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The twins first day of preschool.

"You two look so cute!" Jessica says to the twins who were both dreading their first day of preschool.

"Mommy.." Emerson starts before Willow finishes with, "Give it a bwest, mommy."

"A bwest? You're so stinkin cute! Smile! You're gonna have so much fun learning new things!"

"At least we get a bweak fwom the babies." Willow sighs.

"Looking on the bright side, Lolo! That's my girl!" Danny smiles.

"I not gonna go." Emerson nods. "Tanks for twying!"

Jessica laughs. "Nice try, chubby. Come on, or we're gonna be late."

"Noooo!" They whine in unison.

Jessica sighs and says, "You get one, I'll get the other."

"Oh but they're so heavy!" Danny whines.

"I've carried three babies in my stomach. You can't complain to me. EVER. Get Willow."

"Yes ma'am.."


"No! No! No! This not my teacher! This fat lady looks mean!"

"Emerson, quiet! We don't say that!" Jessica says.
"We met her last week, remember? She was very nice!"

"I don't wanna stay! I don't wanna stay!" Emerson fusses and stomps his feet.

"Stop it. You're fine. There's no reason to cry. Be good. I love you, and I'll see you later." Jessica kisses him then kisses Willow.

"Bye, beautiful. Mommy loves you."

"Don't leave us here!"

"Aw.." Danny pouts.

"Don't give in, they're fine. We'll see you later."

Jessica wasn't being mean, she's just gone through many many tantrums like this before. She knew they were fine, and she knew they'd calm down eventually.


A few hours later.

"This fucking car line!  I have not missed sitting in this damn car line, Jess."

"Stop complaining!"

"It's just annoying, Jess.  It's hot as balls, we need to get the air conditioner fixed, and we'll be in this line forever!"

"You sound so menopausal right now!  Shut up before I punch you in the face." Jessica says giving him a mean look.

Danny doesn't respond.

"Just calm down.  They're going to get in this car and be excited to tell us about their day.  Don't be a grump old man."

"I AM a grumpy old man!"

"Alright, Daniel." Jessica scoffs.


When they got up to the front, Jessica got out of the car to help the twins in the car.

"Mommy!  Mommy!  We finished pweschool!" They both shout as they run and jump into her arms.

"Haha!  Well you finished the first day, loves!
Mommy's so proud of you two!" Jessica kisses then before getting them into their car seats.

"Hi, daddy!"

"Hey chunks!  How was school?"

"Well, I have a boyfwiend." Willow says.

"What?!  A boyfriend?!" Jessica says shutting her door.

"Yeah!  He's name Joseph and he say I call him Joey!" Willow smiles.

"You're not allowed to have a boyfriend, little girl!" Danny says to Willow.

"What?" Her big smile fell.

"No boyfriends until you're forty!"

"But I want a boyfwiend!" Willow sobs.
"I kissed him alweady, daddy!"

"What?!  Willow!" Jessica laughs.

"She's fast like her mother." Danny mumbles.

Jessica smacks his arm and chuckles.
"I'm mad at you, don't make me laugh!"

"I gonna have a boyfwiend and I gonna give him kisses!"

"Little lady.. what am I gonna do with you?" Danny says.

"MmmmMMM!" Willow wipes her nose with her arm and kicks her legs.

"Well.. you wanna hear MY first day of real pweschool?" Emerson asks.

"Yes, of course baby!" Jessica smiles.

"I put my hand in Darcy's shirt and grabbed her boobies! And the teacher didn't see me." He smiles.

"Oh Jesus." Jessica grabs her forehead.
The first day and we have one giving kisses, and another feeling up girls!  It's a catholic school, you guys!"

"It's fun, mommy!" Emerson shrugs.
"She liked it!" He giggles.



"Happy four months, babies!  You're all so big now!"

"They're growing so fast!" Emily says.

"They are!
Look how Jessie's looking at me! Hi, Princess!"

"She's smiling at you!" Emily chuckles.

"She is!" Jessica and picks her up.
"Jessica!  Hi, pretty girl!  Hi!" She giggles.

"She looks so much like you, Jessie."

"I know! You look like grandma, don't you, Jessica!" She baby talks making her laugh.

"She's so cute!" Jessica giggles.

"She is!"

Just then Jessie pulls on her grandmother's top and fusses a bit.

"She's hungry!" Jessica laughs.

"Oh she knows the source!"

"I guess she sees me pumping every hour! Huh, Jessica?"

Just then Isaiah walks in.
"I'm sure she does!  Every time I look at you, you're breasts are out." Isaiah makes a face.

"Well I'm sorry, I'm feeding your kids!  Jesus!  You only fed off of them for twelve years!"

"... Five years."

"Five years?" Emily laughs.

"Oh yes!  I could not get Isaiah James off the boobs!  He loves his Num Nums!" Jessica smiles and pinches his cheek.

"Please Stop."

"I want my Num Nums, mommy!  I want my Num Nums!" Jessica baby talks.

"Aw!" Emily giggles.
"That's so cute!"

"Zaya was SO cute!  He found comfort in my breasts!" She laughs.

"That's adorable!  I love how much Zaya loves you."

"He's always been closer to me.  I'm his favorite, right, baby?"

"Yeah, I didn't like dad when I was young." He laughs.

"Nope!  You Hated him!" Jessica laughs.

"Haha.. fun times!  Now let's get these babies fed before Jessica rips my shirt."


November 10th.

"Lolo I Five and You still Four! You a BABYYYY!"

"Noooo!" Willow whines.
"No I not! Mommyyyy!"

"Emerson, you're a like an hour older than your sister."

"But my bifday ToDay, Mommy! Hers tomowow!"

"I know, but just be nice. It's good because you're twins but you have your own special day! Isn't that cool? Don't you like that better than having to share your birthday?"

"Yeah, Mama!" Emerson smiles.

"Okay so no picking on sissy! And sissy, no whining!"

"Otay.." Willow says hanging her head.

Jessica chuckles and kisses her cute little pouted lips.


November 14th.

"Please tell my babies I wish I could be there for their birthday party, but that I am sending presents their way!"

"I will, Gabby! We miss you guys!"

"We miss y'all too! We'll see you soon though!"

"I can't wait!"

"Neither can I!
Hey, before I go, have you spoke to Ana?"

"Yes! She's doing well!"

"That's what I thought, but I didn't know if maybe you noticed something different than me.
I just hope she stays well. She's so young, mom! She's not even legal to be drinking and she was Always drinking!
And those fucking pills! We should sue the doctor! There was no reason for him to continue giving her those!"

"I know.. but she's better, and all we can do it pray she stays on the right track."

"That's true. Anyway! I'll let you get back to the party, momma."

"Alright, sweetie. Love you!"

"Love you more, Mamacita!"


December 3rd.

"Oh my goodness look at these cuties! Zaya, look at our babies!" Emily smiles.

"They're so cute and clean right now!"

"Haha! It's not gonna last long though!" Emily says with a tired chuckle.


Just then Jessica walks in.
"Oh my goodness, hi my babies! Aw, you look so adorable! Where are y'all headed off to?" She asks Isaiah and Emily.

"We're taking them to the park. Noah, Ken and Charlotte are going to meet us there."

"Oh and you didn't think of asking if your brother and sister wanted to go? They love the park, Zaya!"

"You guys should come!" Emily smiles.

"Well not if we weren't invited." Jessica looks down.

"You're so extra, mom." Isaiah rolls his eyes.
"Just get them dressed and come with us!"

"Okay!" Jessica smiles.

"Kiiids! We're goin to the park!"


"See how happy they are?! Next time THINK, Isaiah!"

"Sorry, momma." He says as Emily laughs.


"Charlotte Rose, you are so beautiful!"

"Thanks, Grandma! I know I am!" Charlotte smiles and poses for the camera.

"Such a model!"

"And actress, AND dancer!"

"So much talent in one little body!"

"Yep! I'm gonna be an actress like you and auntie Ana, and I'm gonna be a ballerina like auntie Gabby, and a good mommy like my mommy!"

"Aw that's so sweet, Charlie Parlie! Give me a hug, Princess!"

Charlotte hugs her grandmother and Jessica says, "You're so big! I can't believe you're seven years old already!"

Charlotte laughs and says, "Grandma, I'm almost eight!"

"Ah! I don't want to think about that!" Jessica grabs her chest making Charlotte laugh.

"You're silly, grandma!"

Jessica giggles and kisses her cheek.

Just then Danny walks over.
"Jess, come here, I have to talk to you."

"About what? Who was that on the phone?"

"Julio. Come here. Now." Danny says in a serious voice.

Jessica panics and pats Charlotte's back.
"I'll be back, honey."

"Uncle Julio called? I wanna talk to him!"

"I'm a second, sweetie. Go play, please." Danny says.

Danny takes Jessica by the arm and pulls her over to the side.

"What did he say, Danny? Is everything okay?"

"They has to rush Gabriella to the hospital."

"What? Why?! Is-is she okay?!"

"He said she fainted during rehearsal, but also that he's had a hard time getting her to eat lately.
She's had to stop nursing the baby because she's not producing milk. Her blood pressure is major low, and they're also checking on her heart. Julio said she was having chest pains."

"Dammit!" Jessica screams.
"Danny, we have to get to New York as soon as possible! That's our baby!" She cries.

"I know! We have to tell the kids and then hurry up and get home to pack clothes for the twins. We have to get to her as soon as possible!"

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