Charles pov
As i walked out of Hanks room i got that headache again, and the voice started talking again.
Hello Charles i hope you've been preparing yourself for us, because we sure gave you enough time to prepare yourself, well today is the day. We are going to destroy your lives today, and theres no chance youre going to win this from us, even with your little avengers, yes that right i know your plans and i know your element of surprise, i know all your names and i know all your weaknesses, but you know nothing about us. So i guess that makes us the powerful ones but OFCOURSE I already knew that. Anyways im giving you 5 minutes to gather the team and prepare yourselves. See you soon.
I quickly gathered the team and everyone stood in a circle around me, I told them what i heard. "But what kind of creatures are they?" Kurt asked. "We dont know that, we only know that they're not mutant nor human" i answered. After i told them what we all knew about these people which wasn't a lot everyone quickly went into their room and put their uniforms on including Logan.
Logans pov
I was pretty angry that these people decided to show up today, but Charles said that they knew everything about us even our element of surprise, so i guess that they also knew that y/n is very weak today, so that makes me think that they want something from her, because they waited till she was awake but they also dont want her to be too powerful. I walked up to hanks room to tell y/n that they'll arrive soon, she was shocked and got out of bed weakly. "Y/n stop, youre not strong enough" i said "i dont care that im not strong enough Logan, i need to help you guys, and i just cant sit here and do nothing while you guys fight for your lives/" she said and i nodded showing that i understood. Just as i was about to hug her i heard a bomb in the garden.
Authors pov
As everyone ran to the garden to see what has happened, they saw a ship crashed. Someone walked out of there with a misscheifous grin on his face. "Now where's my daughter!" Was the first thing he said. "Dad!" Y/n said... "what the hell are you doing here! You shouldve died a long time ago" "well let me explain my dear, me and my fellas are what you can call trevvos, its not mutant like and not human like, all trevvos are immortal, and have the power to control one element, i can control water just like you." "Wait does that mean im part trevvos?" Y/n asked "yes it does, youre actually half trevvos, see your mom was a mutant and thats why you can also teleport and all that stuff, but she didnt tell me she was a mutant, cause you see, the trevvos and the mutants have had a war for a long time now, well actually the mutants already won a long time ago, which is why we trevvos hide and pretent were human, because we hate mutants, they've made us hide, at first we didnt mind that much because the mutants had to hide as well, but now some people accept the mutants, so i tried to show people that trevvos are also something but they didnt accept us, and Charles knows we exist and he didnt even help us to get accepted as well! So we thought, if we maybe win from the mutants the humans will fear us and well be able to rule the world!" He said while laughing hysterically "youre crazy!!" Y/n screamed while she rand towards her dad and teleported a few times to get there faster. The rest of the team took this as a sign to attack as well. The trevvos also started attacking us. Logan just slashed all the throats if they came near them and Wanda and jean made a few of them get tortured while floating in the air. Everyone was just fighting against the trevvos army while y/n was running towards her father. When she arrived at her father he immediately slapped her right across the face, y/n started to make water bullets and turned them into ice so that she could harm him but he just made the bullets stop return around and go towards y/n's face, she quickly teleported behind her father and stabbed him with a knife of ice, he yelled in pain making clear that he was now weaker. Y/n and her dad kept fighting while the team was clearly winning from the trevvos, so slowly the whole trevvos army was murdered out. Y/n started to shoot a lot of ice bullets towards her father and a few of them hit him in the chest. "How dare you hit your father" he said while lifting y/n with his powers, y/n groaned in pain and started crying. "Did you know that 70% of your body is water? That means that i can make you do anything i wanted" he said with a psycho look in his face. Y/n yelled in pain and torture and Logan heard this and started running towards her but he knew that he had to be fast because y/n and her father were far away "i guess i can make you choke as well" he said while started to choke her. Y/n grabbed her neck and gasped in need of air, but it didnt help, she could feel herself getting more and more tired and weak by the second. Logan screamed and chopped the head of the father off and blood gushed out of his headless neck. Y/n fell to the ground eyes open and not breathing anymore. Logan ran towards her and put his fingers to her neck to check for a pulse, there was still a very small pulse so he brought her to Hank.
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