Part 8: The Weasley Boy

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                                                                                  Izzy's POV

Me and Draco haven't been the same ever since those parties, constantly arguing and bickering when we are alone, but around others we seem fine.

About a month or two after the parties, Fred and I were being idiots and messing around like normal in the court yard, jousting with our wands like they were swords. I dropped my wand and stepped forward to grab it, Fred got up super close to put his wand in-between my waist and my arm like he killed me. I looked up at him just inches from my face, he looked down at me. We stared at each other for what felt like forever but was only a couple seconds, Fred doesn't know about my problems with Draco, I try to keep that private. Fred smirked at me then backed up.

"You're dead"

"What?" I could barely hear what he said I was still in aw of him.

"Get that rubber out of ears Belle, you're dead, I killed you"

"Oh, right, I'll get you next time Freddie" I winked at him to be fun.

The rest of that day I couldn't stop thinking about Fred, he kept looking at me and smirking, he's so attractive. Shit what am I saying? I'm dating Draco, oh no Draco, I forgot he sits next to me in pretty much every class, I hope he hasn't noticed.

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