very beautiful and being a daughter of Hades there was no doubt that she had the power to back it up.
The demigods nodded as well, after all crezia was one of the most beautiful demigods there was she even ranked up there with the Cabin 10 kids, although this also made other coughs (Reyna, Jason) coughs a little overprotective of her.
Hades was shocked, after all the last time he saw her she was a tiny little ten year old now to see her older was a shock she had his hair and his eyes, yet she still looked a lot like Maria, hades heart clenches just thinking about her 'Oh Maria.'
She looks calm laying on a blanket on the ground sunbathing when suddenly she sits up to look to her left where before the space was empty now sits a man with golden hair, sky blue eyes and a sunshine smile, The God Apollo looks at Lucrezia where before she was alone.
"What are you doing with my daughter Apollo." Said Hades with a deadly look on his face looking at his young daughter on the screen sitting next to Apollo.
Apollo looks at Hades and said" Hey uncle H you don't know what's going on I could be sending her on a quest or I could be bringing her news from Olympus." Apollo knew that probably wasn't what he was doing but nobody else needed to know about that at least not until the screen showed it.
The rest of the gods looked at Apollo in disbelief also knowing that wasn't what he was doing but they thankfully didn't say anything to Hades probably because they didn't want to face his wrath either.
The past demigods looked at the screen in disbelief because it's not everyday that a demigod gets visited by a god some even felt a little jealous, meanwhile the future demigods looked like they were used to it and it's because they are, after all everyone know's that if Apollo wasn't at any of his usual haunts then he was with Lucrezia it was a fact after all.
"How is my favorite Ghost Queen." Apollo said looking as Lucrezia with a smile on his face.
Lucrezia meanwhile looks at Him and says " I'm the only Ghost Queen Apollo."
Although you could tell it didn't upset her because she had a smile on her face but Apollo still looked at her and said "My favorite princess of the underworld then." While looking at her with a smile on his face.
"Apollo isn't wrong Crezia is the favorite princess of the underworld or at least she is our favorite." Percy said with a smile while thinking about his cousin.
Jason nods after all Jason is probably the one who is closest to Crezia he sees her like the little sister He never got to have his cousin on the surface to a lot of people was quiet, calm and cold but anybody who took the time to get to know her like a lot did after the second giant war, then they would know that while the above was true she was also sweet, kind, brave and free spirited.
The gods looked at them in silence all but hades and Poseidon wondering why they all seemed to favor Hades young daughter after all she was apart of the underworld's court not the Olympian court.
Hades understood why after all he knew his youngest daughter with Maria was bright, lively and most of all bold.
Poseidon on the other hand knew what she was like from her trips to the sea with hades lover Maria and his eldest daughter with her Bianca, sweet and kind Lucrezia always was very happy and kind like when one of the turtle that hatched got trapped she flipped it over and made sure it made in to sea, so really Poseidon isn't surprised that she was the favored of hades daughters at camp half-blood.
Lucrezia looks at Apollo with a smile and she says " I am doing just fine and how are you my lord, The sun of Olympus."
"Who are you and what have you done with my brother." Artemis said looking at Apollo with disbelief because of the expression on his future self.
The rest of the gods agreed with her Apollo hadn't had a look like that about him since well hyacinthus and everybody knows how that turned out.
"Ouch little sis that hurts." Apollo Said trying to get everybody's attention off him and it worked because Artemis got irritated and said "I'm older than you."
"Can I ask why did she call lord Apollo The sun of Olympus." Past Annabeth said looking for an answer.
"Well it~." Jason started to say before he was cut off.
"It's because although not the child of the Queen Apollo is still the son of the king and a lord of Olympus and when he took over as the god of the sun he gained the title the sun of Olympus just like lady Artemis because she is the goddess of the moon she also has the title The moon of Olympus." said Reyna who was the one to cut Jason off and explain.
"Fascinating I never knew that." said past Annabeth looking like she wanted to write everything down.
Hermes looked at the little Roman, Reyna his mind supplied and said " How do you know that." because he knew that the only demigod that knew that was the one's of old.
"Crezia." Said Jason with an excited look on his face "She goes to the underworld a lot and she always talks to the ghosts and learns thing like ballet, music, art, strategy, mathematics, sword fighting, fashion, cooking even etiquette and astronomy."
The past demigods had a look of shock on there face they never thought of the advantage of being a child of Hades like being able to talk to ghost.
The gods are shocked as well but only because none of Hades children have ever thought to talk to the ghost's to learn thing's they especially never thought to learn the title of the gods beyond lord and lady.
Apollo had a happy look when Jason mentioned all the things she learned it looked like they had a bit in common with each other especially music.
Hades meanwhile had a proud look on his face because of Lucrezia
'She was always quite smart and more than that she was diligent although she never liked sitting still so you would probably be shocked.' Hades thought with a smile on his face.
Apollo then sat himself beside her and Lucrezia found herself looking at him--at the way his muscles rose to the surface of his skin, at the perfect smile and full lips.
'He was impossibly handsome, unimaginably Powerful, and he belonged to her.' She thought looking at him with Love on her face then curling up next to him with her head on his shoulder then Lucrezia started resting her hand on her Stomach.
Apollo was shocked for two reasons, one that he would start something with the little demigod on screen because everyone know that hades is protective of his children and to take one as a paramour is tantamount to signing your death sentence because when you break their heart Hades will come and break you, mentally and physically.
The second is that the girl looks at him with pure love even when she knows that he will eventually leave her and she has to know she is a demigod after all, yet she still looks at him with that look and it terrifies him because they haven't been reacting to her for long and yet he already starts to feel himself returning that same love and it is not something he has ever let happen since hyacinthus and that is what terrifies him most, Apollo sees the look Hades is shooting him winces and thinks 'This is not going to end well not at all.'
"Nephews what does she mean when she says he
belong's to her." Hades said looking at Apollo with a look that made Percy and Jason fearful for their life and it wasn't even aimed at them.
"Wellll." Percy said looking like he would rather do do anything else than explain what she meant then looks at Jason lights up and says with a smile "Jason would really like to tell you uncle, right Jason."
"Of course I would my dear cousin" Jason said with a smile yet with the look he was shooting Percy you could tell that Percy wasn't dear to him at all " well uncle Crezia and Lord Apollo are how should I say Um well they are a couple." Jason said with a calm smile yet inside he was praying he wouldn't die for what he was about to do for Apollo.
"A c-c-c-couple." Hades stuttered looking shocked and like he was gonna faint.
"Yes a couple or otherwise known as Sweethearts, lovers, paramour also boyfriend and girlfriend." Jason said with a smile one his face.
The rest of the gods looked at him like he had went insane even his patron Hera and his father Zeus
Hades expression then went from shocked to fury quite quickly and yelled " I know what a couple is nephew."
"Just making sure uncle after all you never know." Jason said with a smile looking at his uncle.
The demigods looked at him in fear that he was about to be killed for what he said but instead Persephone calmed her husband so they breathed a sigh of relief.
"Well I think it would be nice if we had a break." Zeus said trying to make sure that his son wasn't killed by his brother actually make that both of his son's.
The demigods all started leaving to get something to eat and drink but on his way out Jason winked at Apollo and gave a thumbs up.
Apollo saw it and realized that he did that to take the attention away from him and he felt a gratefulness to his young half brother for doing something that even Artemis and Hermes didn't do.
Yeah!!! Whoo the first true chapter has been published I am so happy this chapter is 1985 words long and for my first reaction book I think I have done pretty good comment if you think can guess why Creazia's hand was on her stomach!!!!
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