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Ri'lani decided that today she'd show Jake something different before starting with his language lessons. She hoped it would inspire him to start focusing more on his lessons

She walked through hometree to find him, I mean how hard is it to find an avatar?

She caught sight of Neytiri and approached her sister, "Neytiri, have you seen Jake?" She asked as her sister rolled her eyes

"That moron is down in the fields trying to tame a Pa'li" she said causing Ri'lanis eyes to widen in shock. He was practicing on his own? Maybe he didn't need as much inspiration as she thought.

She looked to Neytiri again before nodding her head in thanks. She began her journey back down to the fields where she found Jake riding a pa'li successfully

Jake took notice of her before letting out a laugh, "I think I got this Lani!" He cheered causing her to break into a smile

"Well done Jake!" She said running up to him with a smile. Jake returned it with a smile of his own as he dismounted his horse and walked towards her

"I would like to show you something different today" she said walking away and nodding her head for him to follow

The pair walked back towards hometree and up the columns that led them to the very top of hometree.

Ri'lani let out a chirp as she walked forward staring into the trees there was rustle before a mighty ikran broke through the trees.

The ikran was burgundy with gold specs as it landed across Ri'lani, Jake let out a gasp, "holy shit!"

"Do not look in his eye," she said as she pulled out a snack and fed it to her ikran, "Katir," she began as she rubbed his snout

She turned to Jake, "ikran is not horse," she brought her braid over her shoulder as she connected her queue with its own, "once tsaheylu is made, ikran will fly with only one hunter in the whole life" the women began adjusting the saddle on the animal before turning and mounting her ikran

She then looked towards Jake and began again, "to become taronyu hunter, you must choose your own ikran and it must choose you"

Jake nodded before eagerly asking, "when?"

Ri'lani smirked, "when you are ready". She let out a whoop before taking off with Katir, she circled around hometree her head tilting in Jake's direction who was watching excitedly

She turned to where she flew directly above Jake causing him to duck suddenly she let out a loud laugh as she flew away.


The pair sat together in the woods as Ri'lani tried to teach him Na'vi. The lessons however were not going well as Jake was a complete skxwang, who did not understand anything she taught him. Language wise of course he struggled greatly

She spoke calmly motioning with her hands, "well start with something easy," she said before waiving at him and speaking slowly, "Kaltxì"

He looked at her before hesitantly speaking, "kaltni" she shook her head at him before repeating it again

For him it was repetition, constant repetition to learn, she repeated calmly not loosing her patience which he appreciated but even he could tell she was getting frustrated

"Say it slowly, kaltxì" she repeated even slower so he could get it, "kaltxì" he spoke causing her to grin as she nodded approvingly

"Very good, now try irayo" this one didn't take him long as the word was fairly simple to pronounce

The two sat for longer as she gave him a couple words some easy and some hard to pronounce eventually Neytiri approached the two

"Ri'lani mother wants to see you," the women spoke as she glanced at Jake then back to her sisters, "I will continue teaching Jake for you" her sister added hesitantly

"Irayo Neytiri" Ri'lani said with a nod of her head before turning to the confused Jake, "I will return shortly, Neytiri will help finish your language lessons"

Jake gulped as he looked at the intimidating younger sister as Ri'lani walked away, something told him that she would not be as kind as her older sister.

And he was right, Neytiri was quick to anger with the Man's inability to pronounce her language, "Nari," she started


"Narriiiii" she said slower staring at him in disbelief

"Narri" Jake replied earning him a slap from her in return, yep he knew she was going to be much harsher, he couldn't help but miss Ri'lani

Meanwhile Ri'lani approached her mothers hut to where she saw her motioning I see you

"Mother, you asked for me" the women nodded motioning for her daughter to sit down

"Yes my child, how is Jake Sullys training coming along" the women asked

"Good, he's gotten well with pa'li but struggles with the language, Neytiri is teaching him currently" she said grimacing at the last part she knew Neytiri was probably being ruthless

Mo'at laughed at that, "ah, perhaps Neytiri will scare him back to his own kind"

Ri'lani gave her mother a chuckled before Mo'at continued looking at her daughter, "your lessons are excused as you teach him, though I'm sure you assumed they were anyway"

"Yes sa'nok" Ri'lani nodded

"Though I fear I'm running out of things to teach," Mo'at said tilting her head at her daughter, "perhaps as you teach this sky person, he will teach you something"

Mo'at bid her daughter goodbye as Ri'lani walked back to where she had left Jake with Neytiri

When she returned Jake's eyes widened in relief, observing him Ri'lani found a couple of bruises forming on him from where Neytiri had hit him

"This is enough language lessons for today come," Ri'lani said motioning for him to follow her

She walked towards a hut to where she grabbed a bow to which she handed to Jake, he followed her again as she led him to a small clearing.

"Show me your form" she asked, Jake followed pulling the bow back, his form was all wrong causing Ri'lani to let out a sigh

She walked towards him patting his chest then adjusting his arms and legs, "bow is how we hunt and defend ourself, if a na'vis form is wrong they risk starvation from lack of food or death by inability to protect themselves" Jake observed her watching as she spoke

"Humans use your machines that are unlawful they disrupt the balance and plague the life. You will learn later, but once a kill is complete we say prayers so that they may have an easier journey to eywa"

"Bows won't help against humans," he blurted out lowering his bow as he looked at her cautious that he offended

"In truth, but it is the way, if you remain here you must learn, must adapt so that you embrace the way" she said with finality

Jake grew a slim understanding to her words, he watched her figure walk away and guilt flashed through his mind. He was starting to question his deal with Quaritch.

A little shorter than usual
But I'm struggling with where I
Want to break up the chapters
During the training montage...
Also sorry for the delay had AP testing and a research paper💔💔

Published: 05/24/24
Word count:1219
Edited: ❌

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