Izzy's POV

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Can't I just have one thing without drama happen to me at this bloody school, just once, that's all I ask for. Fred literally punched Draco, not gonna lie it was kind of hot. Fred is about 6'4 and Draco is 5'9 and Draco's skinny compared to Fred. Nice to know I did get an upgrade, no offense to Malfoy or anything. Fred got room lockdown for a week over that, but I kept him company.

It's 7th year now me and Fred have been dating for about two years now, I've been with the Weasleys for a while helping Harry fight Voldemort once and for all. It's quite stressful to be honest, we've all almost died like five times, but Harry's my friend so I guess it's worth it.

We got to Hogwarts, Harry's trying to warn everyone. I quite proud of Neville, he's come a long way, he led me and Fred to this room with nothing in it. I was a bit confused but I saw on the floor, a map, The Marauders Map.

"Fred, is that what I think it is?"

"Sure is Bella"

"Shouldn't we tell the others?"

"Nah it can our little secret" he gave him his cute little wink and took the map and left the room.

We walked out side and Voldemort and his little posy, Death Eaters they're called, where all standing in front of the school.


"Shhh it's ok my Belle" I held on to Fred's arm, I was a bit scared, but I couldn't find my dad, shouldn't he be with the Death Eaters? I saw Draco's parents, but he was standing on our side, good Draco.

"Come Draco" he better not go, I swear Malfoy. He started to step and walk forward.

"You've got to be joking Malfoy" he snapped his head a turned to look at me.

"Isabella? What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry you're not going. You can't go to the dark side Draco I don't care if your parents are there they are nothing against you, they're weak Draco that's why they joined, you're not weak, you can resist Draco come on." he looked at his parents then back me, I could feel Fred staring daggers into my back for this, but I don't care we may not be together anymore but I know he doesn't want this, I know it.

"Draco......" he looked at me and his eyes filled with tears.

"Draco don't listen to her, come on son"

"Hey! Shut it! He doesn't want to he told me you can't force your son to do something he doesn't want to do Lucius, just because you're to afraid that you're not powerful enough to defeat Voldy over here that you have to join just to not get killed." I walked right up to Lucius face.

"You always say Malfoy's aren't weak, but you're the weakest man I've ever met."

"Can she do this?" I heard Hermione whisper to Ginny behind me.


"What? You're gonna kill me? Come on Lucius, kill me" he raises his wand, I know he's not gonna do it.

"Come on Lucius....kill me" he lowered his wand.

"That's what I thought" I grabbed Draco's wrist and dragged him back to the good side. He burst into tears and he hugged me.

"Thank you Isabella" he whispered into my ear through his tears.

"You're welcome Draco" I looked over at Fred, he didn't look happy. Draco calmed down and I walked back to Fred.

"I'm sorry I couldn't let him make that mistake Freddie"

"It's okay, I know" he smiled at me and I grabbed his arm and leaned my face against him.

"Snape? You're father, I bet you're wondering where he is?" it was Voldemort, my heart sank.

"Where is my dad?"

"You're dad? Where is he? Oh sweetheart he is dead." That was Bellatrix.

"You killed my father? YOU KILLED HIM!?!" I started crying and I went to go slap Voldy's brain into place but Fred held me back and held me while I cried and scratch my back to calm me down.

I calmed down but I wasn't quite done. I walked up to Voldemort and slapped him across the face.

"How DARE you slap me like that Snape!"  

"You killed my dad, you deserved it!"

"AVADA KADVARA" Shit he shot his wand at me, I fell to the ground and opened my eyes. I'm alive? How am I alive? I looked and Draco was laying on the ground in front of me.

"Draco?" I ran up to him, he wasn't moving.

"DRACO!! DRACO PLEASE WAKE UP!!" he wasn't respond. I started crying, Fred came and grabbed me.

"No, no Fred let me go"

"Bella, Bella please calm down"

"No no no Draco's dead Fred, he's dead"

"I know my Belle, I know." he took me away into the room where we found the map and we both cried while he held me until I calmed down

A few weeks passed and I couldn't stop thinking of Draco, it's my fault he's dead, if I just kept my big mouth shut this wouldn't have happened.

"Little Snape" No it can't be.

"Draco?" I turned around and there he was.

"Oh my you're alive? How are you alive?"

"He had the elder wand, the spell didn't fully work for him, I only got knocked out for couple days" I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"I'm glad you're ok, I have to go, Fred has  surprise for me"

"I know, follow me"

"What do you mean you know?

"Just follow me little Snape" I followed Draco to the astronomy tower, he gave me a dress.

"What is this for?"

"Put it on Isabella"


"Bloody hell just put the dress on"

"Fine, my god" I put the dress on. It was light green and silk, went down to the middle of my thighs.

"You look beautiful Isabella, now come on"

"Draco where are we going?" he led me to the court yard and under me and Fred's tree is Fred, he's standing there with a picnic, the same setup as the one I did for him. 


"Go on little Snape" he gave me a hug the shoved me off towards Fred.


"Listen my Belle, I've loved you since 1st year and this whole thing with Malfoy pretty much dying made me think we don't have too much time" Oh my god is he?

"Anyways will you marry me Bella?" holy shit. My eyes filled with tears as he was down on one knee with the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.


"Yes?" his voice was shaky, this is the first time I've seen him with out confidence.

"Of course I'll marry you Fred Weasley" His face lit up and he put the ring on my finger and he kissed me and twirled me around in his arms.

"SHE SAID YES!" the others all came out from around the the corner and hugged us, even Draco.

"Congratulations little Snape you guys are quite a cute couple" he turned to Fred.

"Don't mess this up Weasley or I swear I'll kill you, she's a good one don't let her go."

"I promise you Malfoy I wont" he winked at Draco and me. Me and Fred Weasley, Engaged? Bloody hell.

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