Scorp slammed his head into the desk refusing to contain his dramatic groan. "I'm never going to get this."
It was another one of his tutoring sessions. They completed reviewing Charms last week and were now working on advanced Transfiguration. Transfiguration easily used to be his best subject. He even surpassed Rose in a few of their exams. One would never have been able to tell if they were watching him now. He was utterly pathetic.
Over the past two months of these tutoring sessions, he was slowly starting to get better. He could manage to use the summoning charm without dropping objects, but every once in awhile there would be a spell that stumped him and he'd grow increasingly frustrated with himself. He hated that he was failing. He hated not being able to succeed at something that should have been as easy as riding a broom. On top of that he was continuously failing in front of Rose. It was a hard hit to his ego every time she had to correct him or he couldn't complete the spell. She was nothing but kind and supportive, but that did nothing to stop the humiliation from settling in. It wasn't like he hadn't failed in front of her before. He used to spend hours with her going over his charms homework because he was absolute rubbish. Then he accepted that he needed her help and felt no shame in it. Now he felt like he had to constantly be on his game around her. He needed to impress her and make her see. He only had nine days left. That deadline weighed on his soul with each breath.
"You will if you keep practicing," Rose insisted. "The key to perfection is in repetition."
Scorp's mind dove deep into the past, at her words, digging up some of the more private memories of him and Rose. He risked a glance at Rose, as the heat coursed through his veins. She appeared unaffected, too busy scanning through the pages of her transfiguration book to even realize what she said. He thought about asking her to stop using that catchphrase but quickly vetoed that idea. If he asked her to stop, she'd ask him why, and then he'd have to tell her why. She wasn't ready for the truth just yet.
"We've been trying this spell for the past hour and I'll I've managed to do is spew a few bloody feathers from my wand"
"At least they were a pretty color." Rose offered, waving a glittering blue feather under his nose.
He swatted the feather away and gave her a hard look. "At this rate we are going to be here all night."
Rose studied him for a moment. Her intense gaze made him squirm and for probably the thousandth time he wished he was gifted at legilimency like his father. Her words fascinated him (even when they were absurd at times) and he oftened wondered what her thoughts looked like. Sometimes he felt that he knew her so well he could read her mind. Then there were others where she was a complete mystery to him. Most of the time all he had to do was look her in the eye to see the emotions pouring out of them. Today was not one of those times. Her eyes were blank as they calculated him, which drove him insane. He wanted to know what was running through her mind.
"No, we won't," Rose said finally. She stood up and shimmied out of her robes. She was wearing that muggle outfit he bought for her under it. With her red hair billowing down her back, she looked way too pretty for her own good. Rose motioned for him to do the same.
Scorp's brows shot up. "What are we doing?"
"We are going on a field trip. Now hurry up!"
She didn't provide any more explanation, so Scorp thought it best to follow her orders. He slipped out of his robes, glad he made it a habit to wear his muggle clothes under them. Now that he lived in a muggle community he had to be careful about what he wore when he got home just in case one of his neighbors happened to glance into his window when he was home.
Once Scorp was in his muggle clothing, Rose tugged at his hand. "Come on."
Scorp let her guide him out of the department. He hollered at Robert Finkle that he was going on his break. Robert shot him a toothless grin and waved goodbye, as they stepped into the lift. He jolted back as the lift lurched backward and shot upward at an extraordinary speed that made him clench his teeth. He hated riding in the lift. He wished that the Ministry would install some stairs or something so he didn't have to use it anymore.
"Where are we going?" He asked as they stepped out of the lift into the Atrium. The entire place was lined with fireplaces and flashy green light that signaled either the departure of the arrival of a witch or wizard. He muttered a quick hello to a young witch he recognized from the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. She stuttered out a shy reply and ducked her head, as she scurried away from him.
Rose glared at the young witch, fury boiling in her. "Just trust me." She tugged at his hand a little harder than she meant.
"Ow!" He called, surprised by the strength in Rose's grip. What was she suddenly so upset about?
Rose led the way into one of the fireplaces on the right-hand side and together they were swept away from the ministry. Once they were safely on the streets of Muggle London, Rose continued walking down the sidewalks giving one-word answers to the questions Scorp kept asking her.
"Where are we going?"
"Are we getting lunch?"
"Are we going to the Churchill War Rooms?"
Scorp gave up with an exasperated sigh. They walked along the cobbled streets for ten minutes making small chit-chat and commenting on Al's lack of girlfriends over the last month. Scorp took the time to appreciate the old buildings mixed with the newer ones, as they walked. It had been a long time since he'd gone on a casual stroll through London. It still shocked him by how wonderful it was. So much Muggle and Wizard history happened right under his very footsteps. That fact was another sort of magic all on its own.
The longer they walked the more familiar his surroundings became. He spotted an old muggle record shop with ancient vinyl records hidden within and a quaint bookshop, sandwiching a well-known run-down building.
"The Leaky Cauldron?" He cast her a questioning look. "You kidnapped me from my office to bring me to the Leaky Cauldron?"
"I thought you could use a drink and the Leaky Cauldron was closest." Rose pulled him across the street. "And technically I didn't kidnap you. By definition, kidnapping is when someone is unwilling taken. You followed me willingly."
"I wouldn't exactly say willingly," Scorp pretended to be annoyed, but he was ecstatic. He hadn't been to the Leaky Cauldron in years and he couldn't complain about spending more time with Rose even when she was trying to get all technical with him. He loved it when she did that. It was hilarious when she turned all proper to try and win an argument.
Since her engagement, he upped his game. Ever since she left his house two weeks ago, they'd been attached at the hip. After tutoring sessions, she'd linger in his office and end up spending the rest of the workday together. When they weren't working, they would be wandering the streets of Hogsmeade or moving Scorp into his new home. Just last night she stayed at his place until 1:00 A.M. because she was reading one of the muggle books from his shelf. They were like their old selves. At least before they started dating. He needed one more big gesture to push her back on track. He was running out of time. Her wedding was only nine days away. He had nine days to make her see reason. It was going to be a challenge but he was up for it. The alternative was not an option. He was currently working on that one gesture. Just one more owl for confirmation and he'd be all set to win Rose back for good.
They reached the other side of the street. Scorp dodged a group of teenage muggles who were coming out of the record store, blasting music. One boy, knocked into Rose, sending her stumbling into Scorp's chest.
He caught her and shouted a curse at the rude adolescent. The boy's eyes widened in freight. He mumbled a few apologies and sprinted after his friends who were laughing loudly at their terrified mate.
"You alright?" Scorp asked gently.
"I'm fine," She reassured, rubbing her shoulder. "C'mon. Let's get a butterbeer."
Scorp opened the door for her and followed her inside. The last time he was at the Leaky Cauldron it was the winter of his seventh year and he was Christmas shopping. He was in such a panic about what to get Rose that he didn't stop to appreciate it.
Now that he was back, he took the time to appreciate it. Since Hannah Longbottom took over the inn nearly two decades ago she'd changed the interior from dark and shabby into light and inviting. A warm yellow glow settled over the entire pub from the golden orbs floating on the ceiling. Four booths, each representing a Hogwarts house, replaced the tables and were tucked over onto the side. The stools at the bar danced to the beat of the music. Scorp had a feeling that the music changed to meet the individual taste of each person. He heard a classic Led Zeppelin song (a muggle band he became obsessed with during his stint at University). He wondered what Rose was hearing?
Two of the booths were occupied and only three wizards sat at the bar, drinking firewhiskey and talking happily amongst themselves.
"She's remodeled a bit I see," Scorp said. He shoved the stool down ruffly, trying to get it to stay still long enough for him to sit on it. The stool slipped away from his grasp like it was greased with butter. He reached for it helplessly, as Rose laughed. A bit of color slipped onto his face, but he refused to let her see it. She'd tease him relentlessly about it. Which, he guessed, was only fair considering he made fun of her whenever she blushed (which lately had been happening a lot in his presence).
Taking out her wand she tapped the stool. It stopped dancing immediately. She sat down, smirking at him. "Just a bit. Hannah thought the dancing stools added a bit of fun. They're a bit noisy but I think she was hoping it'd encourage people to dance more."
"And it does!" A pudgy, blonde woman announced, suddenly sliding across the bar floor. "Since I put those chairs in a day never goes by without at least one person dancing."
"I think alcohol may act as an influencer." Rose laughed, as she greeted Hannah Longbottom.
She was a squat witch with short blonde hair and oval blue eyes like Alice. She radiated pure Hufflepuff vibes and plastered on a kind grin. She had a glass in her hand and three more hovering behind her, as they magically cleaned themselves.
"I like to think that it is all the stools." Her eyes twinkled kindly at Rose before they shifted to Scorpius. She squinted in surprise before her eyes widened in recognition. "Scorpius Malfoy as I live and breathe."
He chuckled, a large grin taking over his face. He'd reconnected with a lot of people since his return nearly three months ago. Each time was just as exciting as the last. He loved seeing people from his past and seeing how happy they were to see him. It made him feel important and special like he was someone worth missing. "Hi Mrs. Longbottom. How've you been?"
"I've been doing well. Business is good and I'm sure you know by now that I've got a grandchild on the way."
"So I've seen. Alice is getting pretty close to her due date isn't she?"
"End of August." Rose supplied. "James is getting more anxious by the day. He won't even let Alice leave the house by herself anymore."
Hannah smiled fondly at the mention of her son-in-law. "Don't I know it. Neville and I were at their house just last night. Poor James nearly had a heart attack when she offered to cook us dinner. Alice dear didn't take to kindly to that. She hexed the poor boy."
"I can't imagine what he'll do when the baby is actually here." Scorpius chuckled, imagining James as a textbook helicopter parent.
"It'll sure be interesting." Hannah agreed.
When he learned that irresponsible James Potter was going to be a father he was nothing less than surprised. He couldn't imagine James trying to raise a child when he was still one himself. He'd only seen James three times since he got back. Once at the Burrow, another time at his quidditch match and a third time when he went over there for dinner. Each time James was still his jokester self, but when it came to Alice he was overly cautious. It was a surprising change and it only showed that James was going to be an okay father. An overprotective one sure, but a good one nonetheless.
"Where's Neville?" Rose asked curiously. "I thought he might be here. I was thinking about including a section on the Ebublio jinx into one of my lessons and was hoping Neville would start grown some mumbulus mimbeltonia so that I could eventually use them as target practice for my students."
"He's up at the Hogwarts greenhouses for the day. Said something about needing to check on his plants."
"I guess I'll have to owl him about it." Rose sighed, leaning onto the bar.
"Shame." Scorp said. He was looking forward to catching up with his favorite professor. "I was hoping to see him."
"I'll let him know you two dropped by. He'll be disappointed he missed you."
Hannah asked about Scorpius and his life in the muggle world. He gave her the same brief overview he'd given anyone that asked. It seemed to satisfy her. Once he finished, Hannah brought them two glasses of foaming butterbeer, before excusing herself to check on the rest of her customers.
Scorp sipped on his drink and felt all his pent up frustration from earlier slide away, as the delicious drink greeted his tastebuds. "I needed this."
Rose peeked at him from behind her glass. Her face warmed. "I know. We were in that office way too long. You deserved a break."
"We were only in there an hour."
"An hour today, but we spent five yesterday going over vanishing charms and turning cauldron cakes to cabbages."
"Still can't believe we wasted all those perfectly good cauldron cakes," Scorp muttered regretfully.
"It was all for the good of learning!" Rose laughed, flicking condensation from her glass at him. "If you won't consider this a break then think of it as an award for all your hard work."
"So all I've got to do is learn seven years' worth of magic in two months and you'll buy me a butterbeer? If I knew that's all it took to get a drink with you I'd have done it ages ago."
Rose swatted his shoulder, "I will make you pay for your own drink if you keep insisting on being a wanker."
"Such language Miss Weasley." He teased. "Do you teach all of your students with that foul mouth of yours."
"You're a special case." She winked.
Scorp's response died on his tongue. Was she flirting with him?
Not wanting to waste an opportunity in case she was flirting, he leaned closer to her. "Special huh?"
"Of course. You're my only student who is in his twenties and still in need of a tutor. I'd call that special."
"Ouch and to think I thought it had something to do with my startling good looks."
Rose nudged his leg with hers, "You're starting to sound pretty cocky over there Malfoy."
"I prefer the term confident."
Rose giggled and took a long drink. When she set her glass down, Scorp suppressed his own laugh.
"You've got a little something there," He said, pointing to her upper lip where a new foam mustache graced her face. It was adorable.
Rose's eyes widened in embarrassment, a pleasant blush lighting up her cheekbones. He resisted the urge to tease her about that too. She reached to wipe her mouth, but he beat her to it. He brushed the foam off her upper lip. His fingers grazed her lips. The lust built up inside him. It had been way too long since he kissed those lips.
Rose sat frozen in her spot. Their playful banter long forgotten as Scorp's fingers lingered on her upper lip. He pulled back and she instantly missed his touch. "You get it?"
He wiped the foam on her bare legs. She shudder against his touch and just like that any doubt he had about her not being attracted to him anymore was gone. If she reacted like that to an innocent touch he couldn't imagine what she'd do if he acted on the impulses he'd been battling since she flashed him her sassy smile.
He kept his hand placed on her knee. "I did. Although if you ever feel like growing a mustache I think you could pull it off."
Rose laughed and shoved his shoulder back. Scorp grinned. He wasn't kidding. Rose somehow managed to make a foam mustache look awkwardly adorable.
Rose quickly changed the subject to telling Scorp about a book she read last week that reminded her of him. Scorp listened intently and provided factual information about the muggle war from her book. As they talked their cups slowly emptied and their laughter grew louder. Scorp couldn't remember the last time he'd had so much fun just talking with someone again. Unfortunately, Rose had to put a damper on her mood, as she hesitantly broached the topic of her wedding.
"Did your family get the invitation?" Rose asked shifting her eyes onto the back wall of the bar where photos of famous occupants and old school photos blinked back at her.
"Yeah. Mum received it with the post last week." He tapped his fingers against the glass, thinking for a second. "You're all ready for the wedding then?"
"Lily's handling most of it, but I just," She trailed off. Her hands knotted her shirt. He could practically feel the uncertainty radiating off of her. Rose was a nervous person. She, like Albus, stressed about everything. He was usually the one that had to calm them down. Right now, all he wanted to do was reassure her, but he didn't know how to do that without selfishly exploting his own wishes. He didn't think she'd appreciate him telling her to ditch the git and be with him.
"Well you know after the wedding there is suppose to be a reception where people dance and celebrate and stuff."
"It is customary for a wedding," Scorp said hesitantly.
"Yesterday Lily started talking about the whole dancing part and I guess I'm just nervous. You know I've never been a very good dancer. I fall over my two left feet and step on all toes that come near me." Rose stressed, running a hand through her hair. "Can you imagine me trying to dance at my wedding? It is going to be a complete disaster. I'm going to trip and ruin everything."
Scorp washed down his amusement with another sip of butterbeer. She was a dreadful dancer. He once tried to make her dance with him at Victoire and Teddy's wedding and it didn't necessarily work out. Things started out fine. He was ecstatic that she agreed to dance with him. He relished in the way her arms clung onto his back and how she failed to leave any space between them. He hoped that she'd done that cause she wanted to be close to him. Then she stepped on his foot and he realized she'd done it to try and limit her klutziness. He didn't mind, happy to accept an excuse to pull her close. Things were going fine until she tripped and nearly smashed into the cake. Luckily Scorp's reflexes were quick and he caught her before she demolished a perfectly good cake.
He may not have wanted her to go through with the wedding but he was still happy to have any excuse to have her in his arms. He stood up and the chair immediately started dancing in his absence. "Come on," He extended his hand
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