🦁 The Rebel 2-8 🦁

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I'm sorry for this late update. I decide to take a break for a while. Hopefully it's not that long πŸ˜….

I also making a new project on Youtube. Tries to find some money because I'm already 21 years. Should I spoil my channel here?

Anyway, enjoy this chapter. We are only 2 chapter left before the 3rd arc start.


So suffer while waiting for the next arc, okay? You will meet with them pretty soon~




Is this another memory? I walk into the void before an orange light starts to glow and show me the scene. Another child appears before me as the surroundings start to change too.

I can see a Young Leona sitting in the very big bedroom looking out the windows. Until I hear a voice coming from outside the bedroom.

"Ha... His highness Farena is so bright and cheerful but why is his younger brother is so hard to please?"

"On top of that, he can use magic that can change everything to sand. So terrifying."

I watch as little Leona's ears start to get down after hearing that word as he returns his gaze to the windows sadly.

"Had I been born first, I'm sure they sing a different tune. But because I was born second instead, everything I do gets nitpicked, they extol the first born at the expense of the second. No matter what I do, I never be first..."

As the scene changes again to a teenager Leona standing in front of someone with a lazy look. They have quite a heated fight as I come to learn that someone is his brother, Farena. Leona didn't say any words and just left quietly. His brother try to call for him but Leona ignored it.

"Why is that just because I was born a few years later I have to go through all of this? I can study everything, learn all the magic there in this world... From the moment I was born until the day I die, I will never be seen as greater than my brother and I will never be king. Why?! Life is unfair..." As Leona's voice went another door formed in front of me.

It emitted a soft glow. When I look behind me, I finally can see Leona form still looking at his memory with a cold gaze.

Slowly I walk toward him, "You know... I read a few stories about the main character that is not a king."

Leona glanced behind him, "What do you mean by that?"

"Those that remembered by people is not by order of birth but by their actions. Do you think people want to know what they king eat or do everyday? No... they only want to know about the king decision on every situation. And Leona, do you know, just because you are King from birth, doesn't mean you are destined to be great."

"Heh. Say that to historian."

"No, I'm serious. What is define by great? Every great people in history is not always a king and beside, I think you have something that not even your brother have."

"And that is?" He looks at me with raised eyebrows.

"The support from you're the people your trust. I mean did you see the look of your dorm when they are ordered by you? That full adoration I see. And they still like you even after you have this cocky and arrogant attidute. And I doubt your brother will get the same reaction if he start to show off his mean side."

"I don't know if that an insult or compliment."

"Take it as a compliment." The silence engulfed us.

"What about you? What your people know you as?"

"I don't know? But even if we show our other side, they look fine with that. I'm not always showing this kind and polite girl, y'know. After all, the demon blood still flow inside of me. There will be times where my demon show up. One thing that we learn from the start is everyone have 2 side. So don't be surprised if other show up."

"...That sound clichΓ©."

"S-shut up! I try to sound serious here!" I pout and he laughs.

"Fine. Fine. I get it." He starts to get up and offers his hands to me. I take it with a soft smile until he starts to pull me towards him.

"After I wake up, I will let you learn what is the consequences of attracting a carnivore like me, little mouse." He said before the door behind us open brightly and as the light engulfed us both, I can see Leona smile for a little bit. Before everything turns bright.

As they both go, a similar silhouette looks at them with a smile. "Well done, Princess. I will be waiting for your next dream. After all, you are the key."


Raina wakes up and the first face she sees is her worried brother. Bawling his eyes out looking at her.

"R-Raina... YOU WOKE UP!!"

"Ouch... Slow down, Ni-san." Raina said while patting Iruma's back. The rest of Yodhira dorm also look relieved after Raina woke up.

"That accident really take a toll to you, huh Raina?" said Lied.

"My, what a kiss~ I'm sure Amarilys-sama will be proud, ne Raina-chan?" Elizabeth winked at Raina. Raina only laughs at that with a red face. Asmodeus just give Raina washing water.

"...What is this for?"

"I'm sure your mouth have a bad taste after kissing that cat. So I told Clara to prepared this washing water. So here you go, Raina-sama."

"... You are so ruthless, Asmo-san. Speaking of Leona-senpai, where is he?" The other signal using their eyes towards Leona that being scolded by Crowley.

Ruggie and the rest of the Savanaclaw are also with him. Grim also followed along and tell Crowley about all of Yodhira's investigation

"Is this true, Mr.Kingscholar?" Crowley asks.


"Understood. Then, first of all, Savanaclaw Dorm is disqualified from this year tournament. Further punishment will be decided after I have disccused with those that you injured. Is that clear?"

"...Crystal." Raina looks at the dejected look from the Savanaclaw dorm but before she can intervene, Riddle beat her to it.

"Headmaster. Wait for a moment." Riddle shows up with a bunch of other students behind him.

"Mr.Roseheart? And all of you are the victims in the incidents."

"Yes. Headmaster, as the victims we have a request to ask of you. Could you please refrain from disqualifaying Savanaclaw and have them play in the tournament?" said Trey.

"What is this now? Are you saying... to let them off?"

"Rather of doing we that, we decide to teach them a lesson ourselves." Said Jamil.

"Hoho~ the Pretty brave guy, are ya?" Jazz drops his arms towards Jamil.

"I appreciate it if you didn't touch me casually." Jamil just push Jazz's arm away from his shoulder.

"Eh?!?!" Ruggie shouts shockingly and so does Leona.

"Personal squabbles involving magic are prohibited on campus. Magical shift is well respected sport, right?" Said Riddle.

"However, it is also known as a field where you can have an all out magical battle." Continue Trey. The rest voiced their agreement.

"I don't know what happened to you all but Savanaclaw looks to be in worse shape than all of us. Just what happened here before we show up" Jamil asks with raised eyebrow towards the group of Yodhira.

"Trust me, Little human. You don't want to know." Said Sabnock.

"B-but not everyone agree, right? What about the Yodhira dorm? After all, they the one that get the strongest accidents, right?" Said Crowley.

"Hmph. I would not worry about that troublemaker, Mr.Crowley. You can throw them to the sea full of sea monsters and they will get out from there alive." Kalego then shows up with his usual demeanor.

"Aw~ Is that a compliment, Kalego-sensei?" Tease Jazz. Kalego glared at him.

"Silence! That means as a sarcasm! Even sea monsters will hide after seeing you from miles away." Said Kalego as he throws a thunder toward Jazz but he manages to evade.

"I see... Yodhira dorm you have no objection?"

"Nope. We looking forwards to your performances, at Savanaclaw dorm. Don't let us down, King of Savanaclaw." Raina winked at Leona.

"Hmph... HAHAHA! Don't underestimate me, Raina. I could take on some wounded herbivores in my sleep." Said Leona with a cocky smile.

"But just to be clear. I have zero intention to apologizing. If that what you want then force me on the field." Continue Leona.

"There you have it, Headmaster. Are you alright with this?" ask Trey again towards Crowley

"My goodness. I'm the fool for thinking you would have some impressive speech prepared."

"*Scoff* You are a fool." Said Kalego.

"*EHEM* Alright. I shall allow Savanaclaw to play in the Tournament as planned. As the Headmaster, I also like to avoid having something like this to be broadcast to the world on the day of the tournament."

"... I really want to hit him now."

"No, Raina! Save your energy for more important things!"

"That's right Raina-chi!"

With that Crowley and the teacher left. Kalego also followed behind before sending a glare toward Leona. Few other students also start to leave to prepare. Savanaclaw and the Yodhira dorm are the ones that stay behind along with their friends.

"... Just so you know, I haven't forgiven you or anything." Said Ruggie.


"But... How to put this? I never want to see you make a miserable face like that again. The arrogant smirk usually suits you better... Like this! [Laugh with me]!" Ruggie starts to cast his magic toward Leona and he starts to make a weird smiling face.

Raina start to laugh followed by other students as Leona told Ruggie to knock it off. Even the tsundere Jack also let out a small smile. Then the announcer starts to give out some calls.

"Ehem. Attention to Yodhira Dorm, to make way to the backstage. For the opening act will begin soon."

"What is the meaning of that Raina?" Ace asks the girl.

"Hehe. Just some deal we make with Kalego-sensei."

"A deal?" Deuce looks curiously.

"Yep. You know for his help at the PE. He helps us set up the plan in return for something." Answer Iruma.

"And that something is involving the opening act?"

"You will know soon. Just rest for a while and enjoyed the opening ceremony. Bye~" Raina waves her hand towards the group before leaving followed by the Yodhira group.

"... That group is really a mystery, huh?"

"I wonder what will they bring in the future?"




"We apologized for the accident earlier. Apperantly there some tencnical difficulties behind and the staff already handled it. So please seat down, ladies and gentleman. For soon our opening ceremony will begin soon."

As the spectators start to sit down, wandering about this so-called opening ceremony. Usually, the dorm will do the parade while showing their dorm flags. Few of the royalties have already sat down.

"I heard that this will be the first time that the new dorm will show themselves."

"Ah. The one with the crown prince and crown princess from that legendary Netherworld?"

"Yes. I wonder what they look liked?"

"I heard their look can bring every demon fall to their knees with only one glance."

"My... Is that mean they have terrifying look?"

"Who knows"

Even a few RSA students can be seen seated down to watch the NRC Tournament. They here mainly because they heard about the so-called Netherworld royalties going to NRC.

It didn't help that few of them are the prince of each kingdom. So they used this opportunity to judge the crown prince and crown princess from Netherworld.

"Now, with everyone sitting. I welcome you once again to NRC Magift Tournament. Enjoy the opening ceremony song that will be performed by our new and amazing dorm, YODHIRA DORM!"

As the MC starts to announce it a song start to play from the background. One by one the Yodhira dorm appears on the stage.

(The dance and choreography are pretty much the same from this video: Wave your flag)

During the Yodhira dorm performances, nobody can take their eyes away from them. The way they coordinated and danced. It feels like the whole place is their stage. Their singing is also a plus point.

The performances get even more perfect as each dorm starts to enter while waving their dorm flag. Not only that, they even look like they having fun. And among them, there is 2 person that people can't divert their eyes from. Yep, our protagonist Raina and Iruma.

"They look kinda..."


And it looks like Raina hear what the crowd said, she starts to flash them her smile. The whole crowd feels an arrow hit their heart as they clutch their poor heart. And look like it's not only the heart of the crowd that she steals.

Vil looks at Yodhira's performances with an amazing look. He can't believe something can be performed with perfect synchronization. Not even a dancer can do what Yodhira performs today. He especially can't look away from Raina.

"Ah~ The gaze of our queen can't divert from our beautiful princess~." Tease Rook with his dramatic moves.

"Hmph. She is one fine potato. I'm sure she can become a flower under my care." If only Vil know, who is Raina's master.

I'm sure he will take back what he said. Especially, her master will become very angry if someone dares compare his precious students to that lowly plants.

Different from Vil, in the shadows, Not so suspicious students already watch the performances with a greedy look in their eyes.

"Fufu~ If I own her, everything will be perfect."

"My, such an ambitious wish, dear Azul. Do you think the princess want to be owned by us?"

"She will not have any choice soon."

"Indeed~, Fufu."

As the performances ended, the Yodhira did a group pose with their flags out too. The cheer erupts from the studio. They excitedly wave their hands towards the group as the Yodhira does the bow. With the end of the opening ceremonies, the real fight will begin soon...

That day will be known in NRC history as the return of the great general from NRC. The title that once belongs to the Demon King, Delkira. Because of his outstanding command and strategies to defeat any foes without lifting doing so much effort.

The people that attend the tournament will also remember the most epic fight between The Diasomnia and Yodhira dorm in the final. They described it as the day, they see a true magic duel.

The fight is so intense that the score gap is not even that big. In the end, Yodhira dorm won with just one score difference.



Kalego can only look at the performances from his sit with an irritated look. The other teacher that sees that want to ask what happen until they see his surrounding.

"Kalego-sensei, I didn't know you doted on Yodhira dorm so much?" Crewel said carefully while carefully looking at the cameras that had been set up around him. Complete with lighting and mic that pointed towards the Yodhira performances. Kalego glared at Crewel but the latter didn't feel affected.

"I'M NOT! This is because of order from the higher up."


"Tch. Who else but the royal brat grandfather." Said Kalego. He want to throw this equipment out but remembered what Sullivan said to him.

"Make sure you capture their debut moment to the world in every angles and don't throw the equipment out, Kalego-kun~"


"I would if only the King didn't give me more paperwork. Huhu... to miss my grandchilds performances." Sullivan silently curses Derkila for that. But he blamed his two other colleagues, Lady Levi, and Lord Belial. Because they didn't allow Derkila to come that Sullivan also suffer with Derkila to end finish the paperwork.


"The king order~"


As Crewel heard the story, he starts to pity Kalego. The rank system is truly more troublesome than he thought.


Little facts:
The rest of the dorm feel traumatized when facing with Yodhira dorm

Raina was already aware of Malleus's true identity but didn't say anything.

Delkira is already packed to go to NRC until Lady Levi and Lord Belarus stop him. Because of that damn paperwork. He cried because of that.

Kalego can't refuse because of the rank system.

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net