"The Encounter of Light and Darkness"

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(3rd POV)

Sayo: Chisato-san?!?!

Hina: Chisato-chan?!?!

Chisato: ...
The Hikawa twins were amazed, bizarre, and suspicious right now. They finally found Chisato after more than 1 week of missing. But, Sayo has a feeling that this will be no good to be true. Then Hina Hikawa rushes to hug Chisato, but she did something out of the ordinary that Sayo Hikawa was in a rage. Chisato just throws Hina to the side hard.
Hina: Grk!

Sayo: Hina!! Chisato, what the hell did you that for?!?!

Chisato: haha!!

Sayo: Eh?!
Sayo was right, Chisato isn't acting in her usual self just now.
Chisato: Fight me!

Sayo: What?!

Chisato: Did you hear what just I said?! FIGHT ME!

Hina: You are not the Chisato-chan I know!!
Hina stands up from her current location and then charges to Chisato and starts fighting her hard. On the other hand, Sayo just watched how Hina attack and defense abilities to Chisato.
Chisato: You pesky peasant, going to interfere with my main objective!

Hina: What the hell is wrong with you Chisato-chan?!

Chisato: Who is this "Chisato" that you called?!?!

Hina: What the?!?!
The next thing Chisato did was make Hina and Sayo realize something. Chisato summons a blue luminous whip and started to attack Hina. But gladly, Hina defended herself with her magical barrier that is generated through the ring.
Hina: Your not Chisato at all!! Your...

Sayo: ... your Carmeara!!!

Chisato(Carmeara): Haha! Finally! You notice me Trigger!!

Sayo: Why the hell are you possessing my friend's body?!

Chisato(Carmeara): It suits my needs!

Sayo: I am going to kill you and save my friend!!

Chisato(Carmeara): Then fight me!!

Sayo: Argkk!!!
Sayo then joins in the fight. Hina knows that her sister has no abilities like her if she is not in ultra form. So, Hina backs up her sister at all costs.

As the Hikawa twins are fighting against Carmeara that is still possessed Chisato's body, Chisato's soul herself saw the madness going on.
Chisato: Sayo-san, Hina-chan, please help me...
Just a floor up, the rest of Roselia and Rina were walking down to the ground floor and help Mari in preparation for the party tonight. Once they were on the ground floor they heard a loud bang.
Yukina: What the hell?!

Lisa: That was loud!

Rinko: That was an explosion...

Ako: I can confirm that! That was an explosion of some sort!

Rina: It is coming from the gardens! Let check it out, pronto!
All of them started to rush towards the location where the sound of a somewhat explosion. Once they arrived at the garden, they shockingly saw Sayo and Hina are fighting with someone.
Yukina: Hina and Sayo?!

Rina: Who are they fighting too?

Lisa: Chisato?!?!

Yukina, Ako and Rinko: What?!
After the release, Chisato hits Sayo so hard that she was thrown to the wall that was just right beside the other Roselia members and Rina where they standing. So, All of them rushed towards Sayo.
Lisa: Sayo!

Ako: Sayo-san! Are you okay?!

Sayo: I am fine. I need to fight Carmeara!

Rina: Wait, the dark giant? But that's, not her...

Ako: Yeah, it's Chisato...

Sayo: Carmeara is taking over Chisato's body!

Rina and Ako: What?!

Lisa: How?!

Sayo: I don't know! Important right now is, we need to get back Chisato to ours!

Yukina: How?

Sayo: Keep fighting I guess. I need to help Hina right now.

Rina: I have an idea. But I need to rush back to Mari's room.

Sayo: Okay. Hina and I will try our best to hold of Carmeara. Yukina, Lisa, Ako, and Rinko say back, this is dangerous.
Sayo then returns back to the fight while the other Roselia members are standing from a safe distance. For Rina, she is now running back up to Mari's room to get one essential object that can possibly help to separate Carmeara from Chisato's body. As Rina runs up, she encountered Chu2 and Paero.
Chu2: Rina-chan! Why are you in a rush?

Rina: A perfect! I need both of you now, ASAP!

Paero: What for Rina-chan?

Rina: There is an emergency situation right now!

Chu2 and Paro: Okay...
So, the three of them rush towards Mari's room. Once inside, they grab a heavy machine that should do the job like this. After grabbing the heavy machine, they carry it and proceeded back to the garden where the Hikawa twins are still trying to hold off Carmeara.

Once the three reached back at the garden, Chu2 and Paero could not believe what is currently happening right now.
Chu2: Wha the hell?! The Hikawa sisters are fighting Chisato?!

Paero: That sounds not right...

Rina: Long story, but essentially that is not Chisato.

Chu2 and Paero: What?!
Then Rina notices that Mari and Kanan are already with the other Rosary members that are watching and they also feel bad that they cant help.
Rina: Mari-san, Kanan-san how did you guys know about this situation right now?

Lisa: I called them.

Kanan: Yeah, Lisa-chan called us, because of that we ran here as fast as possible.

Mari: No way! You are going to use that Rina-chan?!

Rina: Yes, but not me.
Rina calls Sayo over.
Rina: Sayo-san! Over here!

Sayo: Rina-chan!

Chisato(Carmeara): Where the hell do you think you're going?!!

Hina: If you want to get my sister, you must pass on me first!!

Sayo: Hina!

Hina: Don't worry about me!
Sayo nods back to her sister before she proceeded to Rina and the others. Once Sayo reaches their area, Rina instructed her for this operation.
Rina: Sayo here, insert this wire into the hyper key slot of your sparklence. After, Just shoot at your friend directly and don't ever release the trigger. Got it?

Sayo: Yeah. But, this thing will hurt Chisato?!

Rina: A bit but it won't kill her.

Sayo: Very well.

"Boot up! Extractor!"

Sayo: Here goes! Hina!!

Hina: You've got it!

Chisato(Carmeara): ?!
Sayo pressed the trigger without letting it go. A beam of light hits on Chisato.
Sayo: I know you in there Chisato-san! Fight it off!!
As these things are ongoing, Masuki and Rei arrived at the scene because they heard something coming from the area. Then, Mari explains everything to both of them so that they won't panic.

Then, just after Mari explains everything, Chisato and Carmeara did separate successfully. Hina and Sayo rush to Chisato to see if she is okay and yes, she was okay but in a painful state.
Hina: Thank goodness, we save you Chisato-chan.

Chisato: Finally, thank you to both of you... But, the battle is not over yet.

Sayo: Eh?!

Chisato: Sayo-san, I know your Trigger, because they talk about you every time. Now, they are planning to attack you now!

Sayo: Well, if thats the case I am ready!

????: You fool! Now time for Plan B! But, first I need to kill that pesky girl!
Carmeara is about to fire an attack. Sayo was not prepared to defend and Hina was exhausted. But out of nowhere, someone helps them.
"Boot up! Solgent!"
It was Kanan, their friend and also an Ultra. She loaded the flash-type hyper key to her sparklence and fires it out to Carmeara that made her down. Carmeara was so disappointed, she transformed back to her giant-sized, towering hotel.
Sayo: Hina, bring Chisato-san and the rest to safety.

Hina: I will! Let's go Chisato-chan!

Chisato: Okay. Stay safe out there Sayo-san.

Sayo: I will.
Hina and Chisato left Sayo behind. Then the two of them regroup with the others. Everyone was relieved that Chisato is back on their side.
Chisato: Sorry...

Lisa: What are saying Chisato? We know that you didn't start this mess.

Chisato: ...

Hina: Everyone, my sister said that we need to find a safe area.

Rei/Layer: We cannot just leave Sayo-san behind!

Masuki/Masking: Rei is right! We just can't leave her!

Paero: I agree!

Chu2: I am on their side!

Rest: ...
(Sayo POV)
I heard their conversation from where I was standing.
Sayo: If you guys won't move, then I will move.

Four RaS members: Eh?!
It is better that they will know who I am. I took out my sparklence and my hyper key. At the moment my state is weak but I will try my best to fight.
"Ultraman Trigger Multi Type!"

"Boot up! Zeperion!"

Sayo: Trigger!!
(3rd POV)
Sayo Hikawa transforms into a giant of light and then she grabs Carmeara, then throws her across to the mainland because Sayo knew that It was dangerous to fight at the island hotel.

As for the others, especially the four Raise A Suilen members have a slightly mixed reaction.
Chu2: What the hell?! Sayo is the giant who almost destroyed my penthouse?!

Hina: Thats not her fault okay!

Rei/Layer: Thats why Sayo is gone when a monster appears...

Masuki/Masking: So, she hides her identity from us all along?

Yukina: Correct for the sake of our happiness.

Mari: So the four of you will keep this a secret from others!

Rina: Okay guys, Sayo is now fighting Carmeara now. Let's head back up to Mari's room and help out!
Everyone agreed and then they head of except for Mari. She has a task on Hina and Kanan.
Mari: Kanan-chan, Hina-chan I need you to go across to the mainland and help out Sayo and evacuate the residents.

Kanan and Hina: Okay!
Mari left the both of them and she headed towards her room.
Kanan: Okay then how the hell are we going to go across the bay? I can swim but it will take along!

Hina: Fufu. You forgot who I am Kanan-chan!

Kanan: Aw yeah...
Hina teleports them to a location just near where Sayo and Carmeara are currently fighting. The next thing that they did is to help to guide the local residents out.
(Sayo in Trigger form POV)
It is been 2 minutes since I started to fight with Carmeara all by myself. I am currently weak, but I think that I can manage this.
Carmeara: Trigger!!

Sayo(Trigger): Carmeara!

Carmeara: Trigger! Trigger!! Trigger!!!

Sayo(Trigger): ahh!!
Carmeara smack my abdomen and then she smacked my back using her right leg. Because of that, I fall flat into the ground. Next thing was, Carmeara grabs my neck and began smacking my head to the ground multiple times. I admit it was annoying and painful.
Carmeara: What's wrong?!


Carmeara: I thought you were stronger than this!
After the smacking, she kicks my abdomen once again so hard that I was rolling on the ground because of that. Next, I try to stand up.
Carmeara: Come on and show me the real you!!
I just stand up but then Carmeara kicks my abdomen again but this time I fall back into a building. After without hesitation I stand up and fight her but for some reason, Carmeara manages to grab my neck without any notice.
Carmeara: Have you forgotten? You used to be more proud and beautiful and passionate!!
After she said those words I remember what Rina, Hina, and I discovered minutes ago.
Sayo(Trigger): Trigger is... of the darkness?!
Because of my deep thinking, I didn't notice that Carmeara is already hitting me with her whip.
Carmeara: I'll help you remember!!


Carmeara: I know you better than anyone else!!
After the big whip, I fall down to my knees and I am exhausted. Then my color timer started to blink red.
Sayo(Trigger): N-No...

Carmeara: hahaha! Suppose it is the time! Now receive all I have to live with this dark curse!

Sayo(Trigger): !!!
(3rd POV)
Carmeara is generating a Dark magic spell that makes the surrounding area turn to darkness. It was the Curse of Darkness. Carmeara then cast it over Sayo.
Sayo(Trigger): What is this?!
Sayo manages to stand up but then, she was strapped tight with these dark flames around her body.
Sayo(Trigger): Ahh!!!

Carmeara: Come back to me, my Trigger!
Back at ground level, Hina and Kanan witnessed everything from afar.
Hina: Sis!!!

Kanan: What the hell is that?!
Back to Mari's room, everyone was somewhat panicking right now.
Lisa: Yow, Yow! Hey Ako! What the hell are those black flames?!?!

Ako: How the heck should I know?!?! Ask Rina-chan!!

Rina: How hell should I even know that?! I have never seen that before! But, it's obviously some kind of really bad dark energy!

Chisato: I know what is that...

Everyone: Eh?!?!

Chisato: Carmeara Whats Trigger to be back as a dark giant. Also, Carmeara is the former lover!

Everyone: Eh?!?!

Mari: Well then, we have to move quick!
Then, Mari instructed Rinko who was at the jet stationary at the rooftop.
Mari: Rinko-chan fire the shinny annon but don't take off!

Rinko: G-Got it!
Rinko fires a shot but then it was refracted by Hudram.
Hudram: Interrupting a show isn't very excellent.
Rinko: Mari-san...

Mari: I know!
Back to Hina and Kanan, they were running close to Sayo's area but then Darrgon showed up.
Darrgon: Stop!

Hina: Darrgon?!

Darrgon: So you will not back down.
(Sayo in Trigger form POV)

Sayo(Trigger): I won't let this... beat me!!
I forced my right arm up high and fired my Zeperion beam to the dark clouds above where the dark flames were originated.
Sayo(Trigger): Come on!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!
(3rd POV)
After firing a Zeperion beam, Sayo manages to break free but, A yellow light appeared behind her. Without notice, Sayo was sucked into the Yellow Light.
Sayo: What the?! Wahhhh!!
Sayo was gone. Her sparklence didn't accompany her into the yellow light but it was thrown out into the ground. That means Sayo and Trigger were separated.

Trigger's color timer stopped blinking red and then the eyes and the head crystal comes next. Trigger, Ultraman Trigger is officially lifeless. Trigger then collapse to the ground laying on its back.

Everyone was shocked.
Yukina and Lisa: Eh?!

Chu2, Paero, Rei, Masuki: What the?!

Ako and Rinko: No way!!

Rina: What the...

Mari: It cant be...

Kanan: No! I cant believe this...

Hina: NO! IT CANT BE! Sis is... dead?!?!?!
Carmeara has a sign of relief. She was exhausted but excited.
Carmeara: Ahh!

Darrgon: I see that went well, Carmeara.

Hudram: It looks like the light has been extinguished. All that remains is to see if he'll wake up or not.

Carmeara: I know Trigger will reawaken. I've been waiting for this for thirty million years. Trigger will return to us. Trigger will return as the strongest being, greater and more beautiful than before!! Hahaha!!
(Sayo POV | Ancient time)
Sayo: Uhhh....


Sayo: W-What h-happened?
I stood up in pain. I am trying to remember what happened to me.
Sayo: Carmeara...


Sayo: We were fighting...


Sayo: And then...
As I walk, my vision comes back and I saw something familiar.
Sayo: What the... that building... it is like on my dream before! Where am I?!?!

????: Hahahaha!!!

Sayo: Eh?!
I turned to the left and saw something shocking. It was Carmeara, Darrgon, and Hudram. The three of them are currently destroying all of the surroundings.
Sayo: What is going on?!


Sayo: Ahh!!!
A giant lands in front of me. As I look up, I could not believe what I am currently seeing.
Sayo: It's that...?!
It was Trigger Dark. Trigger is about to fire a beam towards me. So I was about to pick up my sparklence but I don't have it on me. I was totally doomed but then someone comes in front of me to block the beam.
Sayo: Eh?! Shibuya?!
The shield broke and the both of us stumble to our backs.
Sayo: Owch!

Shibuya the mysterious: Please! Get out of here!!
I stood up and I disobeyed her request because the bad stuff is about to happen. I just took her hand and...
Sayo: Just run!
The both of us ran away from the dark trigger. While both of us are running, I realize that I am currently in ancient times, I guess that yellow light teleported me to the past.
(3rd POV)
As Sayo Hikawa realizes that she was teleported back in ancient times, back to the present and current time everyone in Mari's room is in a panic state.
Lisa: Mou! Rina-chan is Sayo will not be out forever, is she?!

Rina: What?! Nā€”ā€”

Rei and Yukina: Don't say that.

Ako: Well, Sayo or Trigger still has an energy reading, though it's almost too faint to detect...

Rinko: That means the giants of darkness left without finishing Sayo or Trigger.

Chisato: It's because of me...

Mari: Chisato you don't have to feel bad about this.

Masuki/Masking: Yeah! Mari-chan is right! You didn't cause this mess!

Chisato: ... sadly...

Everyone: Eh?!

Chisato: Base on the current situation, Sayo is no longer inside of Trigger...

Everyone: What?!?!
(Sayo POV)
Currently running with Shibuya the mysterious away from dark trigger. Then meters away where I initially meet Shibuya, We come across a cliff, it was a dead end. Then dark trigger catches up with us.
Sayo: Shibuya stay behind me!

Shibuya the mysterious: No, the giants of darkness are after me. This doesn't involve you. At the very least you must escape!
Dark Trigger's hand is coming towards Shibuya in a grab position. Without thinking, I jump in front of her and then used both hands to create a shield that I used to create before.
Sayo: Stop it! Trigger!

Shibuya the mysterious: Eh? What is this light??

Sayo: I know you! You're not a giant of darkness! You're a giant of light who brings happiness to everybody!!


Sayo: Shibuya, come!!

Shibuya the mysterious: Eh?
Without thinking twice, Shibuya and I just jump over the cliff.
(3rd POV)

As the two jumps into a cliff, a dark trigger stood up in disbelief.
Carmeara: How very unlike you, Trigger. You let a little girl escape.

Darrgon: But that human with Shibuya... What was that light?

Carmeara: hahaha! What can one human possibly do? More importantly, Hudram you said that you found the entrance to the eternity core?

Hudram: Yes. An ancient ruin that humans have been hiding. I already know the gate to the eternity core is there. Now, all we need is the key, Shibuya.

Carmeara: Can I count on you, my Trigger?
Dark trigger just gave a head nos that symbolizes that trigger accepted the task.
Carmeara: We're heading to the ruins. Let's go, you two!
The three dark giants walk in another direction while the dark trigger is also heading in another direction.

Back at the present and current time, Hina was crying. She cannot believe that her sister is dead. Kanan on the other hand comfort's her.
Hina: No!!!! I won't accept this!!!!

Kanan: Hina-chan, come down... I know Sayo will be alright.

Hina: How should you know?! My sister is been lying down, lifeless!

Kanan: I experience this before. Sayo now is currently fighting for her life.

Hina: What?!

Kanan: This is just a guess because every Ultra will experience once or twice

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