Chapter 18: Enraptured Hours

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Scorp stepped into the Ministry that Monday with a gigantic grin, a plan in mind, and determination written all over his face. Wizards and witches sent him odd glances over their shoulders as they walked by, wondering what normal wizard could be so happy on such a dreadful Monday morning. Scorp, oblivious to it all, waved eagerly at a passing stranger. He stepped into the lift tapping his foot rhythmically to the music.

He stepped out of the lift and strutted down the hallway, waving optimistically towards Robert Finkle, another member of his department. Robert a large old man in his late 60s returned his wave and threw in a toothless smile.

Scorp opened the door to his office, unsurprised to see it already occupied.

"Good morning, Al," He said cheerily, barely even glancing at his best mate, who was twirling around in Scorp's chair.

Al jumped at Scorp's unexpected presence, nearly tumbling out of the chair. "Scorp!" He cried in surprise. "I didn't think you'd be coming in today. I've been trying to owl you all weekend, but you didn't reply. Rose told me everything and I wanted to check on you."

"I was busy. Besides I'm fine." Scorp replied nonchalantly. Setting his things down on his desk, he motioned for Al to move out of the way. Al complied quickly, scrambling out of his seat to move to the chair directly across the desk.

"You're fine?" Al questioned unconvinced. "You're completely fine knowing Rose is engaged to be married to someone that isn't you?"

When Rose burst into Malfoy Manor over the weekend and delivered her news, his initial reaction was to be crushed. After she left, Scorp apparated himself to a muggle gym. For hours he stood in the backroom mercilessly throwing his fists at a punching bag. Over and over again until his knuckles started to bleed and his skin became chapped. Only when his knuckles were so raw that he couldn't possibly hit the bag anymore, did he leave for a muggle bar, where he drowned his sorrows in whiskey for the rest of the night. When he woke up the next morning, Scorp decided there was no room for pity only for action. He knew as soon as he got back that he still loved Rose. He knew that they would eventually find their way back together. With the encouragement from Mr. Weasley, he planned to take things slowly. Let themselves get familiar with one another again, before confessing his feelings. Her engagement didn't change his plans. They only sped them along.

"She's engaged, but she isn't married. Not yet anyway." He muttered so quietly, the words barley graced Al's ears.

"What are you talking about?"

Scorp shrugged. He had been thinking about it since Rose told him the news. She was engaged but not married. That meant he had time. Time to convince her that she was about to make a big mistake. They belonged together. He was certain of it. She still looked at him the way she used to when they were together. He still felt that buzz of attraction every time they accidentally touched and was certain he wasn't the only one feeling it. He couldn't be.

Rising from his seat, Al placed his hands on Scorp's desk leveling him with an intense look. "I came in here this morning all worried that you'd be a complete wreck after hearing the news, but instead you're muttering to yourself, dodging my questions, and acting like everything is okay."

"It is okay, Al," Scorp replied reassuringly. "So Rose is engaged? Big deal. What matters is that she and I are still friends."

Albus studied him. He'd known Scorp for most of their life. He could read him as easily as he could Rose, but right now he was uncertain. This wasn't the Scorp he knew. The Scorp he knew loved Rose and wouldn't give up on her so easily. The Scorp he knew would be inconsolable right now and in desperate need of firewhiskey.
"Friends, huh?"

"Best mates. In fact, I was just about to owl her." Scorp pulled out a piece of parchment, a quill, and began writing.


Dwight called. He said the offer went through on the house. I guess that officially makes me a homeowner. I've got to sign a few forms and documents today over lunch and I was wondering if you'd come with me?

Owl me back with your answering reply.

Yours truly,


Satisfied with the letter, he rolled it, using ribbon to keep it secure. Waving the letter at Al, he exited the office and headed down the hall.

Albus popped his head out the door, "Oi where you going?"

"I'm sending my letter."

"What for?"

Ignoring the rest of Al's questions, Scorp carried on towards the department's shared owl.

Rudy, an old Tawny owl, sat perched in its cage taking a well-deserved rest. Scorp pet the bird affectionately. Rudy peeked up from under his wing, blinking its wide eyes up at him.

"Hey boy," Scorp said, still stroking Rudy's head. "Think you can deliver this letter for me?"

Rudy chipped at his finger fondly. Taking that as a yes, Scorp strapped his letter onto Rudy's outstretched foot. "To Rose Weasley, please."

Without further instruction, Rudy spread his wings and flew over Scorp's head.

Scorp watched Rudy fly through the halls until he disappeared over the rails on his way to Rose.

"Mind explaining to me what's going on here?" Albus stopped pacing and turned towards Scorp, as he returned to the office.

Scorp raised a perplexed eyebrow, "You want me to explain the process of sending a letter?" He shrugged. "An odd request but I'm always happy to help. The first step to sending a letter is to pick who you wan-"

"You're a real arse you know that?" Al interrupted, tossing a quill at his face.

Scorp caught it laughing. "You're the one that asked."

"You know that isn't what I'm asking about."

"I know, I know," Scorp took a seat in his chair. Sighing deeply as he ran his hands through his hair. "Look, you're right about Rose. I'm not too thrilled that she is engaged, but what can I really do about it? She said yes and I'll just have to learn to accept it. What matters is that she and I are still friends." He lied, casually glancing at Al to gauge his reaction.

Most of the time he would confide everything to Albus, but the situation with Rose was delicate. Al was extremely overprotective and if he learned where Scorp's head was at, things would not end well for him.

"You're really okay with this?" Albus asked, finally taking a seat across from him.

"Not okay exactly, but dealing with it."

"Then what was the letter about?"

"A sort of peace offering to Rose, to let her know there are no hard feelings." Needing to keep his hands busy, Scorp opened his desk and grabbed some readings he had been looking at last week before he finished work. He glanced over the pages as Al carried on talking about his weekend spent with James.

Normally he would feel guilty lying, but in the end, it'd all be worth it. A part of him thought that maybe he should tell Al where his head was at. Let him know that there was no way he was letting Rose go without a fight. Albus wasn't Wood's biggest fan. He recently confided in Scorp how unsettled he felt towards Griffon. He always acted too perfectly around Rose. Never saying the wrong thing, hardly ever getting angry. It was unsettling, to say the least. But Scorp also knew that as long as Rose appeared happy, Albus wouldn't do anything about it.

"So what's the update with the whole Liz situation?" Scorp asked. "I told you she was single a whole month ago and I still haven't seen her around."

Al, who had been ranting wildly a few minutes ago, turned ghostly pale. Clasping his hands together, he avoided Scorp's gaze. "I've been thinking about it and I'm not so sure I want Liz back."

Scorp stopped reading and looked up at his best mate in shock. "Mate you've been miserable without her and now you are trying to tell me that you don't want her back."

"It isn't as simple as that," Al argued. "Before Liz and I broke up I knew we were drifting apart. Of course, I love her but I don't think I'm in love with her. Not anymore at least." Al rubbed his hands down his face. "I think more than anything I miss being in a relationship. A committed relationship and not the ones I have been having lately."

"I get that. I haven't had a serious relationship since Rose. The ones I had while I was away were short-lived. Not long enough to really get to know them or them to know you."

"I didn't know you dated someone while you were away."

Scorp shrugged, going back to the parchments on his desk. "A few girls here and there, but nothing serious. I moved around too often to make anything permanent."

Plus they weren't Rose.

Albus stood and clapped his hands, a smirk taking over his face. "Well, let's change that!"

"What?" Scorpius asked, whirling around, eyes wide as they looked at his friend.

"Think about it. This is the first time you and I have been single at the same time. We can go to pubs together! It'll be a blast! You can be there to stop me from saying stupid things and I'll stop you from being an arse."

Scorpius licked his lip desperately thinking of some excuse as to why that would not be great. Going with Al to pubs would be fun. Drinking some firewhiskey and laughing about old times would be fun, but Scorp was not in the mood to pick up girls. All of his focus needed to be on Rose and winning her back.

"I don't know Al. I'm not really in the position to date right now. I just got back after being away for so long. I need to devote more time to my family and settling into my career before I start thinking about adding another person to my life."

Albus jutted out his bottom lip, considering his words. "I suppose that makes sense, but you still have to help me not be an idiot."

"Now that I can do."

For the next hour, Albus chatted about his day. Scorpius listened, nodding along enthusiastically. He provided encouraging words, as he did tedious tasks around his office to prepare for his next presentation. He'd already done a few for the Auror's training sessions and was prepping to do one for the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. The ones with the Aurors went pretty well. The eleven-hour sessions were way too long for people to sit through in one sitting. Currently, he was working to cut it down. Maybe make it a two or even three-day session.

Rose's reply came about twenty-minutes after Al left his office. She agreed to meet him at the house to help go over the contracts.

Smirking to himself, Scorp went over his plan one more time. He had no intention of kissing Rose or engaging in any sort of physical activity (even though he'd very much like to). Rose was not a cheater and if she did cheat she would never forgive herself or him. What Scorp needed to do was simply convince her that she was still very much in love with him. The house was only the first step.

"Easier said than done." He muttered to himself. He grabbed his briefcase, a change of muggle clothing, a couple of muggle pens, and headed towards the fireplaces.


Scorp sat on a stool in the kitchen, restlessly tapping a pen on the marble countertops. Rose was a few minutes late, which was extremely unlike her. She was always annoyingly punctual, usually arriving fifteen minutes ahead of time.

"Are you sure she is coming?" Dwight asked impatiently, glancing out the large window.

"She'll be here. She is just running a little late."

Dwight huffed, clearly annoyed.

Disregarding his impatient relator, Scorp looked over the paperwork he intended to sign. It was all surreal. He was buying a house. He lived in so many different places over the years but in the next few minutes, this would be the first one he would proudly call his.

It looked a little different from the last time he'd seen it. The previous owners moved out most of their stuff, leaving only a few pieces of furniture behind. There were the stools in the kitchen and of course the bookshelves.

The front door opened and shut quickly. Scorp looked up from his papers, happy to see Rose breathlessly stumbling into the kitchen.

Her red hair was pinned up professionally, with a few loose pieces dangling around her flush face. "I'm so sorry I'm late." Rose apologized, coming over to sit next to Scorp, to grip his arm. "I was at my lunch with Albus and we lost track of time."

Scorp grinned at her, clasping her hands into his. "It's okay. I just got here myself."

Dwight opened his mouth to counter the lie, but shut up at Scorp's warning gaze. "Yes, no worries." He said unhappily.

Rose paid him no mind, choosing instead to bask in the warmth of Scorp's hands in hers.

"Good." Rose let out a breath of relief. Eying the papers on the counter, she slid them towards her and began reading. "These look pretty straight forward." She said after a few minutes.

"It is standard procedure." Dwight agreed, moving from his spot by the window to stand across from them.

Scorp and Rose listened intently as Dwight pointed and explained each piece of paper in an over-excessive amount of detail. Once he finished and Scorp signed every document, Dwight gathered the paperwork in his leather-bound briefcase.

Extending his hand towards Scorp, the two men shook hands. "Congratulations Mr. Malfoy this place is officially yours."

Excusing himself and promising to call Scorpius in a few days to check-in, Dwight left the house in a hurry.

As soon as the door shut, Scorp grinned widely and reached towards Rose. She jumped into his arms without any sort of hesitation, squealing in excitement.

"You own a house!" She exclaimed, slapping his shoulders as he set her back down. "You own a house!"

Scorp brushed back his hair, with a gleeful laugh. "I own a house."

"Come on!" Rose yelled, reaching for his hand. "Let's go check out that bookshelf again."

Pushing down another laugh, Scorp followed Rose as she childishly ran down the halls. It was an exuberating experience. A moment of pure freedom, which in a sense was kind of odd. He should not have been feeling so free when he had just bought a house. Houses usually led to permanent, something most people felt acted as an anchor, but to him is was freeing.

They stumbled into the living room giggling like school kids. Suddenly Rose stopped. Scorp ran into her back, quickly apologizing for stepping on her exposed heels. Rose paid him no mind. Her attention remained tightly trained on the bookshelves. To her amazement they were still filled with books. Opening and closing her mouth like a fish, Rose turned to him unable to speak.

Scorp shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. "I paid a little extra."

Rose's eyes widened in amazement as she stared at him. "You paid to keep all these books here for me?"

"Well, they certainly aren't for me."

Scorp barely had time to blink before Rose launched herself at him again. Scorp stumbled as the unexpected weight took him back. Managing to regain his balance, he returned her hug, wrapping his arms tightly around her petite waist.

"You're wonderful you know that?" Rose mumbled into his neck, her eyes unexpectedly filling with tears. Nobody had ever done anything so wonderful for her.

He shuddered as her hot breath warmed the sensitive area of his skin. Was she ever not going to smell good? "I've been told once or twice."

He pulled back to look at her. Too really look at her. In the time that they've spent together since he'd been back, he spent hours just looking at her. Enraptured by just how beautiful she truly was. Her wide eyes were an elegant sky blue that made his heart skip a beat every time they met his own. Her lips were a light pink and perfectly full, begging to be kissed. Her face completely covered in freckles. Sometimes, when he got that rare moment to look at her uninterrupted, he would connect the freckles, making shapes in the complexion of her face. But with each beautiful mark, there were imperfections. The bags under her eyes, the bite marks on her lip from where she had obviously been chewing them, and even the few blemishes that she tried to hide with make-up. Yet, those seemed to be the things he appreciated most.

"I'm really sorry," Rose said after a minute. Dropping her gaze, she stepped away from him and moved to sit on the bay window.

Shoving his hands deep into the pocket of the muggle jeans he had changed into, he awkwardly followed after her.

"What are you sorry about Rose?" He asked although he could already guess her regrets.

"What aren't I sorry about?" She chuckled humorlessly, "I owe you an apology. I should never have told you the way I did. I had it all planned out too but when I saw you I couldn't remember a thing." She sighed heavily finally meeting his gaze. "I never meant to hurt you."

Using his thumb, Scorp rubbed his cheek in a back-and-forth motion. "I know you didn't Rose." He sent her the best smile he could muster. "What matters is that you and I are still friends and always will be."

Rose stared at him gratefully and against her better judgment grabbed his hand again, mindlessly playing with his fingers as she looked around the room.

Scorp watched as her hands danced around his, surprised at the guilt he felt. When he bought the books he'd done so with the intention to make her happy. Now they were a plot in his plan to win her back. He forced the guilt down. There was too little time for guilt.

"Are you still willing to come by my office for our tutoring session tomorrow?" Scorp asked needing a source of distraction.

"Of course. You need all the help you can get." Rose laughed as Scorp nudged her leg.

"Gee thanks." He grumbled sarcastically. Feeling a need to show that he wasn't completely incapable of magic. He pulled out his wand aiming it at Rose. "Colovaria."

She didn't have time to react before her bright red hair seeped of its color, transforming into a pale blonde.

Scorp laughed at Rose's reaction. Her mouth had dropped open in utter surprise, as her hand pulled at her new hair, yanking it out of its bun. Her hair dropped down her back in long waves.

"Blonde suits you." He smirked victoriously.

Turning her glare on him, Rose huffed out a devious chuckle. "Run."

Without a second warning, Scorp leaped up from his place and dashed down the hall. Rose right behind him.

He only made it a few feet when Rose sent her firing counter at him. "Engorgio!"

Icy blue sparks flew around him. Scorp ducked, silently gloating about dodging her spell when he looked down at his feet which were growing rapidly.

"Oh shit," He cried, as he tripped over his newly enlarged enhancements and went tumbling to the ground. The wood floor attacked him, as his face implanted into it.

"Ha! Got you!" Rose yelled victoriously.

Suppressing a groan, Scorp rolled over to stare at the cocky expression on her face. She approached him slowly, waving her wand around in a taunt.

"Impedimenta!" Scorp responded before she could get any closer.

Rose's eyes went wide, as she was knocked backward, like an invisible gust of wind forced her away. She landed with a light thud. Rubbing her bum, hoping to relieve the slight sting. Rose set her face into a hard line, as the competitive fire slowly took rampage within her. "It is on now." Raising her wand she sent a green light barreling towards him.

Scorp yelped, as he was hoisted into the air by his ankles. He held tightly to his wand, his hands brushing the floor. The ACDC

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