Izzy's POV

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Bloody hell I'm almost late! I ran out still with only one shoe one and half asleep, I saw Fred and Draco talking. Shit Fred, I forgot to tell him.

"Fred! Draco! Hi!"

"You didn't tell me you and Draco were having break alone" he gave us both a look, dirty mind that boy has.

"Yes Fred I know I'm so sorry I'll make it up to you when we get back"

"It's alright, you two go along now and don't have too much fun without me" He winked at us as usual. It's going to be weird without Fred, the past six years I've gone to the Weasley's for all of my breaks and now I'm going home, without my dad but with my boyfriend. I could get used to this.

We get on The Hogwarts Express and ride back to London, Draco's in an all black suit, in the muggle world that won't quite work so I decided to take him shopping after we dropped off our bags.

"Draco love?"

"Yes little Snape?"

"Is all you brought suits and silk?"

"Yes obviously, you think I'd ever wear those muggle clothes?"

"I'm taking you shopping Draco"

"No you are not"

"Shut up and get in the car Malfoy" He listened, shocking I know, I took him to a few stores and made him try a few things on. Sweatpants I think took my place as his girlfriend, he seems so happy which makes me happy. He tried Subway for the very first time too.

"This is amazing" He said with his mouth full of sub. I just sat back and admire how cute he was.

The rest of break went by pretty quickly, I took him to a baseball game, he loved him, however we had to leave early because he punched a guy in the face for talking shit about him. Our break was kind of uneventful, he discovered Pretty Little Liars and become obsessed, it was well cute. The week pretty much consisted of smoking, Subway, Netflix, and uh.....fun.....man does that boy know how to have fun.

The day before we left to go back to Hogwarts, we were sitting on the bed just watching Pretty Little Lairs and I turn and he was staring at me.

"I love you little Snape" Love? He said he loves me! Draco Malfoy loves me! I smiled and grabbed the back of his head and kissed him.

"Do-do you love me?"



"Of course" his face lit up more then I've ever seen before. Me and Draco Malfoy, in love? Wow.

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