Part Thirty Five

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I hope you enjoy the update. Comment and vote and tell me how pumped you are for the next part 😘
Harry's POV:

It's been 10 days since I've seen or talked to Louis.

But I need to get my clothes from his house sometime. I can't wear the same four shirts and two pants forever.

My only problem is trying not to go to his house when he's there.

I don't want to have to deal with the awkward situation of having to see him.

He doesn't want to see me and I don't want to see him.

I just need to walk in there and grab everything and put it in my bag and then I'll put it in the car and drive off.

When I look at the clock it says it's 12:48 pm.

That should be good Louis shouldn't be home on a weekday and it'll be easier to do it when he's not there anyways.

I grab my keys and wallet and walk out the front door.

When I reach my car I can't help but feel a little uneasy. This would be the first time in 10 days that I've walked into this house.

But things should be fine. And I should be fine.

Things will be fine.

I keep telling myself that over and over in my head hoping that my nerves would rest.

I pull into his driveway and to my surprise his car is still parked there.

Fucking great.

I don't turn back around because I've already gone this far.

Hopefully he won't be too mad and I can just grab my stuff and go.

I walk to the door and ring the doorbell.

He never trusted me to have a key the little fucker.

No response.

I ring the doorbell once more and wait.

When I don't get a response I try the handle and it opens.

I slowly walk inside, closing the door behind me.

I hesitate walking into this house that wasn't really mine to begin with but now it's really not my house at all.

All the lights are off and the house seems dark.

When I walk around the corner I see the living room.


Okay maybe he's in his room.

When I decide to just stick to the plan and get my stuff instead of peeping around his house I notice something.

From the corner of my eye I can see into the kitchen from the living room and I can see a foot on the floor.

My heart drops into my stomach and I run into the kitchen.

Before I get there I can already tell what's happened.

When I get to him he's laying on his side and his fingers in his mouth.

"What the fuck were you doing Louis?"

My mind races a thousand miles a minute.

When I look up at the counter I see the bottle of pills he's must have taken.

Without thinking of the repercussions I lift him up and put his back against the counter.

I shove my fingers down his throat in hopes that he will get rid of whatever he took.

I get my phone out and call 911.

"Hello 911 what is your emergency?"

"I need an ambulance my friend tried to kill himself."

Everything's moving so fast and I can't hang onto anything that's going on.

He's not spitting anything up and I'm afraid he's gone.

My eyes start to water and all I can think about is this stupid idiot sitting in front of me.

"Why did you fucking do it Louis. Why why why why why did you do it??"

My voice trails of as the sobs start to get louder.

"Things weren't supposed to be like this."

I pull my hand out of his mouth and I take Louis and cradle him in my arms.

The emotions of all this are too much for me to process but I need Louis to be okay I need him to live.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this."  I say as I begin to full on cry.

He's in my arms and I'm rocking back and forth.

Within a few minutes the ambulance gets there and takes Louis with them.

I look at a paramedic and ask the question I'm sure they've heard before.

"Is he gonna be okay I need to go with him?"

I'm still crying and the paramedics don't seem to react well with crying.

They tell me to go to the hospital and that they're not sure if he will be okay.

I get in my car and turn my flashers on while I follow the ambulance.

The whole drive drive there I'm praying that he's okay.

He has to be okay, it's Louis, he just has to be okay.

When I get to the hospital and find a parking spot I rush inside to find out where they have taken him.

"Hi I need to now where they've taken my friend Louis Tomlinson."

She looks at me with no urgency and tells me that they brought him in and they're trying to get him stable and that's all we can know for now.

Fucking hell.

I sit in the waiting chairs and try my best not to cause a scene. My whole body feels like it's shaking and the only thing I want to do is to see Louis.

I need to see him again.


While I'm sitting in the waiting room all I can do is beat myself up and wonder how I could have been so stupid as to let this happen.


Possible double update. I will have to see how busy I am today but I hope you all have had wonderful days and weeks :)


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