Part 12: Trouble

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                                                                                         Izzy's POV

We got back to Hogwarts and I was waiting in the dinning hall for Fred, he said he had something to give me before lunch. Fred walked in and scanned the room for me and smiled when we saw me, he ran up to me with his hands cupped holding something.

"Close your eyes" he told me so I closed them.

"Ok now open" I opened my eyes and he had a beautiful gold necklace with and F on it.

"F for Fred, quite clever. It's beautiful Freddie"

"I'm glad you like it I stole it myself"


"Kidding, kidding I promise" I looked down at Draco's necklace and so did Fred. Now is time to take it off. I took off the beautiful emerald necklace and threw it away, as I turned so Fred could hit necklace on me I saw Draco standing in the door. He saw me throw it away. He looked hurt and angry at the same time. Bloody hell Malfoy why are you a ninja or something.

Draco has decided to throw another party in the Slytherin common room, this should be interesting.

The party starts, Fred comes obviously, everything is fun. I look over and see Pansy and Draco making out, at least she gets him now, good for her right? I look around and realize I can't find Fred then I hear some one drunkingly screaming.

"THAT'S MY GIRLFIREND, HI BABY!" There's Fred, screaming on the table with his Gryffindor tie tied around his head like a headband.

"Freddie get down before you get hurt!"

"NO YOU COME UP HERE! GUYS THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND BELLA MY GIRLFRIEND" oh my god Fred Weasley I love you dearly. Fred's just grinding the air thinking he's the king of the world on that table. I'm admiring from afar, laughing at how adorable he is.

The party ends and I walk Fred back to his dorm, he can barely stand up.

"You're my girlfriend right?"

"Yes Freddie I am your girlfriend"

" did sober me get you?"

"Oh my god Fred, because your perfectly weird and I love you"

"Yay" he smiled so big, he's the cutest when he is drunk. He won't remember any of this in the morning so I'll keep it to myself, just a little secret for me and Drunk Fred.

I walked back to the common room, the light were all off so I decided to make some tea before going to bed. I turned the lights on and Draco's standing leaned up against the counter.

"Why hello there Isabella"

"Draco!? Hi!" I kept going to make my tea hoping he'd leave. We haven't spoken since we broke up.

"What's up with you and Weasley? Do you love him?"

"Yes Draco I love him very much. What about Pansy, don't you love her?"

"No. She's not you Isabella and when that red-headed prick messes up I'm here, I'll always be here"

"Thanks Draco but I doubt he'll mess up, plus I'm very happy with Fred"

"Are you sure about that little Snape?" he stepped closer to where his nose was pretty much touching the space between my eyebrows. I took a deep breath and stepped to the side.

"Yes Draco I'm sure and even if I wasn't-" he cut me off.

"You'd come back to me right? Just come back to me Isabella I can't take it anymore.....please!" he looked me dead in the eyes that whole sentence and his eyes started to water.

"Draco I'm sorry I-" he cut me off again and grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me.


"See you remember how it felt, now come back Isabella!"

"NO DRACO! You can't just go kissing other guys girlfriends!" I stormed off to my room. I can't believe he did that! What was he thinking?!? I'm pretty sure he was drunk but still.

The next morning came and I ignored him all together and went straight to Fred. Fred was sitting at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. I b-lined it straight to him and told we needed to talk.

"What's wrong Bella? Did I do something?"

"No, no you did nothing..... Draco kissed me last night, I yelled at him for it and then this morning made sure to tell you, I don't -" Fred cu me off.

"Malfoy kissed you? Did you kiss him back?"

"No I didn't"

"Okay." I was confused  but Fred went straight into the dinning hall.

"Malfoy!" Oh shit.

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