Chapter 2

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I woke up and saw my little half brother

"Dumbass what are you doing here?" I asked awake

"My mom brought me and put a dollar in the swear jar" he said

I rolled my eyes

"Oh my god does dad know?" I asked

"Yeah he's talking to her right now" he told me

"What is Judith doing here?" I asked as I came downstairs

"Rachel honey" she said

"Hi I still don't like you" I said, went upstairs

"Rachel could you guys go outside?" Dad asked

"Fine I'll make you some toast" I told him

"Already had breakfast" Jake said

"Fine lunch" I said

"It's not lunchtime" he said

"Dad I'm about to kill your son" I yelled

"Oh my god, don't kill your brother" dad said

"He did that to me" uncle Charlie told me

"Yikes" I said

I went to the deck and had some toast

"So how are you doing?" I asked Charlie

Fine he said and drank some alcohol

"Can I have some?" I asked

"No" he said

"Guys go say goodbye to Judith" dad said

"I never like her I'm not saying bye" I said

"Go say goodbye to her" dad said

"Jeez pop" I said and went inside

"Bye I guess" I said

"Bye Rachel" she said

"Your very cruel" I said

I went back outside to dad

"Hey I got to go to the office be good" dad said and kissed my cheek

"Okay" I said

"I'm leaving" I yelled

"Where you going?" Uncle Charlie asked

"To Tommy's house" I said

"Who's Tommy?" He asked

"Her little boyfriend" Abby said

"Does your dad know about that?" He asked

"Yes" I lied

"Bye" I said

I got to his house

"Hi baby" he said

"Hey babe" I said

"My parents are not home" he said

"Yeah I had to sneak out of my uncle's house"

"Your Uncle's house?" He asked

"Yeah we're living with him for a bit" I said

"Your dad's divorce again?" He asked

"Yep" I said

We got to his room and he took off his shirt

"Damn" I said

We started to kissed


After we left the store we got back to the house

"Dad doesn't know" I told uncle Charlie

"What?" He asked

"Dad doesn't know that Rachel has a boyfriend" I said

"Okay your now my favorite niece" he said

"Sweet" I said

"Okay what's her boyfriend's name?" He asked

"Tommy" I said

"Okay tommy what?" He asked

"Peterson, Tommy Peterson" I said


He called dad

"Did you know that your daughter had a secret boyfriend?" He asked

"A what?" I heard dad yell

"Boyfriend named Tommy Peterson" he said

"Oh my god" dad said

"Let's go get ice cream" uncle Charlie said

"Sweet" I said as I got my shoes back on


I was still making out with him until the door opened

"Dad what are you doing here?" I asked

"Rachel Evelyn Harper" he said

"How did you get in?" I asked

"I tried to knock but I saw the key was under the flower pot" he said

"Oh my god dad" I said

"Let's go we're going home" he said and grabbed my hand

"I love you Tommy" I said

"Love you too baby" he said

We got in the car

"I can't believe you" he said to me

"Dad I'm 15 I can date boys" I said

"Not until your 43" he said

"Dad your so unfair" I said

I got back inside and went to my room and slammed the door

"Don't slam doors" dad yelled

"Whatever" I said

I layed on my bed and cried

"Rachel I'm sorry honey please let me in" dad said as he was knocked on my door

"Go away dad" I yelled

I then heard a familiar voice

"Grandma?" I asked

"Hi my darling grandbaby" she said and hugged me and kissed my cheek

"Yeah hi Grandma"

"What's grandma doing here?" Abby asked as she came downstairs

"She's asked for us to live with her until things are settled out" dad said

On a Monday night dad went out with Judith and Uncle Charlie was playing cards

Me and Jake were watching

"I'll raise a 5 dollar"

"You raised $5 on that?"

"I call"



"Queens full of nines"

"Hey kid, don't you know what a full house is?"

"Yeah, and I also know what a psych-out is"

"I love this boy"

Jake was playing cards

I went to take a shower and I heard a tap on my window

It was Tommy

"How did you know where I live?" I asked

"My sister has been over there a hundred times to sleep with your uncle" he told me

"Damn" I said

"Get that boy in here" I heard Uncle Charlie yell

"Sweet let's go downstairs" I said and took his hand

We played pocker

"What the hell is going on here?" I heard dad

"Shit" I said

"You said hell" Jake said

"And Rachel said shit" Jake said

"Shut up I told him

Throw a dollar in the pot Uncle Charlie said to dad

"What?" Dad asked confused

"Hey, we all had to" one of the guys said

"Charlie, may I speak with you privately, please?" Dad asked as they went outside

"Whose deal is it?" Jake asked

"Jake, go to bed" dad yelled

"I'm out Jake" said and went upstairs

"Okay whose deal is it?" I asked as I sat Tommy's lap

"Rachel gets the boy out of here and go to bed" dad yelled

"Damn it" I said

"I love you Tommy" I said and kissed his lips

"Stop kissing" dad yelled

"Your dad's rude" he told me

"I heard that" dad yelled

"Bye" I said and went upstairs

I stayed up for a while

"Rachel?" I heard my brother

"Dad said we're staying with Grandma and we're leaving tomorrow" he told me

"What?" I said

"I love living with Uncle Charlie" I said

"I know" he said

"Why are you crying?" He asked

"I just miss my mom" I said crying

Jake got on my bed and hugged me

That's when I started to break down crying on Jake's shoulder

"It's okay rach" he said and rubbed my back

I showed him the picture

It was of me, mom, dad and Abby

We were at the beach

I was on dad's shoulders and mom was holding baby Abby

"Your mom's boobs were huge" he said

"Your gross" I said

Mom and dad divorce when Abby was 2 and I was 4 and then your dad met your mom and soon they had you I told him

"What happened to your mom?" He asked me

"She died from a gun shot" I told him

"Rachel I wish dad was cool like you and Uncle Charlie" Jake said

"Yeah I know dude" I said

"Well good night" I said to him

"I love you Rachel" he said and hugged me

"I love you too" I said and hugged him back

The next day we went to live with Grandma

We lived with Grandma for a two weeks

"I don't like that outfit on young lady" grandma said

"It's just a crop top and ripped jeans" I said

"I got a better outfit" she said to me

This is the outfit

"That's an old lady outfit" I said

"But better than those crop tops" she said 

"Dad tell your mom that I can wear what I want?" I told dad

"Absolutely not your not wearing that" dad said

"It's a crop top and it's shows a bit of my stomach" I told dad

"Thank god your here Uncle Charlie" I said and hugged him

"See she's loves me" uncle Charlie said

"Grandma pissed off because I'm wearing a crop top" I told him

"What did we say about cussing" she said to me

"Whatever" I said

"Here your own key to the house" Uncle Charlie whispered to me

"Thank you" I said

We went to live with him anyway

We went to the store

"I'm going to grab some strawberries" I told dad and uncle Charlie

"Okay" dad said

"Here's the strawberries" I told Uncle Charlie

"Rachel come wait in the car with me". Dad told me and grabbed my hand while he carried Amelia's car seat

"Okay" I said

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