Chapter Two: Twenty Years Later

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Twenty years later, you rose to prominence as the star motorcycle rider representing the Dragons team. Although you lost touch with Kenji, you were aware that he had achieved great success as a renowned baseball player. You even heard a rumor that he was coming back to Tokyo, Japan, and you were excited to see your childhood best friend again.

You were sitting on the couch in your giant mansion of a house/base, currently watching TV when the news came on and the dude started talking. "For the last few weeks, one name has dominated the headlines in what is sure to be a historic moment in baseball. In just three days, Giants fans will welcome a legend to the New Tokyo Dome as Ken Sato returns to the land of his birth."

You immediately perked up upon hearing Ken's name. You didn't watch the news much, so you were pleasantly surprised that your best friend was coming back to Japan, but you knew it wasn't for that reason. You have been struggling to keep Kaiju out of the city of Tokyo since Hayao couldn't do it anymore because of his injury. You stepped up, but it didn't end well many times, so you knew Kenji only came back because his dad asked him to. You didn't mind him being back, but you knew deep down Kenji doesn't want his gig with Ultraman, and you couldn't blame him.

But the good news for you is that you knew Ami very well, and she got an interview with Kenji. However, she asked you if you could babysit her little daughter while she did the press conference. And When she got home to interview him, you said yes to that, but she had to promise as that you would have some time with Ken as well, and she said yes to that. So now you are at her little apartment, sitting on the couch with Chiho. watching the press conference so that Chiho could watch her mom on the tv the dude on the tv began to speak Now, please join me in welcoming him back to Japan, the newest member of our Giants family, Ken Sato!

While you were watching the TV, you couldn't help but giggle at some of his answers, especially when he used "bro!" Eventually, Ami came on to ask her question, "Mr. Sato, why did you come back to Japan?"

Ken was caught off guard a bit by her question. "I... I'm sorry. What's your name?"

"Ami Wakita."

"Hold up. Hold up. You're the Tigers fan, right?"

All the reporters laughed at his response.

"The question isn't who I root for, Mr. Sato," Ami said. "The question is why, on the verge of your first championship, you chose to walk away and start over. Some suggest it was emotional stress due to family..."

Ami was rudely interrupted by the other reporters, one even saying, "This is baseball, not gossip hour."

You look at the screen, pretty mad at how they are treating Ami. It's a good question! That's when Ken said, "Guys! Play nice, okay? I’m happy to answer the question.

Miss Wakita, please continue."

"Thank you... Some speculate your departure was connected to the loss of your mother, that there was some sort of unfinished family business."

Ken gets nervous and clears his throat. "My apologies, Miss Wakita. Unfortunately, I have a fan event to attend. Uh… I look forward to seeing you all in a couple of days where I promise the Ken Sato show will be in full effect. Much love."

And just like that, he disappeared from the screen. I must say that the question about his mother was out of line. I would have walked off as well if that were asked. Your watch began beeping, and it said there was a Kaiju attack, but you couldn't leave, so you hoped Kenji could handle it and that he wouldn't leave it to the K.D.F.

It had been ten minutes, and Ami was already back at her apartment. Fortunately, she lived close to where the press conference was being held. That's when the TV displayed an emergency broadcast: "We interrupt this program to bring you live coverage of yet another Kaiju attack in downtown Tokyo."

"Another Kaiju attack?" Ami asked. Her daughter came running up to her and gave her a hug.

"Yeah. Nothing we can do about it. So, how late is Kenji coming?"

"He should be here in five minutes. Eager, are we?" she teased you a bit.

You had a small blush on your face and quickly said, "No, I'm just excited to talk to my best friend again in almost 16 years."

She had a smirk on her face. "Yeah, sure. Keep telling yourself that."

You turn away in embarrassment, and it turns out that five minutes turned into an hour. When he finally arrived, you and Chiho were in her room playing so that Ami could have her interview with Ken. After a while of playing, Chiho escaped her room and went to find her mom. She burst through the door, saying, "Mama!"

"Chiho! What are you doing?" Ami exclaimed.

That's when you came bursting into the room as well. "I'm so sorry, Ami! I took my eye off her for one second."

"Schuwatch!" Chiho said while jumping on the table.

Ken gave a nervous chuckle. "Uh-uh. No. No kids on the table."

Chiho chucked his sunglasses off his head and put her Ultraman mask on him. "You know what? You look really good."

"Chiho! Down, now," you said while picking her up. "I'm so sorry again, Ami. I'll get out of your hair right away."

As you were walking away, you heard Ami say, "I'm so sorry for that. (Y/N) is supposed to watch her." You couldn't bear to listen more to the conversation and walked Chiho to her room to put her to bed. When she finally settled down, you came back to Ami and Ken. "Hey Ami, I'm so sorry for what happened. I literally took my eyes off her for one second and she was gone!" you say, a bit nervous.

She smiled a bit at you, knowing how hard Chiho can be. "It's alright, (Y/N), it happens. But I did promise you a one-on-one with Ken before she leaves the room." She whispers to you, "Good luck," and steps out of the room, leaving you with Kenji. For a moment, you could cut the tension with a knife when Kenji spoke. "Is... is it really you, (Y/N)?"

You begin to have tears in your eyes out of happiness and say, "Yes, it is Kenji It's really me I missed you" You want to hug him so badly but don't know if he would want that. While your thoughts are running wild, trying to come up with something to say, you feel him hugging you. You immediately hug him back.

"When I first lost contact with you, (Y/N), I thought I would never see you again."

You break the hug. "I thought the same, but when I saw you were coming back, I was so happy."

He smiles at you, pointing his thumb to the door. "Mind riding back with me to my house to catch up?"

"I would love to, Kenji." You said your goodbyes to Ami and went with Kenji to his mansion. When you both finally arrived, you caught up on a lot of stuff you missed in his and your lives. Then, you both went down to his secret base, and he went to hit some baseballs while still talking to you. So, you really became a famous motorcycle rider. Impressive!" He gave you a sly smirk.

You gave one back. "And you really became a famous baseball player. You know, I watched every game you played."

"You did?" he says while hitting another ball, but he groans in pain while rotating his shoulder. You look at him in concern. "Yes, really. And are you okay?"

he gives you a small smile when Mina came floating over to him and scans his shoulder Ken, it appears that you strained your rotator cuff during the battle.

I'm so sorry, Ken. I should have been there to help you. I couldn't leave because of Chiho.

"It's alright, (Y/N)," he says. While walking to his couch, the field he was playing on disappears, and he says to Mina, "And That's what I get for saving lives."

"Ken, it is your duty to save lives," she retorts to him.

"Well, I prefer to save my arm and leave the kaiju to the KDF."

"You know what happens when you leave it to the KDF."

Ken chuckles and sits down on his couch. You walk over to him and sit beside him. He says, "Yeah. I have a double-double, a chocolate shake, and a good night's sleep. Now stop trying to be my mother."
You chuckle a bit at his last sentence, and he gives you a small smirk. "I am as I was programmed," Mina responds.

Ken opens a cooler of drinks with his foot and looks at it, scoffing. "Coconut water? Mina, did you throw out my fancy fizzy drinks?"

"Healthy choices, healthy body."

Ken groans and gives you one as well. You both open one up and take a sip, and both of you dislike the taste. "Ugh." Ken clears his throat. "Mmm. This tastes just like a fart."

"Yeah, couldn't agree with you more, Kenji," you say with disgust on your face.

"Ken (Y/N), I wonder if you might consider taking a break."

"From drinking farts?" he responds with a sarcastic chuckle.

From baseball and riding,
you didn't even know what to say to that, so you were thankful that Kenji is thinking the same thing and says, "Give up the one thing that puts a smile on my face?" and hers, "Sorry. No. TV, please."

Mina turns on the TV on the glass wall that surrounds the area where the couch sits behind, and a reporter is talking. "More destruction today as the KDF and Ultraman battle Neronga. As one witness told us…"

"I love Ultraman. Always have. He’s done so much good in the past," an old lady told [the reporter].

"Thank you, citizen," Ken responded, raising his can of coconut water.

"But he’s been gone for months. And now that he’s back, it’s like he doesn’t really care. I mean, look at this."

You look at the destruction it has created. You knew better. You were as bad as Ken at this. "You know, Mina, Ken and I really didn't even want this gig in the first place."

He nods in agreement. "And now everybody’s coming at us. Shimura, the KDF, random grandmas." He sighs. "Can we just please give Ultraman a rest?"

"Yes, of course," Mina responded to him. You knew with your previous conversation with him what happened to his mom. It's sad; she disappeared, and you promised him you would help him find her. He was grateful for that. He even asked if you would watch some of his old videos with him, and you, of course, said yes. So now you were both sitting on the floor watching his old baseball videos that his mom made. It was beautiful to watch. You had never seen these, and it was so wholesome to see his mom and how he was playing when he was young. The last one was really sad but also a bit happy. It was a recording of Amiko saying

Can’t wait to see you play tonight. So proud of you. Who’s number one?! Who’s number one?! Kenji. I hope you’re settling into Tokyo. I know this isn’t what you wanted, but you’re doing a very good thing. With his injury, your father needs you, kiddo. I just hope you two can find a balance. I’ll always root for you, even if you play for the Giants.

You look sadly at Ken and he asks, “Mina, still no sightings or readings from her GPS locator?”

“No, Ken, I’m sorry. Unfortunately, she’s still presumed…” she respond back to him.

“Mina, could you pull up an old game?”

“Of course, Ken.”

So the whole night was spent watching his old games. You eventually had to go home, and Ken asked you one more thing before you left. “(Y/N), I would love to have you in the stands at my game tomorrow.”

You smile at him and say, “If you reserve a seat for me, I’ll definitely be there.”

He smiles back. “You got it.”

You gave him one last hug and went home on your motorcycle.

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