Chapter 10

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Luna's Pov

{ dreaming }

>> It was a bright sunny day when I woke that day. I was getting ready to get out the bed when I notice that I wasn't in my room, and then I came to realise that I'm not probably not at home. So where was I, I was getting ready to jump out the bed and get out of here. But gotten startled by someone coming opening the door. Once that person came into the room that I was currently in, I can see that it's a man. He looks very familiar. But who is he. He walks into the room and goes straight to the closet. I was facing his back the whole time, so I decide to fake sleep til he left the room. But I spoke to soon. The man, he was getting closer to the bed. At first I thought he was gonna lay down with me but instead he sat in the corner near my feet and gentle started to shake me awake, and keeps telling me "Baby, It time to wake up " over and over in til I opened my eyes.But once I opened my eyes and I finally saw the man, and I was complete shocked on who it is. I can't believe it. it just can't be him, It's. It's James. No it can't be.

J: Honey are you feeling okay

L: Um yeah. Sorry I didn't sleep well last night.

J: Figures, you fell asleep so late last night.

L: Really, I don't remember.

J: That so funny, Teresa said the same thing when she left this morning.

L: Teresa left this morning?

J: Yeah, She had to get ready for the wedding

L: Wedding?

J: Yeah Her's and Guero's wedding? Luna are you sure you okay? did you drink or do drugs last night ?

L: ( I don't know how to answer him because trust be told I don't remeber anything ) I just really tired and exhausted, and you know I don't do drugs and I hate drink alcohol.

J : Okay good. ( then he got up and moved to lay down beside me. )

L: Yeah now I have to get up and get ready for the wedding ( I was about to get out the bed but James stopped me )

J: Not so fast luna.

L: James, I have to get reaady.

J: I know but I wanna talk to the baby first and then you can get dressed . ( Baby what baby? He pulls off my covers and then I see it. I'm pregnant!!! I look at least 4 or 5 months pregnant. How come I didn't notice it sooner. But I was to caught up ) <<

{ awaking up}

What the heck. Why was I dreaming about James? I was having his baby. Why was I having his baby. Am I in love with him. No. I can't be. I barely know the guy. I just might have a crush on him, it's not love. But if it isn't love then why did I have a dream that I was having his kid. I was too busy thinking about my dream that I haven't notice Camilia knocking on my door.

C: Luna it's time to go

L: I'm going. I'm just looking for my shoes.

C: Okay hurry up, I'll be downstairs talking to James.

L: Okay I'll be down in 5 minutes

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Minutes later--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

L: So what the mission of the day today?

J: What do you mean?

L: I mean what are we doing today, Speaking business- wise.

J: For you none but for Teresa, well she has a delivery today.

L: How come I'm not deliving something today? I deserve to have alittle fun.

C: Because you already showed us that you can survive in this business unlike your sister who still doesn't know yet.

L: Oh

J: Yeah. Well I gotta get going. Got things to do today. {smirking}

L: Asshole.

J: I heard that.

L: "Mocking" I heard that

J: Bye luna

L: bye asshole.

C: Come on luna, let's go.

L: Where are we going?

C: To buy some cars.

L: Ohhh fun.


We were in Camilia's office. Camilia was on the phone. James and I are playing playing Uno, which Camilia had bought for me earlier. I have beaten James twice already and I was going to again til' James got a phone call from Teresa. That's bull. Teresa gets a phone and I get a playing cards. That isn't fair. I dervese a phone too. But from James's face expression the phone call isn't a good one and also because it loud enough that I can listen to whom he is talking to.

J: Yeah

T: James? it's Teresa.

J: What's wrong? ( then I hear someone else who isn't teresa. who is James talking to know? )

Teresa's Phone: Hey, Jame. This is Sandra.

J: Is something wrong?

S: Yeah, We ot some issues over here.

J: Are y'all okay?

S:Your girl's okay ( oh so teresa is now his girl, wow she moves fast on men ) They tried to hang us. But the rope broke.

J: What's the damage?

S: One dead asshole, one 'bout-to-be-dead asshole. But you need to get over here now.

he stayed quiet for a few minutes and then shared a quick glance with camilia causing her to stop talking to whom ever she was talking to.

C: What's happening?

J: ( before answering Camilia, James finshed talking to sandra before telling camilia on what was going on.) We've got a problem.

Then he walks out leaving me and camilia alone, I turn to face camilia but she as well was getting ready to get up, She was telling this cesar guy that she has some business to handle. We start to walk outisde to the cars, James was already speeded off and I got into the car with Camilia and head to where teresa was at.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ when Camilia and I arrived, James was kicking the shit out of some guy. Then we both stop and see Teresa just standing in the corner ,looking at us. Then Camilia stops and looks at the guy that James was beating up and then turns and looks back at Teresa.

C: Are you hurt?

Teresa just simply nodded no, which made Camilia also nod and then starts to walk to the man on the floor and starts asking him questions. But then James goes up to tere telling her that she has to do another drop off but then camilia tells him no but to send someone else.

L: I can go with her?

C: Luna ,Teresa's had enough for today.

L : Well then I go by myself.

J&T: No,Luna

C: No,I can't risk it Luna.

L: Camilia, Please.

C: No! I said to send someone else. I want both of you to go back to the club and Luna I'll speak to you once I get back.

L: Okay.

T: Let's go Luna.


{ Car ride }

The ride was very quiet besides Teresa's phone, It keeps buzzing. Who the heck was calling her. I know that It isn't James or Camilia

L: Why does your phone keep buzzing ?

T: It's none of your business.

L: Wow, I was just asking, knowing that it's neither James nor Camilia. So making it a mystery.

T: Luna, just drop it, it's none of your fucking business

L: Fine. ( I didn't notice the car stopping, we were already at the club. I'm too annoyed with her. I just got out the car quikly as I could and was walking inside when out of nowhere, I was hit on the head and then everything became a big blur. )


James's Pov

We got back to the club, we watched the footage of the outside security camera. We saw how some guy attacked Luna from behind hitting her hard, which made her pass out and carrying her to the car. When I saw him hit luna on the head, something inside of me was boiling with so much anger and I didn't know why. Then I watch him do the same thing to teresa.

J: I'll find them. ( so I can be the bastard for hurting luna, why am I so worried about her, I barely know the girl)

C: You don't need to. I know where she'll be. He's taking them to Culiacan to my husband.

J: There's only one highway to get back to Mexico.


When the State Troopers found the them, they said that Teresa was the only one who was waking up but Luna was the one not really responding. So they had to call and Ambulance to check on her, nothing was wrong with her it that she was hit too hard on the head. We the girls arrived in the club, Camilia had sent them to her office while she deal with batman. [ they guy who works for her husband and who had kidnapped Teresa and Luna. ] Luna was still out cold so I carried her to the office while teresa walked besides me. I lay luna next to me on the long couch while teresa sat across from me. I pulled out a cigarette out and lit it.

J: I've seen a lot of girls in my time who are trouble. And you and your sister are trouble. ( Well mostly you are. Luna isn't much of trouble like you. ) Did you see what he hit you with?

T: No. ( of course not )

J: Got to get me one of those, you know, that both of you were lucky today. If Camilia didn't have a few state troppers on her payroll...

T: What is she gonna do with Batman?

J: That's between them. Between us, I've got a plan for a future. And it doesn't include getting killed by crossfire meant for you and your sister. Don't expect to get lucky again.

T: Where can I get Ice? ( in our whole conversation, she hasn't ask about Luna. Even though she is sleeping on my lap, she hasn't show an concern about her. )

J: The ice machine is down the hall.

With that she got up,leaving me alone with Luna. Luna was sleeping peacefully on my lap. I gotta admit that it makes me happy, her just laying down my lap. Like I'm protecting her, even though I'm just holding her. I wish she can stay alittle long like this. It stops me from worrying. I really don't know why I worry for her some much. But I just want her to know that I will protect her even though she doesn't know. I quickly grabbed her head and gently layed her head on the pillow behind me and got up. I was now standing and looking through the glass,looking for teresa but I saw that she was on her way back to the office. She came into the room and it remain very quiet til she sat next to Luna's, whom was still asleep. I hear what she was telling her " I'm so sorry that this happened to you, you don't derverse this in life. If I could, I would change everything just not to see you in pain. My little luna". But I pretend like i didn't hear. We remain quiet, we were waiting for Camilia to come back.

C: You can go now.

T: You saved my life and Luna's. Thank you but why?

C: I have my reasons. Now get some rest. ( with that she left leaving me alone with a sleeping Luna and Camila )

J: I still think it's a mistake. We should've give them back to Epifanio in the first place.

C: Not all cards are meant to be played at once. They both have a purpose. They time will come.

J: And Batman? I mean, do you really think you can trust him?

C: I don't know. But i'll be ready if it turns out I can't.

She walked to the couch and started down at Luna

C: How is she?

J: She's fine but the hit was too hard for her but other than that she's okay. She on pain killers right now.

C: That's good. Can you take her to my house, I can't I have to take a pit stop to the lawyers office.

J: Okay. Fine.

C: Thank you.


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