Hermes was talking to Reyna as everyone filed back in from their breaks.
Apollo had taken his seat in his throne as he thought back on everything that they had all seen and what they might also see in the future.
Everyone got in their seats before the screen came back on.
The screen turns on and we see Persephone and Lucrezia in a garden having tea.
Persephone is dressed in a green dress with black and silver embroidery; with her hair straightened and a golden crown embedded with Onyx and Emerald's.
Lucrezia on the other hand is a a halter neck sapphire blue dress that looks like it's made out of roses with golden jewelry; Earrings each embedded with a sapphire the size of a adults thumb, a crown with amber forming suns and diamonds forming stars stars.
They both look utterly beautiful, that nobody would be able to deny.
'Truly she was beautiful', Apollo thought, 'the most beautiful person i had ever seen'. Apollo though and he knew Helen of Troy.
"Beautiful." Was what Apollo said aloud though.
Hades could agree with his nephew; his daughter was so beautiful.
Hades also couldn't help but let his eyes linger on Persephone, she was absolutely beautiful. He had not seen her in that outfit in quite a long time.
The future demigods looked Crezia and Queen Persephone in happiness; they hadn't seen this in awhile, since Crezia's death actually.
"Their outfits are gorgeous." Aphrodite looked at what they were wearing on screen in excitement. "The colors also go together well."
Her children nodded in agreement with their mother because she wasn't wrong, and their outfits were beautiful and the colors did go together well.
"How how you been lately my little one." Persephone asked her youngest child. She didn't get to spend as much time with her as she would have like but Crezia was also very busy and Persephone understood that; she didn't like it but she understood it.
"I've been fine momma." Lucrezia told her. Crezia had always felt safe with Persephone every since the day she had first met her father Queen, like she knew Persephone would never harm her; she was after all her beloved daughter.
Hades looked at the screen in joy; he was happy that Seph and Lucrezia were happy. He knows that she was adoptees, but he didn't know if they were really as happy as they seemed to b won screen.
The past demigods with immortal stepparents looked at the screen in jealousy; they had never had a good relationship with their stepparents and to see her having one with lady Persephone burned a little bit more than they thought it would.
The gods on their hand were still shocked that Persephone would adopt and treat Hades half-blood daughter as if she were her own child.
Demeter on the other hand was happy; not many people knew but Persephone has became a little depressed these past few years when she still hasn't been able to have a child with Hades and yet in the future this girl on screen seems to have pulled her daughter from her slump so yes, Demeter was happy.
Poseidon however feels a question burning on the tip of his tongue and clears his throat to get the attention of the future demigods.
"Yeah dad?" Percy's questions him.
The past demigods and a few gods look at him in shock at how casual he talks to Poseidon.
The god on the other hand just laughs and asks. "Do Lucrezia and Persephone have tea often?"
Hades and Demeter turns to the demigod curious at the answer to that question.
"So I have heard that you have been getting close to Apollo." Persephone started to talk before she saw the look on Lucrezia's face.
"Let me guess, the gossip girl of Olympus?" Lucrezia asked her mother in annoyance. She hated how Aphrodite always talked about the relationships of both gods and demigods alike not caring if they want to keep them secret or not. She did not like her and not just because of what she did to her sister of her soul, Reyna.
Aphrodite tilted her head at the screen before she nodded; She could understand that after all she understood that she wasn't everyone's favorite goddess.
Ares could also understand; don't get him wrong he loves Dite but she could be a bit much sometimes especially when it's something or someone that has her interest.
Apollo on the other hand perked up when his name was mentioned; he guesses that this was from when they first started to become get to know each other based on the way Persephone asked her that and based on Crezia's age in this viewing where she doesn't look any older than fifteen or sixteen years old.
"Oc course." Persephone smiled coldly. "You can always count on Aphrodite to air our peoples business, that's why I was quite happy about the time Hephaestus caught her and Ares; it was about time she got a taste of her own medicine."
Lucrezia just watched her mother talk as she drank her tea. She knew not to interrupt her rants about Aphrodite, after all she was the cause of her mama and papa having such a hard Time in the beginning.
Hades looked at the screen surprised. He didn't think they would tell her about how they got together but it looks like they did; he shudder's as he thinks about those times. Gods he thanked everything that Demeter mellowed out over the year's, Hades thought as he looked at his sister.
Demeter looked at him with a sharp smile like she knew what he was thinking and Hades turned his head quickly back to the screen and his wife and daughter.
Poseidon who saw that just shook his head in amusement. 'They would never change.' He thought as he smiled.
"Although it was not only her." Persephone told her daughter as she smiled in bemusement. "You're father has been utterly impossible when it come to you and Apollo."
Hades nodded his head in approval at his future self, after all in his eyes nobody deserves his children.
Apollo who saw that sent a thought out to what his future would be like with Hades as a father-in-law and decided that it couldn't be worse that what his uncle went through with Zeus as a father-in-law and that Apollo himself was getting off lightly.
" do-" Hermes started to say as Reyna watched curiously before Apollo cut him off.
"Yeas..but I've also decided that I have it better than our uncle who had father as father-in-law." Apollo said quietly that way Zeus wouldn't hear.
Hermes went to speak before he tilted his head in thought then nodded in agreement with him.
They both looked at the girl at Hermes side went they heard they heard her start laughing and it s
made them laugh as well.
Lucrezia groaned. "Alright, Alright I don't want to talk about me and Apollo anymore why don't you tell me about the changes you've made to the garden at home."
Persephone grinned at her daughter and started telling her about her father's reaction to this hideous statue that she put in the garden only because she knew Hades would hate the thing.
"I'm glad that they love each other." Hades told Hestia who had moved to sit with him.
"I am as well brother." Hestia told him with a warm smile. "Maybe I can visit when you get her out of the casino."
Hades wrapped his arm around her. "Well.. she is going to need an aunt so I don't see why not."
Hestia smiled at her little brother.
Hera meanwhile used to not be able to understand how Persephone could love a child who wasn't her that much, but then she met Jason, and Hera finally understood how some immortals could love their significant others half-blood's.
Jason looked at Hera who was looking at the screen before he got up, and under the curious eyes of the demigods and gods moved to sit next to Hera.
"My patron." Jason told Hera deferentially with his head bowed before he sat next to her.
Hera looked at him in shock as only a champion of her's could call her that, but as she looked at him she realized that was exactly what he was and so she decided to greet him as she would him in the future.
"My champion."
Zeus who was about to save him when Hera went to blast him, sat back in shock; he wasn't the only one as the rest of the gods and demigods sat in shock as well.
" about a break." Reyna said as she looked at everyone with a grin. They all turned to her in disbelief besides future Percy and Jason who just laughed.
Words - 1493
HOTSW Speaks!
Ok so this chapter is shorter than usual but I promise that the next one will be longer. I just haven't had that much inspiration lately. So I hope you all understand and the next chapter will be longer. Also please DON'T be a silent reader.
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