Chapter 4:Middle School

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The months turned into years.

Y/n's first day of middle school was today and boy was she terrified.Not scared of the building but scared of the people.She kinda had a bit of social anxiety when it came to other kids.She was just scared of being bullied.

But who would bully you if your Black Widows daughter?

And that's exactly what happened.As Y/n got out of the car, Nat grabbed her bag from the trunk and shut the trunk gently.She glanced around at the other parents as they left their kids off.Nat looked down at Y/n who took one look at the school, shook her head and walked back to the car.

Nat grabbed her hand and brought her back."Y/n, come on.It's not that bad."

Y/n looked like she was about to cry.All the other kids looked so scary.Nat noticed her expression and kneel down beside her, grabbing her hands making Y/n look at her.

"It's just a few hours.It will be over before you know it.Alright Y/n."She kissed her forehead.

"I don't wanna."Y/n protested.

"Oh come on.You've been waiting for this day for months.Hell, you were more exited then a lot of the kids here.But now you've decided it's a no?"Nat asked.

Y/n nodded.

Nat laughed."You can't do that I'm afraid pumpkin."She stood up."Now,see that teacher over there."She pointed toward a curly headed women who wore a dress and had black curly hair."Thats your teacher.She's gonna make sure your safe and having fun."

Y/n looked at the women with disgust.She was a weird looking lady.Nat was about to speak when she was interrupted.

"Hi there."The teacher introduced herself."I'm Miss Harkness.I'll be your teacher till eighth grade."She held out a hand.Y/n shook her head "no" and hid behind Nats leg.Nat shrugged.

"Sorry,she's a bit shy."Nat carressed Y/n's hair as Miss Harkness nodded.

"That's alright.Most kids are the same as you today.So don't worry.Your not alone."Miss Harkness smiled.

"Well, this is where I have to go Birdie."Nat said grabbing Y/n shoulders as Y/n look sadly at her mother."I'll see you after school."She kissed her cheek and handed Y/n her bag."Have fun."

Y/n watched as her mother walked of, sending waves as she walked and looked back at her daughter.Y/n looked down sadly.Miss Harkness looked at her.

"Don't be sad now Y/n.You'll see her soon."She smiled.

Y/n looked down again, tears pooled her eyes as she tried her best not to cry in front of all these people.What's the most embarrassing thing?

Crying in front of your classmates or trying not to cry at school.

Y/n left her teachers side and ran to the nearest tree beside the playground.Miss Harkness sighed then out on a smile as more parents approached her.

Y/n sat swaying her legs on a bench.She sniffled as she held her toy bunny that Nat bought her out of her bag.Ever since she's been little, that bunny went everywhere with her.It was like a calming item that she has.It makes her feel relaxed.

She hugged her bunny and wiped some tears.

"Um excuse me?"A voice was heard beside her.she looked up to see a boy,her age, looking at her with a smile.She noticed the boys expression drop from happy to sad as he saw Y/n's tears.

"Are you okay?"The boy asked.

Y/n shook her head.

The boy sighed."May I?"He gestured to the empty space beside her.She looked at the space then at him and nodded.He smiled at set himself beside her.

Their legs moved in sync as they sat their in silence.The boy looked at Y/n and filigree his head."If you don't mind me asking,but why are you crying?"

"I miss my mom."Y/n sniffled.

"I'm sorry.Don't be sad though, she'll be back soon.My parents just dropped me off."He extended a hand out to her.She gave him a weird look but out her hand out and shaked his.

"I'm Peter."He said.

"I'm Y/n."She replied facing him.His eyes caught the bunny in her arms.

"What's that?"He asked.

"This is my bunny.I keep him here for when I feel sad."

"He's cute.I have something like that."Peter reached into his bag and took out a plushie ironman figure.Y/n giggled.

"What's so funny?"Peter asked.

"It's just that, it's Iron Man."She giggled again."It's cool though."

"Thanks.Do you want to play on the swings with me?"He asked.She looked over and then back to him and nodded.

He smiled and grabbed her hand as he dragged her to the swing set.They laughed, and played and talked about their lives together.In school, she sat beside him,in the playground she was with him all the time,she would get sad when he left for the bathrooms and when it finally hit three o clock.

The bell rang as the kids tidied up their crayons."Alright class that's all for today.Have a great evening."Miss Harkness smiled.They all rushed outside as fast as they could.As if there was a fire and they were running for their lives.

Peter and Y/n held hands and ran out the door.He smiled a little as Y/n giggled at the running.

"So, do you see your parents anywhere?"Peter asked.Y/n looked up and saw her mom.She smiled and tapped his shoulder.

"There."She pointed to Nat who was smiling like crazy.

"Holy macaroni.Your mom is Black Widow?"He asked.Y/n nodded.

"She's an Avenger."He gasped.He was in complete awe.

"Hey Y/n.How was your day?"Nat asked as Y/n ran towards her.

"It was great.We drew pictures,Pete showed me how to play hopscotch and we played superhero's."She giggled.

"Oh, who's Peter?"Nat asked curiously.

"That's him."Y/n pointed to her friend who sat nervously in the steps of the school.

"Oh,is he nice?"Nat asked taking her bag off of her.

"Mhm.He's amazing.He's my Bestfriend."She cheered.Nat laughed.

"Alight.Well, say goodbye to Peter and let's head home.You can tell all the others about your day."

"Okie dokie."Y/n ran up to Peter.She smiled."Bye Peter."She hugged him as he laughed into her shoulder.

"Bye Y/n."he smiled.

They started walking away.Y/n turned back to him and waved."BYE PETER!"

"BYE Y/N!"he yelled back.

Nat laughed at the kids and popped the car, allowing Y/n to sit in the booster seat.

This was the start of a very beautiful friendship.

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