🦁 The Rebel 2-2 🦁

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I'm feeling motivated suddenly. Maybe the after effect of my exams. I try to be subtle for the story updates. My mother almost know that I write a story. Which will not end well if she did know about this.

So I can only write the story at night. Sorry for this everyone. But enjoyed this chapter.



Finally, the day of the dorm leader meeting arrive. The leader from each dorm is already seated in their own representative seat with Dire Crowley that sits at the head of the table. All except for one seat reserved for the dorm leader of Diasomnia.

Both Iruma and Raina have their seat close to each other. The one that sits beside Iruma is Kalim while Raina's side is still empty. In front of them, the leader of Pomefiore is seated.

"Then let our meeting about October Inter-dorm Magical Shift Tournament commence. First, the Octavinelle dorm leader Mr. Ashengrotto has an announcement as the manager for the tournament." The student with the white hair and wearing the Octavinelle attributes stand up.

"I'm Azul Ashengrotto, the tournament manager. Thank you for your time."

The conversation starts with the stall around the tournament that is already full and how the media and journalists already inform about this tournament.

"Royal guests from every country have all been sent their invitation. Although we still have no words from the Netherworld. Perhaps the new dorm leaders can tell us the reason for it?" Azul asks while looking at the twins.

"Father is still very busy but he know about the tournament already. Maybe he will sent someone as the Netherworld representative." Raina answer.

"I see. I'm kinda hoped to see the King of the Netherworld at the tournament but if he is very busy then it can't be helped. Next, the general attendance ticket has been selling very well." Azul continues to explain.

"This tournament is a big deal worldwide. I got excited about my invitation every year before I came here. Since you are a royalty you would also get one, right, Leona? Maybe we pass each other when we are little?" Kalim turns towards the grumpy lion.

"...Who knows. I don't care." Said Leona. The topic got off the track for a moment before Azul clap his hands to get everyone's attention again.

"As soon as every dorm has decided on their player line up please make sure to submit all the paperwork. If the paperwork is late by even a day..."

"You be disqualified, right?" Riddle cut Azul's words.

"No, I will accept a special processing fee. An express delivery fee, if you will." Said Azul with his charming smile.

"Hmph. To think you will let that rule breaking without a proper punishment."

"Hahaha. I'm just happy to get through." Kalim said In the middle of the fight.

'He is such a simple minded' Raina thought while looking at Kalim.

"Everyone, we got off track. As for the tournament bracket... I like to share ideas. Starting from this tournament, I like the dorm head of Diasomnia, Malleus Draconia, to be inducted into a hall of fame at this time." Said Crowley. The atmosphere starts to get thick.

"...What is the meaning of this?" Leona asks with a low voice.

"Since Mr.Draconia entered this school. All dorm that have played against Diasomnia have been crushed without scoring a single point. Diasomnia scored over 100 points, more than 90 percents of which were by him." Crowley explains.

"True. We can't even pass their defense."

"He an unparelled cheat characters that completely destroy the game balance." Said Idia from his device.

"This tournament isn't for a mere pleasure. In order to find the next generation of talent, the world pay attention. Regardless of that no matter who their opponent is, any match against Diasomnia is over even before the game start. This is an extraordinary exception." Said Crowley. The rest nod at this.

"To the dorm with many members aiming to join a magical shift pro league, Savanaclaw. Savanaclaw is in the dorm with a history of victories and has never once been below the top three. Even still, you have lost to Diasomnia Dorm in the opening match of the two past tournaments. This would not leave a strong impression on any scout. And it wouldn't allow for anyone to become a pro." Crowley continues to explain.

Leona stays silent for a while before looking at Crowley sharply. "...So you are saying that we are just going to get owned again this year?"

"I'm not saying it because it pleases me. Anyway, I already received Mr.Draconia consent regarding this matter. All that left is your approval as the dorm leaders."

"Ha... you underestimated us. The thing I hate the most in the world is being told you will never be number one." Leona said.

"That's not what I mean..."

"First, in magift, it's not about throwing around physical strength. It's about using your head. Sure, no one is ever going to defeat him in the battle of brawn, but brains should be different. Just like the King of beast that took his place as King with hardwork and wisdom. Put that thing between your ears to work. Come up with a way to beat that monster! I bet the world would admire whichever team did that. Are you going to pass up a once in a lifetime opportunity?" Said Leona.

Raina and Iruma noticed what Leona trying to do. His words are really full of temptation but still not very talented like a demon. Fortunately, there is a demon in the meeting and Raina will not let this opportunity slip.

"Headmaster, I think you make a little mistake in your explanation. Diasomnia still not face every dorm yet." Said Raina.

"Hm? What did you mean by that, Raina-san?"

"Diasomnia still not fight with the Yodhira dorm yet." Crowley look at Raina.

"...Are you propose to join for this tournament game? Not that I'm not allowing it but you still an early establish dorm. Plus, you just recently come to this world."

"We still have time to train and learn the Magift rules. Beside, just because we new doesn't mean we are ignorant. Must you know, Sire. We have quite a big desire and Leona speech earlier are putting a new desire towards my heart."

"And that desire is?"

"Of course, to win this tournament. As Leona said, whoever win this tournament againt Diasomnia will have so many attention from the world wide. I bet the news will become a hit with so many television programs and media that will attend. Oh! Don't forget about the royalties that will come as the guests. Imagine that really make my heart race with excitement." Said Raina.

"That why this year, the Yodhira dorm propose to join the tournament as the new challengers. I'm sure the rest of the dorm leader would also like to show their talent in magift without any exception just like Yodhira." Iruma added.

"I think what the three of them said is make senses. I also think your idea is nonsense, headmaster. Excluding those with talent, isn't that just your unconscious bias showing?" Vil opens his voice after hearing Raina and Iruma's words.

"I agree at Vil on this. Also as a wizard, I have no intention of throwing the towel before the battle begins." Riddle continues on.

"I want the world to see that aloof bastard face contort in frustration. Just thinking about that, I could start humming, y'know." Leona smirk.

"Fufu~ Imagine all the rating we got"

"That's right, we should not excludes other."

"There you have it, headmaster. We won't be letting Malleus in the hall of fames. As for the Yodhira proposal. Heh! I have no problems with that. I'm sure the whole world would love to see how the player from the prestigious Netherworld play in the tournament." Leona said looking directly at Crowley.

"My goodness... Fine, I understand. However if the same thing occurs, he will enter the hall of fame next year and I would let the Yodhira dorm to participate in this year tournament." Said Crowley with a sigh.

"That brings us to the end of today's meeting. Everyone, please don't forget to turn in your paperwork."

With that, the meeting of the dorm leader finally ended. Leona starts to walk towards the door before stopping at the twin's spot and whispering.

"I will be waiting for your group resistance. Be well prepared, herbivores." After that, he quickly gets out of the Mirror chambers.

Raina looks at Leona's back more intensely. No instead of his back, her gaze is more focused on the very thin black smoke that surrounds Leona.

'...That can't be good' Raina thought as the drop of the ink can be heard splashing in the background.


Two of Heartslabyul students are on their walk while talking about the magift tournament. They excitingly talked with each other before the other students start to lose their balance on the stairs and falling down resulted in his broken leg.

"Oh gosh! Are you okay?" Elizabeth that is walking with Kerori, Lied, and Jazz starts to run over the students to help.

"Ouch! M-My leg."

"Please calm down or else the wounds will get worse. Lied can you help me take him to the infirmary?" Lied nod. Together with Jazz, Lied starts to carry the students.

They didn't know but Jazz's eyes linger at the feet for a while before he glances at one corner. It was a very subtle glance before he hurriedly bring the students towards the infirmary.


The group is spending their time behind the building to learn about Magift. Who are their teachers? Well, it is none other than the three ghosts. Unexpectedly, when they are still alive, they are quite a player in Magift. So they volunteer to couch the Yodhira dorm students about Magift. They are in the middle of their training before Dire Crowley drops by.

"I see you getting along with the ghosts. Splendid. Splendid."

"We are not getting along. What did you want?" Grim said aggressively.

"Grim. Be nice." Raina said.

"Can we help you, headmaster?" Iruma ask.

"I have the request to make of you. It's not a simple chit-chat so let's go inside." Iruma looks at his friend and Raina before nodding at Crowley's request. All of the students are sitting in the throne rooms.

'Why did I feel I walked inside some of the king council meetings?' Crowley sweatdrop at the sitting arrangements.

Iruma and Raina are ushered to sit on their throne and Crowley is given a seat in the middle. The rest of the demon students are sitting around him.

"So what you want to talk about, Headmaster?" Asmodeus ask from his position beside Iruma.

"Ahem. Then I will get straight to the point. Recently, there have been an increasing numbers of students injured in suspicious accidents. I like for you to investigate it."

"Eh? How is that our problems?" Said Jazz.

"That's right and beside can't you investigated it yourself, Headmaster? Isn't this something that headmaster should do, de gozaru?" said Garp.

"Unfortunately, I'm very busy preparing for the tournament." Answer Crowley with a cough.

Kerori looks at the Headmaster suspiciously. She is sure that none of them buy Crowley's excuses. And isn't the tournament is been handled by the students from that Lounge?

"Headmaster, what incident are you talking about?"

"Tripping down from the stairs, burned by boiling waters. The causes vary but the number of patients has increased in the infirmary. This has been ten people injured for this week alone." Crowley explained. Raina looks thoughtful.

"Mr.Crowley. Based on what you said, it should not be hard to find the culprit. It very likely the reason they doing it is connected to Magift Tournament. The culprit didn't exactly cover his trace regarding the reason. I'm sure you already have the suspect but lack the evidence. That why you reach for us, right?" ask Raina. Crowley clap at Raina careful thinking.

"That's right."

"Unfortunetly, we must refuse your-"

"Please! Could you help me? I'm sorry if this sound very sudden but I would be very thankful if you want to let a little of your time for the justice. Please! Raina! Iruma!"


Raina didn't know since when Crowley know about Iruma's three taboo words but with an open heart (they are forced), they accept Crowley's request. Iruma has a gloomy session on the floor regarding that weakness. Satisfied that his request had already been accepted, Crowley leave in a very good mood.

"Hahaha. That Iruma to you." Jazz laugh.

"I'm sorry, everyone." Iruma wept internally.

"Nah, don't worry. It's just mean we own that Headmaster a favor, right?"

"Did you think that stingy headmaster will accept it if we ever ask for something?" Agares ask Jazz.

"Why not? We have Kalego-sensei, right? I'm sure he will have fun asking the headmaster about this favor later." Jazz smiled knowingly. The rest seems to catch up and let out a little chuckle. Crowley let out a sneeze somewhere.

"Raina-chan, Iruma-san. I have a little information about this matter." Elizabeth says to Raina.

Apparently, Elizabeth, Kerori, Jazz, and Lied are present when the first incident happens. That is why they investigated this silently. All of the students that face the incidents are saying almost the same tune. It is like their hands and legs are moving on their own.

"Of course, our investigation are not finished yet. We still not asking the new injured students but we can get one thing about this. Most of the victims are the one that probably doing well in Magift Tournament or someone that want to join the tournament." Explain Elizabeth.

"As expected of Nee-san charm. Even the students in here can't do anything against it~" Compliment Kamui with a lovey-dovey eye.

"Ara~ All I did is ask them nicely~," Said Elizabeth.

"So it's true that they targeted the Magift Players. In that case, We will continue with students asking. Me and Ni-san will go to Infirmary to gather more information. The rest of you, stay on alert." Said Raina.

"Do you think this can lead to even bigger event?" Raina know what Iruma reffered too.

"... I hope not." 'Although the possibilities are high...' Raina didn't let out the last sentences.

Until the investigation is finished, they can't do anything. Iruma looked at his sister's grim face and start to feel worried. He needs to start to train to say 'no' to any request. He didn't want to bring any danger to his sister and friends. If one day, the request he accepts can risk their lives it will be his regret.

They walk towards the front door and Asmodeus is ready to open it but before he managed to open the door to Iruma and Raina, the door suddenly open wide with force and poor Asmodeus are being trapped between the wall and door.

"IRUMA! RAINA! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!! TREY-SENPAI HAVE FALLEN DOWN FROM THE STAIR- OW! HOT!" Ace's words got cut off when the door burst into flame and is reduced to ash. A very pissed Asmodeus emerged from behind it with a red face.

"You really-!"

"I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU IS BEHIND THE DOOR! Like I said it's an emergency! EMERGENCY!!"

Deuce soon emerged from the broken door but stop when seeing that Ace was being chased by Asmodeus flames. "Should I know what happen?"

"... You don't want to know."

"Right. Raina! Clover-senpai got hurt falling down from stairs!" Said Deuce.

"Trey-senpai? But he is not the clumsy type. I will go check on him. The rest of you please continue the search."

"Wait. Rai-chan!" Iruma soon followed along with Grim, Clara, and Deuce.

"WAIT! GUYS! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!!!" Shout Ace still running for his life

-Trey Room-

Raina and the group arrive at Trey's room in Heartslabyul and found that Trey is laying down in his bed with Riddle standing beside him.

"Trey-senpai! Are you okay?!" ask Raina as she gets closer to Trey.

"I'm okay, Raina. Don't need to get overwork like that." Trey tries to laugh.

"Yo, glasses! We heard you are down in the dumps and came to pay our respect." Said, Grim.

"Clara brought you some games and food for your recoveries~," Said Clara with her childish voice.

"Thank you, everyone. I'm sorry that I make you worried."

"Just what happened, Trey-senpai? You usually are not a clumsy type." Ask Iruma.

Trey sigh and Riddle start to explain. They are on their way back to the dorm after the Magift training and when they want to go downstairs, Riddle suddenly loses control of his body and falls down. Thankfully, Trey has a quick response so he manages to protect Riddle but unfortunately, he suffers some injuries.

"I'm sorry, Trey because of my carelessness." Riddle looks down at his feet.

"This is starting to get suspicious." Raina's voice rang through the quiet room.


"Maybe it better we explain from the start..." Iruma and Raina start to tell about Crowley's request and how based on their investigation there has been a similar incident happening all around the NRC. Coincidentally, it all connected to Magift players.

"We have a feeling that culprit maybe targeting the best player around."

"This talk is actually quite heavy. Should we change room and leave the injured to rest?" Cater cut through the conversation and the rest agreed. They go to Heartslabyul common room and sit to discuss the investigation.

"I already heard about that incidents and launch the investigation based by Riddle request and look at what I found. Most of the injured are really the starting candidates for their teams like Riddle and Trey." Explain Cater.

Riddle with a low voice continued, "Actually, when I fall down. I feel that someone take control of my body."

"Everyone else was saying something like that." Grim cut through.

"So it really true that someone have been targeting the best candidates for the Magift Tournament. Although I'm not surprised. One performances in the match can lead to a career in the future. So its noy weird someone will do whatever it takes to ensure the victories." Raina speculates.

"That's why Raina. I will also join your group for this investigation. I make sure to catch the culprit and make them confess." Riddle said with a determined voice.

Raina look at Iruma and with a firm nod said, "In that case welcome to the teams, Riddle-senpai."


With Riddle tagging along with the group, they decide to look at a few dorm's best players first. They start with Pomefiore dorm. They peek at one dazzling group.

"They are shining." Whisper Clara.

"My eyes hurt." Complain Deuce.


Raina looks at the group from behind and can't help to sweat a little. Their spying posture is very bad. Which kind of spy will do their activities in the middle of the hallways?

Back in her and Iruma's days when they need to gather information, they will be captured easily with this trick (previous human world). Raina would not be surprised if that group already noticed their existence.

"First up, the Pomefiore group. I marked third-year Rook Hunt in my 'Cater Check'. His signature is his blonde bob and hat." Said Cater while pointing towards the dazzling group. Raina took notice of two-person in the group. First is Vil-senpai and the second...

"So the stalker name is Rook, huh?"


"We tend to notice that someone like to spy on us from the tree. Since he didn't do anything dangerous but only observe us, we didn't do anything yet. He

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