For the week following the quidditch match, Scorpius was extremely busy. He went to work, socialized with his parents, caught up with old friends, and spent a lot of time doing the revision work Rose assigned. They'd had two more sessions since then, each tougher than the last. The one thing that kept him practicing, was seeing how pleased Rose was every time he quickly mastered a spell. He'd gone through her plans so fast that she'd agreed to spend their third class of the week looking for homes.
She'd arrived at his office bright and early that morning, dressed completely in some muggle clothing he bought for her. A simple pair of jean shorts and a long sleeve off the shoulder white top (he thought it would look good on her) and he was right. She looked great.
"Are you sure this is the type of things muggles would wear?" Rose asked, yanking at the flapping sleeves. Scorpius laughed and reassured her. He was dressed in his favorite pair of cargo shorts and a pink t-shirt. Rose stared at him doubtfully and wasn't certain of their clothing choice until they toured the first house and ran into a woman wearing a similar shirt to hers. Only then did she finally relax.
So far they'd gone through three houses, each worse than the last. The first house was a one-bedroom with a broken bathroom sink and carpet in the kitchen. The second home was in a sketchy neighborhood. One neighbor was outside decked out in just a bathrobe and flashed a grin at Scorpius, showing off a single tooth in the middle of his mouth. The house itself was rundown and looked as if it had seen better days. The third one, which they were touring now, was an awful combination of the past two.
"What kind of flooring is this?" Scorp asked disgusted, as he toed the stained carpet and shot the realtor, Dwight, a skeptic look.
Seeing how unhappy his client looked, Dwight launched into a long-winded explanation, defending the carpet, saying that it showed character rather than overuse. Dwight shot a charming smile over his shoulder to make sure that they were buying what he was trying to sell.
Scorp pretended to listen, adding a few nods to encourage Dwight further. This seemed to satisfy Dwight, who turned back around and began walking into the kitchen. Scorp made to follow, but Rose held him back.
Dropping her head onto Scorp's arm, she groaned, "He is completely incompetent."
Scorp sighed and turned towards her. He completely agreed with her but he was beginning to feel guilty for how rude he was acting towards Dwight. The man was only trying to help him, even if he was terrible at his job. "He is doing his best."
Rose eyed him skeptically, before shaking her head in amusement, "You are way too nice sometimes."
"Hey!" Scorp began to argue, but Rose placed a hand over his mouth and ushered him out the door, trying to suppress her giggles as she did so. "What are you doing?" He demanded in a harsh whisper. Rose didn't falter and let out a little giggle. Not being able to resist the excited gleam in her eyes he followed along, releasing a light laugh, as the guilt quickly subsided in him. This was a side of Rose he hadn't seen in a long time. Usually, he was the one who had to coax her into a daring adventure. She planned everything out and stuck to a tight schedule. He went on impulses and lived more in the moment. They differed like that but somehow it worked for them. Still, it was kind of nice to see the roles reversed.
"We are going house hunting by ourselves," Rose explained, checking to see if Dwight had run out to follow them. Seeing nothing, she continued. "We passed a house a few blocks down with one of those for sale signs in the yard. It looked like a nice house, so I say we go check it out."
"Can we even do that?"
"I don't see why not."
Scorp didn't argue and instead offered Rose his arm, which she took gingerly. With a skip in their step, the two strolled down the street making idle chit-chat. Scorp couldn't contain his small grin as they walked side by side. It was just so natural; them being together.
"I feel kind of bad we left Dwight back there," Scorp commented, as they turned down another corner. "Do you think he'll even notice we're gone?"
Rose tapped her chin as if deep in thought, "I'm sure once he notices there is nobody there to listen to him talk, he'll realize something is going on."
"Ah, you're counting on him to stop talking long enough to notice the silence."
Rose let out a hearty laugh, "You make a good point."
They lapsed into a comfortable silence. Guided by Rose's memory, the strolled through the neighborhood. Despite the state of the previous house, the area wasn't in too shabby of shape. There was a little park a few houses back, complete with one of those man-made duck ponds. Kids rode their bicycles up and down the empty streets, laughing and playing. He lived in a similar place once when he was in Texas. Add in the heat and some of that charming southern drawl and Scorp could almost imagine he was back on the front porch of his rental house, chit-chatting with the neighbors next door.
"Here it is!" Rose squealed. Tightening her grip on Scorp's arm, she drug him towards an appealing single-story, wood panel house. The lawn was a pleasant green with a small garden tucked against the siding. Scorp wasn't much of a gardener but his mother would be more than happy to come over and maintain the garden for him.
The front door stood wide open, as a few people weaved in and out of the house.
"Looks like we can just walk on in," Scorp observed.
Rose pulled him toward the entrance. Arms still interlocked they entered the house cautiously. Scorp looked around, immediately experiencing a sense of comfort that washed over him like light rainfall.
The dark oak floors of the entryway contrasted with the startling brilliance of the white walls. A large decorative rug laid in front of the door. Shelves, holding picture frames and other decorations, stood against the wall. An open doorway to the kitchen was off to the left and Scorp could just make out what looked like a living room around the end of the hall.
"Wow," Rose said, doing a little twirl. "This place is cute."
Scorp's manliness cringed at the word, 'cute.' "Please don't say cute."
Rose stopped twirling and raised an amused brow. "Why? What's wrong with the word cute?"
"It's emasculating." He muttered, turning to get away from the smirk he knew was plastered on her face.
Deciding it best to ignore the teasing he knew was coming, Scorp ventured down the hall and into the kitchen, passing by an older man who was observing the picture frames in the hall. He wasn't a masterful cook and never spent a whole lot of time in a kitchen but this one seemed okay. The floors and walls were the same as the entryway. The muggle appliances looked new and well taken care of. A dining room was squished into the corner of the room. It was a small square table with four chairs, just big enough for a small family.
"See, cute!" Rose cried happily, coming up behind him.
"Can we please use a different adjective?" Scorp demanded, leaning back against the counter. Crossing his arms he looked at Rose, whose cheeks were a slightly rosy color from the heat. It made her freckles stand out and with her smiling so largely, he couldn't find a way to be annoyed with her teasing.
"What do you think so far?" Rose asked, expertly dodging his request.
"This is the only room I've been in. It's still too early to say."
"I don't know," Rose said moving to stand next to him, "You got this look in your eye when you walked in here."
"A look?" Scorp interrupted sarcastically. "Are you sure you weren't just seeing things?"
"No, there was this gleam." Rose insisted. "Your eyes lit up and you got this tiny little smile on your face right when we walked in. I don't even think you realized you were doing it, but you just looked like," Rose trailed off.
Suddenly intrigued by her words, he asked, "I looked like what?"
Rose simply smiled, "You looked like you were coming home."
Scorp stayed silent. He wasn't sure what to say to that. When he walked into the house he experienced a sense of comfort but calling it home seemed like a stretch. He sure wasn't going to tell Rose that though. He didn't need her knowing that she might have been right. Besides, how could he entirely be sure that this place was meant to be his home?
"Okay, let's try this." Rose clapped her hands and clumsily hopped up onto the counter, nearly tumbling to the floor as she did.
"Woah," Scorp said, instinctively thrusting his arms out to steady her. "Careful." The words came out scratchy when he realized just how close they were. Her shirt had ridden up slightly where he placed his hands to keep her from falling. He could feel the softness of her skin and was overtaken by the vanilla perfume that seemed to enclose them. His eyes inadvertently darted to her lips. She was so close.
Rose's breath came out sounding more shaky than usual, alternating Scorp's train of thought "Could you imagine yourself eating dinner in this kitchen?"
"What?" He questioned, removing his hands from her hips. Refusing to take a step back, he set them on either side of her legs and tried to focus on what she was asking of him.
"Could you imagine yourself eating dinner in this kitchen?" Rose repeated, locking their gaze. "How about cooking food or sitting down at the dining table to do your spell work?"
Absorbing her words, Scorp closed his eyes and imagined what it would be like to stand in the kitchen every day. It was far easier then he anticipated to place himself in the home. He could see himself in there every morning making a cup of coffee (a drink he got addicted to while in Portugal) or him and Al joking around over a glass of firewhiskey at the table.
Noticing the drawer under Rose's legs, he moved them aside to open it. Spoons, forks, and other silverware. He shut it slowly and looked at her. "I think I could," He responded quietly, shocking himself.
"That's a good start." Rose nudged Scrop's thighs with her knees, indicating that she wanted to get down.
Scorp obliged and took a step back allowing Rose to slide off the counter. Offering him her hand, Rose led him back to the entryway and headed down the hallway towards the bedrooms. They spent the next twenty minutes checking out the rest of the house. Scorp tried to keep his expression neutral as he entered each room, painfully aware of Rose's watchful eyes. They didn't speak much besides the occasional words regarding the state of the room. It wasn't until they entered the living room that Scorp was convinced.
The living room was small and simple, with a large bay window letting in a lot of natural sunlight. There was a snug blue couch with a large coffee table placed in front of it. A muggle television was stationed directly across from the couch, but what caught Scorp's attention were the ceiling-high built-in bookshelves.
Rose squealed in delight and nearly knocked him down when she spotted the hundreds of books on display.
"Merlin! Scorp look at this!" Rose cried pulling out a thick blue book, with elegant gold lettering on it. "It's all of Jane Austen's works," she reached for another book, "and this one looks interesting. The Book Theif. I wonder what that's about?" Rose flipped the book around and began reading the cover, her foot tapping in excitement.
Scorp leaned back against the doorway and watched Rose's captivating smile as she began to read the first few pages of her newfound book. There were many times over the years where he tried to figure out when he liked Rose best.
He loved when she watched quidditch matches. Her excitement was always unmatchable. Every time he used to look over into the stands and see her cheering for him, his heart would swell because he knew that she was on his side. In those moments he would look at her decked out in his scarlet quidditch jumpers that clashed with her red hair making her look like a crazed fan and think this is the Rose I like best.
But then he would convince her to do something out of the ordinary, like break curfew. In those moments, she was completely carefree like she had no worries in the world. Her smile was captivating and her eyes shined with curiosity for the unexpected. In those moments with her guard down, he would think this is the Rose I like best.
Then his mind would change when they'd be studying in the room of requirements. Rose would become bossy and demand the best from him. She never went easy on him but more importantly, she never gave up on him. When he finally accomplished a task, she would wear the most infectious smile and he would think this is the Rose I like best.
Then there would be times like this one, where Rose lost herself in something she cared about so deeply that it was hard to not be affected by her presence. Every time she picked up a book it seemed that the entire world around her stopped and honed in on her. Nothing could tare her from her focus. It gave him the chance to study her uninterrupted. To admire the many freckles on her face. The hunched poster of her shoulders. Her long legs that he used to worship. And most importantly the way her eyes glowed as she took in the world described in the pages. He would think This is the Rose I like best.
Round and round he went, never being able to actually pinpoint which Rose he loved best.
"Do you think I could borrow these if I promised to return them?" Rose asked jokingly, looking over at him.
Scorp plucked the book out of her hand, before placing it back on the shelf. "No, but we can go to a bookstore before heading home and you can get a copy for yourself."
Rose pointed a finger at him. "You know I'm going to hold you to that promise, right?"
"I would expect no less."
Satisfied with Scorp's promise, Rose took a seat in the bay window and motioned for Scorp to sit across from her. He did so and put his feet up next to her so that his back was pressed against the wall. Rose, deciding that looked comfortable, copied his actions.
"I think you should get it," Rose said, her eyes lingering on the books.
Scorp nudged her foot with his, "You're only saying that because of those bookshelves."
"They may play a contributing factor."
Scorp chuckled and turned his head to stare out the window. He could definitely see himself living in this place. It was small enough for only one person, but perfectly cozy. With a few manly decorations, this house could be home, but something was holding him back. Something he couldn't quite pin-point.
"I like it," Scorp admitted, keeping his eyes focused on the window, "but I'm still not sure."
"What's there to be unsure of? The kitchen and bedroom are great and don't even get me started about this room. The bathroom could use a little updating but that's an easy fix." Rose waved her hand, "Lily actually just remodeled her and Lysander's flat. I'm sure if you asked her she would be more then willing to do any renovations. I'd offer to help but we both know I'm helpless when it comes to decorating."
"Merlin I know, I saw your bedroom." Scorp laughed sarcastically. "Whatever made you think that neon purple walls and orange bed sheets were a good idea?"
"I was thirteen!" Rose groaned, slapping his knee.
"So what was your excuse then for when you were seventeen?"
"You know Mum wouldn't let me replace anything you arse!" Rose argued, her cheeks tinging red in embarrassment, as she pictured her childhood bedroom.
Scorp turned towards her and smirked cockily. He knew just how much she hated her decor choices when they were seventeen. She complained about it every single time they were in her bedroom and they were in there a lot.
"Seriously though," Scorp began deciding to save Rose the embarrassment of recalling her failed decoration attempts. "How am I supposed to be sure that this is the place for me? What if I buy it and change my mind?"
"You're beginning to sound like me," Rose pointed out, sitting up a little straighter.
"Well, it is a big decision." Scorp countered.
"You're right, it is a huge decision, but you know what you always used to tell me when I'd get like this?" Without waiting for Scorp's answer she continued, "You used to tell me that I could stress all I wanted but nothing would get better unless I stopped, took a deep breath, and made a choice."
Scorp dropped his head, "Sounds kind of harsh."
"I needed it sometimes. Besides more often then not you were right and it helped me make a lot of decisions. Even when you were gone I would remember those words and it made deciding a lot easier."
Scorp stared up at her in surprise. Since he got back all he heard from anyone was how much pain he'd caused everyone while he was away. It was shocking to know that someone--the person he hurt the most--remembered him when in moments of need. "I really helped you?"
Rose smiled fondly and reached out for his hand. Taking it in her own, she stared at it. Intently, stroking it with her thumb. "Scorp, you understand me better than anyone. I don't think you realize how much your words use- still," She corrected, "impact me."
Scorp's brain stopped functioning properly. Not only was she touching him, but she was reminding him of how well they fit together. "Diddo." He said, unable to think of what else to say.
Still holding hands, Scorp uttered, "I think I'm going to put an offer in."
"I think that's a wise decision." Pulling her hand away, Rose stood, "But you know with that bookshelf there I will be over here all the time. I'm going to use it as another storage space for all my books."
Well, now he was definitely getting it.
Pretending to be disgusted, Scorp stood, "Nevermind then. I'll just keep looking."
Rose bumped his shoulders with a laugh, "Don't be an arse. You know you'll love it when I'm here."
Shaking his head, Scorp began to walk out of the living room, Rose trailing behind him.
"So now what?" She asked as they stepped back outside.
"Now," Scorp responded turning to grin at her, "we go to the bookstore. You've got a few new shelves to fill."
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