Chapter 2

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 hi ! i'm Iararaman in the flesh . thanks for giving this book a chance and hanging on till chapter 2. thanks. though as i'm writing really long chapters i would like you to tell me if you like long or short chapters.  or if you like me to go like long chapter short chapter long ....... and so on until this book completion . Also i have no idea what i just said so please ignore me

                                                                              . . . . . . . . . . . 

Jasmine stared out the window of the train as landscapes changed . She thought about why she had agreed to come with the professor  . 

McGonagall might have cast a spell on her but that would mean that she believed her statement which was, again not possible, that magic existed .it was plain and simple.......................                  she was confused. she had no idea what  to do . maybe this was a kidnapping spree and somebody wanted her as a bait . but she was a orphan and her parents were dead . so again not possible. maybe for her aunt and uncle . but if those relatives wanted her brother over her than why would they pay some goons  for her  ??? Also why should she believe the professor that she had a brother . how did she even know that McGonagall was a professor ?Mcgonagall seemed to read her mind  and said ," you may as well sleep. you have a lot of questions that are unanswerable till the right time." jasmine nodded and slowly closed her eyes but than opened them quickly.. she couldn't afford to fall asleep . what if they were all goons .

 It would be stupid to go to sleep.  jasmine stared out off the window .

 McGonagall nodded out herself in some time.

After a few hours ( which felt like a million years) she saw a sign :

20 Kilometers  To London

outside the compartment a mechanical voice blared" Next and Final stop London."She turned to Mcgonagall to wake the lady up but saw her companion awake and wearing her cloak which she had used as a blanket while sleeping .she said " pick up your bags jasmine. we will reach our destination if we  start moving." jasmine picked up her suitcase and followed McGonagall briskly.

they reached a street which was bustling with people, cause if you haven't guessed not even an ally is left empty in london. while walking  jasmine crashed in somebody. when she looked up she saw an unusually familiar face.

                                                                                       . . . . . . .

Well that's the first cliffhanger in this whole story . Can you even guess who this was ??? I guess not . well you'll be left guessing  random people cause jasmine doesn't even know anyone in london...

PS: Sorry for the short chapter. only 478 words.

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