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Jake sully was utterly stranded, the snarls of pandoras creatures surrounded him in the darkness as he wrapped a cloth around a stick he had come across

Walking he dipped that cloth in tree sap, he brought it down and began fumbling to light it with a match, the sickening laughs of whatever was stalking him in the night growing closer again

Finally he had lit the item, light from the fire illuminated the forest giving sight to those creatures

They began stalking closer as if teasing him, he swung the fire stepping through the terrain while  keeping them at bay for moments before getting frustrated, "Well I don't have all goddamn night," he said moving his head to look at all of them, "come on!"

At once they charged moving to attack him, Jake reacted quickly smacking one of them with his torch. Another one charged to which Jake stabbed it with the other end of his torch though the impact knocked the torch out of his hands causing him to loose his balance

He recovered quickly unsheathing his knife as another lunged at him, he quickly swung his arm slicing it before looking around, behind him another grabbed his legs causing him to trip

The viper wolf lunged on him snapping its jaw in his face, Jake struggled before an arrow was released into the animal from a distance

Jake threw down the animal ready to kill it before seeing the arrow, he turned around shocked to where he watched a na'vi jump of a rock and release another arrow into a viper wolf

Ri'lani released the arrow with ease a yell coming from her throat, she swung her bow around hitting the remaining viper wolves as her sister ran through and tackled a viper wolf that was about to attack her sister

Ri'lani chased the remaining viper wolf hitting them with her bow, they had all ran deciding to flee to which Ri'lani hissed at the spot they once were

She stood before turning to face the man shielding her eyes from the light. She moved forward grabbing the torch and throwing it in a pond despite the complaints from Jake

She walked over to Neytiri where she saw her whispering a prayer to a whimpering viper wolf still alive, Neytiri then embedded her knife into the creatures neck

Ri'lani crouched down resting her hands on the viperwolves head, "return to eywa brother" she whispered

Ri'lani moved to retrieve her arrow and whisper more prayers to the fallen viperwolves but she was interrupted by Jake, "look, I know you probably don't understand this...but," of course despite his interruption she didn't stop her prayers, "thank you" he repeated

Not paying attention to him he decided to continue talking, "that was pretty impressive," he said motioning to the animal, "I would've been screwed if you guys didn't come along".

Ri'lani looked at him before standing up and walking away her sister following behind her, "wait up! I just wanted to say thanks for killing those things" he said grabbing Neytiri's arm to which she swung her bow around slapping him across the face

"Don't thank," Neytiri exclaimed looking at the man in anger, "you don't thank for this..this is sad, very sad only" she said as Ri'lani approached her side

"Okay, okay I'm sorry" Jake said holding his hands up in defense, "whatever I did, I am sorry"

Neytiri inhaled deeply before motioning around with her hand, "all this is your fault. They did not need to die"

"My fault? They attacked me. How am I the bad guy?" Jake said scoffing before Neytiri pushed him back with her bow exclaiming that it was his fault

Ri'lani took the moment to speak laying a comforting hand on her sisters shoulder, "your like a baby, making noise don't know what to do" Neytiri nodded in agreement as her tail flicked behind her

Jake tried to diffuse the situation moving to stand up with his hands still out, "if you love your little forest friends, Why not just let them kill my ass? What's the thinking?"

"Why save you?" Ri'lani replied

"Yeah why save me?"

Ri'lani observed him before letting out a sigh, "you have a strong heart. No fear" she waked closer to him her expression turning sour again, "but stupid! Ignorant like a child!"

With that the siblings took off again walking away from the man, though he didn't seem to give up grabbing his unlit torch and moving to follow them

"Well if I'm like a child maybe you guys should teach me"

Neytiri replied with a scoff, "sky people cannot learn. You do not see"

"Well then teach me how to...see" Jake replied struggling to keep up with there pace

"No one can teach you to see" Ri'lani said tilting her head back at the man following them

He began to go on about it for another second, asking them where they learned English of course they didn't answer but what stopped his questioning was when he tripped and almost fell to which Ri'lani grabbed his arm and lifted him up

"You are like a baby" she said before cursing in frustration

Jake looked at him his expression turning sincere and desperate "I need your help"

"You should not be here"  she said with a sigh as a frown formed on her face

"Then take me with you" Jake replied

"No go back" Ri'lani said before walking away again Jake of course followed her again to which she repeated, she looked at him in frustration at his stubbornness

But what caught her attention were the woodsprites that began to cascade down, following her gaze, Jake looked up amazed at them

They all began flowing down on him to which Jake began slapping some away, Ri'lani quickly grabbed his arm yelling in protest, "No atokorina!" She then whispered it again breathlessly

They all encased them as Neytiri approached from behind him her expression also amazed at the scene

"What are they?" Jake asked holding his arms out as they all landed on top of it

"Seeds of the spirit tree, very pure spirits" she replied breathlessly

Once all of the woodsprites landed on Jake they reminded for a couple seconds more before they all rose and floated away

Ri'lani watched before turning her head to her sister, "Neytiri, we must take him to mother" her sister looked at her moving to protest before Ri'lani spoke again, "we must, this is a sign from eywa..I feel her telling me this"

Her sister started defeated before nodding her head and turning around to walk, Ri'lani turned her head to Jake, "come" and they were off

Jake had followed the girls of course getting destructed like a child and being forced to be redirected to following them

There walk was cut short as a rope was launched at his feet causing him to cascade downwards of the tree branch

Ri'lani and Neytiri turned seeing him fall and hearing the whoops of their clan approaching

Neytiri ran forward, "calm my people, calm!" She yelled as Ri'lani ran forward in front of a horse that Tsu'tey was on, he dismounted his horse and approached her

"What are you doing, Tsu'tey?" Ri'lani spoke pacing in front of him

"These demons are forbidden here".  He replied a scowl on his face

"There has been a sign.. this is a matter for the Tsahík" Tsu'tey casted a glance at the demon before agreeing, the people began to drag him towards hometree


They entered hometree, the people excitedly touching the sky person that walked before them.

They made it to the clearing where Neytiri and Ri'lani greeted there father motioning 'I see you'

He stepped forward inspecting Jake, a scowl present on his face, "this creature...why do you bring him here?"

"Neytiri was going to kill him, but there was a sign from eywa" Ri'lani spoke

"I have said no dreamwalker will come here"  her father spoke causing Jake to look at Ri'lani in confusion, "what's he sayin?"

He said another thing that caused the crowd to laugh Jake could only assume it was an insult of some sorts.

He asked again causing Ri'lani to turn and look at him, "my father is deciding whether to kill you"

"Your father..." Jake said in understanding before stepping forward to shake the man's hand, "it's nice to meet you, sir".

There were hisses and yells of protest as everyone motioned for him to step back another voice spoke up, "step back! I will look at this alien" a women said walking down towards Jake

"That is mother, she is tsahík" Ri'lani explained to Jake, "the one who interprets the will of eywa".

"Who's eywa?"

She didn't answer as Mo'at began to inspect the avatar, grabbing his braid and tail as she circled him, "what are you called?"

"Jake sully" in response Mo'at unsheathed a bone from her neck clasp and stabbed his chest licking the blood off of it

"Why did you come to us?" She asked putting the bone back into its clasp

"I came to learn".

"We have tried to teach other Sky People, It is hard to fill a cup which is already full" Mo'at said her gaze boring into Jake

"Well, my cup is empty, trust me.... Just ask Dr. Augustine. I'm no scientist"

"What are you?"

"I was a Marine. A warrior...of the.. jarhead clan" his response gained attention from Tsu'tey as he rushed forward only to be held back by Eytukan

"This is the first warrior dreamwalker we have seen... we need to learn more about him" Eytukan explained

"Ri'lani, since you find skipping your lessons more will teach him our way, to speak and walk as we do"  her daughter hissed in protest

"Mother why must it be me, it is Neytiri's fault-" her mother held up a hand to silence her "it has been decided"

"My daughter will teach you our ways. Learn well, Jakesully. Then we will see if your insanity can be cured"

She turned looking at Jake sully who in return gave her a lopsided grin...oh eywa what did she get herself in to

Wow this was a
Wi bit long
But tune on in

Word count:1726

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