Chapter 6:Mission suspicions

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Hope your enjoying the book so far.Don't worry, there will be longer chapters soon.Bye guys.

Nats pov:

It's been three weeks since I left with Steve.Everyday I spent thinking about Y/n and the guilt i felt leaving her.My thoughts were disturbed by Steve shaking my arm.

"Hey, you okay?"He asked.

I nodded."Yeah I'm fine.You okay Steve?"

"Yep.Never been better."

I laughed."Yeah, what's better than running into a high tech Hydra base with a team of people who've done this a million times and coming out with scratches and a few bruises on a Thursday?"I asked as he laughed.

"Nothing better."

I smiled a little then reached into my pocket.My phone buzzed as I took it out.A message lit up my phone from Maria but I laughed at the massage that was wrote.It obviously wasn't Maria.

"Hi mom.Hope your okay.Love you.
P.s, I stole Steve's prototype shield and took it sledding.Can you believe that it snowed here?.Anyways I miss you.Bye mommy.Pp.s, I stole Maria's phone.๐Ÿ˜

I shook my head with a smiled.Steve looked back over at me and glanced down at my screen.I quickly swiped away the message before he could find out what Y/n did with his new shield.He saw my wallpaper which was a picture of me lifting Y/n into the air when she was two after she took her first proper steps.

He smiled at the picture then turned back to the door that opened revealing a bright light.The ship was dark so the outside was like someone shining a flashlight in your face.

I stood up, fixing my gun on my hip and stood beside Steve.He nodded towards me as I repeated what he did and we both jumped out followed by the others.

3rd person pov:

Y/n sketched a picture of the Christmas tree now set up in the living room.That's right.Its Christmas time.

She smiled as she coloured the different baubles and then held it up to observe it.Not to bad.

Maria walked in with a cup of coffee and furrowed her eyebrows at the girls behaviour.She set her cup down beside her as she watched Y/n draw some stick figures beside the tree.

"Whatcha doing Y/n?"Maria asked sitting on one of the armchairs.Y/n smiled when she saw Marie then went back to looking at her drawing.

"I'm drawing everyone."

"Ah."Maria nodded."Did you draw me?"

"I was just about to actually.I've got Uncle Thor, Uncle Tony, Uncle Bruce, Clint, Steve, a bunch of others we don't need to mention and finally me and you."Y/n smiled.

"It looks pretty hun."Maria said sipping her coffee.The phone then rang as Maria looked over at it.She looked at her coffee, sighed and got up to pick it up.

She picked up the phone, leaning on the counter top as she watched Y/n from a distance."Hello?"

"Hello, Maria?"

"Yes.This is Maria hill speaking."

"It's Tony.The trip is cutting short.The mission is over.We're coming home."

Maria smiled turned her back away in happiness.Y/n was going to be so happy.

"That's great.When are you heading back?"

"Hopefully tomorrow."

"Alright Mr Stark.I'll inform Fury."

"No need.He's the one who told us to come home."

Maria froze."Wait what?"

"Yeah.Fury called, told Steve to cut the mission short.Don't know why."

"But Mr Stark.You know Nick.He's not the type of person to cut a mission."Maria said, slightly worried.

"Yes I know.But orders and orders as Steve said.Capsicle has been real annoying with the whole "I'm the leader" crap he's pulling.Anyways, I have to go.I'm about to blow up this hydra base."

"Wait Mr Star-"Maria was cut off.She put the phone down and looked to the side, trying to think of why fury would cancel this mission.This is one of the most important missions of their lives.The last hydra base was located and was about to be destroyed for good.Nick had been talking about blowing that base up for weeks.It was the top mission.So why would he cancel it midway?

Maria shook her head from her thoughts and walked back to Y/n.She should probably tell her the good news.As she walked over she faced the couch.

"Y/n you'll never guess who was on the pho-She cut herself off when she saw Y/n fast asleep on the couch.Maria smiled and grabbed the remote, turning the tv off.She picked up a blanket and lay it over Y/n as she rested Y/n head on a pillow.Maria kissed Y/n's head and returned to the armchair where her coffee lay cold.

She wouldn't sleep at all that night.

Not while those thoughts of what Nick was up to went through her mind.


Meanwhile Nat sat in the ship, panting and out of breath as she looked around at her friends.

"Well, never though Nick would be the one to cut a mission short."Clint said laughing a little.Nat furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah, I was surprised too."Steve said."It's not like him to do that."

"Maybe he's hiding something."Tony shrugged.Steve gave him that "Steve look" and sighed.

"Orders are orders."

"Yeah well unlike you Mr Icicle, we don't particularly like Fury."Tony said.

"It's not bad.There's just some things I disagree with."Nat said.

"So you hate him too?"Tony asked whilst Steve scoffed.

"Do we really need the sarcasm right now?"

"Yeah, it's my way of saying "this is suspicious" Rogers."Tony said.

"Let's just head back to base.I'm sure Y/n will be delighted to see us."Wanda smiled over at Nat.Nat nodded.

"She sure will be."

"Hey I've got a question."Thor spoke up.

"I'm not even kidding,I forgot you were here."Tony said pointing at Thor.

"That happens sometimes."Thor mumbled."I just want to know why Nick is acting like this."

"He's not the type to do this.Normally it's hard for Nick to get us to go on these type of missions."Clint said fixing his arrows.

"It's our job."Steve said.

"Yeah, the old "Super secret boy band" and stuff."Tony said with a laugh but looked at Nat who held a stern glare.

"You know I'm starting to think you would rather not fight for the greater good Tony"Steve said.Tony looked at him.

"You know what Rogers.What is the greater good?"Tony asked."This."He gestured to the team."This is the greater good?"

"Yes Tony.You would understand if you weren't so ignorant to notice."Steve said.

"No you listen Rogers.This here, what we do is all very much our job.Now matter how hard we try and fix things, they get damaged in the processor fixing."

"I'm not sure what you mean."Thor said.

"No no.This team we built.Is based on trust."Clint said using his hands to motion his point."You wouldn't understand Tony.You've got your head so far up Nicks ass that you won't even notice the damage we cause here.I mean look around you.Have you ever seen us fight and leave with the city or town still intact?"

Tony stayed silent.Clint scoffed and nodded."Thought not."

"Well right now it doesn't look like much of a team."Tony shrugged.

"Then leave."Steve said."We needed you because you were smart, I used to think of you as a good man, a intelligent man.But now you seem a little too much like your father."

Tony's jaw clenched as the whole ship went silent.

The ship made a rattling noise and beeped signifying that they had landed.Nat looked around at their faces as shook her head standing up.

"Well, this was fun."She said getting off the ship.The others not far behind.

Tony stayed silent, his eyes not leaving Steve face as he remembered what the Captain had said.Steve even knew he and too far.

They were greeted by Vision who walked out beside Maria.Maria smiled a little a looked around at them.Her eyes landed on Tony and Steve.She looked at Nat who gave her a look saying "Don't ask".She nodded and gestured for them to follow her.

Natasha walked with thoughts in her mind."Was Y/n okay?"She finally asked Maria.

"Yeah.Good as gold.Talked about you all the time.Poor girl missed you like crazy."Maria said walking through the compound.Steve and Tony took off separate ways.Wanda scoffed at the adults behaviour and walked up to Vision.

Maria and Nat walked to the living room as Nat looked around.The whole place was nicely decorated for Christmas with a large Christmas tree in the middle.

Maria smiled looking down at something on the couch making Nat confused.She motioned for Nat to come over.

Nat peered her head over the couch and smiled in awe of her daughters sleeping body.Maria smiled at Nat and tapped her shoulder, walking away.

Nat silently walked over to Y/n's side and grabbed her daughters hands.Y/n stirred in her sleep but finally opened her eyes.

"Hey Birdie."Nat said.Y/n's body shot up straight away.Like someone just shocked her.She looked at her mom.


Nat nodded."It's me Y/n.I'm home."

Y/n do e into her mother's arms as Nat held her securely on her lap.Nats eyes filled with tears as she hugged Y/n tighter.She could feel wet tears landing on her shoulder.Y/n pulled back.

"But your not supposed to be back till next week."

"The job was called off early."Nat said sitting beside her."Don't know why but at least I get to stay here with you longer."

Y/n smiled."Yeah, we can make Christmas cookies and decorate the entire compound with glitter."She giggled.

"You bet."Nat said unable to stop herself smiling.

She spent the rest of the day watching movies with Y/n and sitting on the couch warming up.As Y/n fell asleep that night, Nat slept beside her.She just didn't want to leave her daughters side.

She closed her eyes with the faint sound of the tv becoming quieter.

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