The Big Audition

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Lilia burst out laughing. "I see the Ignihyde housewarden's reputation as a technomantic engineering savant is well-deserved. He gets some inspired ideas."

"That's p. legit, actually!" Cater points with a finger. "Programming voice synthesis software and posting songs you make with it has taken off big time. I'm a fan of electropop stuff, myself."

Grim jumps to the arm of the couch and puts his paws on his hips. "I got no idea what any of you are talkin' about."

"Really, Grimmy? You've never seen a virtual idol before? Here, lemme show you a clip. Let's see..." Cater pulls out his phone. "Ah, hold up. Gotta sit through a commercial without skipping to watch this for free."

Ace groans. "I hate adds."

Cater holds out his phone so everyone can see. The commercial takes place in a forest of apple trees. A beautiful young man with short black hair wears a black sailor hat with red lining and a bow on top. Underneath his white coat is a sweater with the top part mostly in blue and the lower part in yellow.

"I'll share a secret with you" The boy says as he holds a soda bottle. "this is no ordinary drink. It's a magic wishing drink! One sip, and all your wishes come true. A loving red with a sparkling pop. Red Apple Soda, on sale now."

"Ooh, that's the drink commercial people have been talking about lately." Cater says after the add finishes. "I gotta stay on top of the latest hotness! I'll drop by the school store later and check it out."

"Ah, that Neige fellow in the commercial there..." Lilia brings a hand to his chin. "he came up at a recent housewarden meeting. He's going to be appearing at this year's SDC, you know."

Ace's eyes widen. "What? That guy's a major celebrity! And he's showing up for THIS?"

"This competition's attracting some serious heavyweights." Deuce runs a hand through his hair. "Now I really have to up my game..."

"If I make it in, do you think I could get a selfie with Neige?" Cater asks.

"You're a shameless fanboy sometimes, Cater." Ace folds his arms.

Cater shrugs. "Look, Neige is THE hottest Magicammer out there. If I get my chance, you bet I'm taking that shot. Pun intended. And if I could get Vil and Neige in the shot together with me? I just KNOW I'd go viral."

Grim stands on his tippy toes on the arm of the couch. "Hey, Cater! Can you hold your phone lower? I can't see the screen at all!"

"I could project it on the wall for you, if you like." Ortho offers.

The door to the lounge slams open and in walks Vil with Rook and Epel on either side of him.

"Silence, spuds!"

Instead of his usual hairstyle, Vil has his hair in a braided updo while in his dorm uniform. The uniform consists of a violet robe, a black button-up shirt underneath, black pants, and black and gold heeled boots. While the other Pomefiore robes reaches the knees in length, Vil's robe is long enough to touch the floor. The underlining is deep-red, with an intricate baroque pattern. The sleeves open up at the shoulders, and reach the knees in length. Both sleeves have a gold, baroque pattern near the ends. Around his waist is a wide, black sash, with a red rope over it, tied on his left side. The black button-up shirt worn underneath his robe has long sleeves and a white, wingtip collar. The ends of the sleeves have a lace-like pattern, and a single loop that goes around the middle finger. Vil wears a unique golden crown on his head with strands of hair falling over. Near the center of the crown is an icon shaped like a heart with a dagger pierced through it.

You notice Rook's signature hat is changed to violet to match the color of his robes. The band around the hat is deep-red, and the feather is black.

As the trio walk in, lights and sparks seem to emanate from them. Deuce shields his eyes. "Whoa, that's bright! What's with the sparkles?"

"I'm seein' stars over here!" Grim complains.

The whole room goes silent as Vil steps forward. He has an air that commands respect from everyone else around him.

"I find it difficult to believe that anyone on this campus would be ignorant of who I am, but courtesy dictates an introduction all the same." Vil places a regal hand to his chest. "I am Vil Schoenheit, housewarden of Pomefiore. This year, the headmage has assigned me a duty to select entrants to compete in the Song & Dance Championship. We will now begin the ensemble auditions. Rook, take it away."

Rook nods. "Oui, Roi du Poison. I am Rook Hunt, vice housewarden of Pomefiore. A pleasure to make your acquaintances."

Grim hops to your shoulder. "Oh hey, it's the weirdo who was takin' audition applications. That guy's a vice housewarden?"

Rook continues. "We will have each of you perform the assigned set piece. You will be evaluated separately for singing and dancing. The auditions will be in groups of three. Come inside when your name is called. All right, let's get this audition started. Entry number one, you're up."

Epel stays with the other students auditioning while Ruggie walks down a hallway with Vil and Rook towards the ballroom. The two sit down at a table set up for the audition.

Rook gestures with a hand. "Start the music!"

Ruggie preforms and when the music ends, Rook applauds the hyena. "Monsieur Dent-de-Lion. Your fleet footwork and broad smile convey gallantry and boyish charm in equal measure. Beauté! Full marks!"

"You carry yourself well enough, but your dancing and singing both leave much to be desired." Vil waves a hand. "Next!"

Cater performs next and just like Ruggie, Rook applauds. "Monsieur Magicam. Your singing voice sparkled with diamond clarity! I could immerse myself in it for hours. Beauté! Full marks!"

Vil folds his arms. "You did the entire song and dance without any errors, but your performance is utterly lacking in passion. Next!"

Lilia preformed after Cater.

"Monsieur Curiosité. Your boyish looks belie the depth of your voice. It is truly fascinating to behold.
Beauté! Full marks!"

"I can't quite put my finger on it, for some reason, you show none of the youthful vim one would expect from a student. Next!"

Up next is Ortho.

"Monsieur Marionette. How very cutting-edge! I was riveted by the precision of your robotic dancing and singing. Beauté! Full marks!"

"I've heard of genreless, but this is ridiculous. Next!"

Kalim preforms next and is quite the amazing dancer.

"Roi Doré! Your dancing is like a simoom kicking up the desert sands! And your singing is so uplifting, I can feel myself floating away. Beauté! Full marks!"

Vil hums. "I suppose you're a slight step up from the rest of these stumbling vegetables."

Jamil is up next. He dances and sings incredibly well.

"Monsieur Pyramide. My hat goes off to you." Rook tips his hat to him. "I can see the smoldering soul that lies beneath your cool exterior! Beauté! Full marks!"

The slightest smile shows on Vil's lips. "Your dancing and singing are both the most passable I've seen so far. Not bad, I suppose."

Epel preforms next.

"Monsieur Pommette." Rook claps. "How truly charming and sweet! You've improved greatly in all respects. Beauté! Full marks!"

"Yet again, he messed up before the hook. He may perform flawlessly in rehearsals, but it means nothing if he still flubs the show. For that matter, Rook," Vil turns to him. "you've been giving perfect scores to every single entrant so far. Are you even trying to be a proper judge?"

"Of course!" Rook laughs. "Yet how am I to rank one above another when they're all so magnifique? There is beauty to be found in perfection, but imperfection has its own unique allure. Wouldn't you agree?"

Vil rolls his eyes. "This is what I get for making you a judge. I should've known better... Well, we've one group left. Call them in."

"Ace Trappola. Deuce Spade. Grim and Y/N." Rook calls out. "You may all enter."

Grim bursts into the room. "Finally, our time to shine!"

"Yeah! Let's bag this audition." Ace pumps his fist.

Deuce nervously walks in. "We've come this far. I can't crumble now. Let's do this!"

Vil smirks. "Why, if it isn't the unwashed spuds that so foolishly challenged me to a fight. I do hope you've improved from the embarrassingly awkward show you put on then."

Grim chuckles. "We've been puttin' in work, all right. Time to show you the moves we picked up from Scarabia!"

"I'm delighted to see you audition. Merci!" Rook smiles.

"We'll just see if you think we're embarrassing and inelegant this time!" Ace smirks to Vil.

Vil only folds his arms and tilts his head. "Keep talking, spudling. If you want my approval, prove to me your worth."

"Et c'est parti!" Rook waves a hand. "Show us what you can do!"

The music plays and the boys start dancing. You must admit that they have gotten better, but you're not sure if it will be enough. The song stops playing and the boys look to the judges.

Rook hums to himself. "You are like little birds who have just learned how to spread their wings. Yes, you are so naive! So innocent! Beauté! Full mark"

Vil groans. "Must you praise every performance so uncritically?"

"How'd you like that?" Grim smirks. "We were perfect!"

"You're done?" Vil shoos you off. "Then hurry and get out."

Ace takes a step towards Vil. "What, you're not gonna grade us?"

You stand in front of Ace to prevent him from getting into trouble. Deuce clears his throat. "Please excuse us..."

With help from Deuce, you're able to drag Ace out of the ballroom.

Rook watches as you leave. "That was a very... frenetic dance. You were right, they are still quite unpolished. And yet..."

Vil scoffs. "Theirs was a grade school recital, clearly the work of amateurs with the thinnest veneer of competence. They're out."

"Interesting, interesting." Rook brings a hand to his chin in thought.

You and the boys sit back on the couch in the lounge. Vil and Rook walk into the room.

Rook claps for everyone's attention. "Attention, entrants: the audition is now over. We will notify the group that passes tomorrow. You will receive either some news, or no news!"

"So we find out tomorrow?" Grim shakes his fur out. "Now I'm gettin' all antsy."

Deuce runs a hand down his face. "I was a whole key off during the A melody..."

You smile brightly. "Well, whatever the results are, you guys did amazing."

Deuce smiles appreciatively. "I'm glad you at least think so."

Ace sighs. "Singing and dancing sure burns a lot of energy. Let's get back to the dorm and eat!"

Grim perks up. "Can I come?"

"Like we could stop you." Ace scoffs.

You and the boys leave the lounge with the rest of the students who auditioned.

Vil whirls around, his cloak billowing out. "The turnout was half casual spuds on a lark, and half amateurs with at least some proper mindset. Losing is NOT an option at this year's Song & Dance Championship. Let us start by sorting these scores in descending order..."

"A moment, if you would, fair Vil." Rook steps closer. "Gems already polished shine with a predictable luster. Yet with sufficient effort put into polishing, it is possible for rough-hewn ores to be reborn as shining gems. Brighter than the ones you hold now, I daresay."

Vil ponders over his words. "You speak soundly, Rook. It will take more than conventional thinking to lay claim to the fairest beauty of all. What matters most for our needs is the ability to ascertain what KIND of gems our labors will produce for us."

Rook chuckles. "I sensed the most unpolished potential from the last group of performers. The freshmen."

"Really?" Vil quirks an eye. "Those little spudlings?"

"If you would indulge me a metaphor, Vil." Rook explains. "You are a grand diamond whose radiance draws eyes the world over. Now imagine, if you will, a tiara packed with precious stones all crowding one another out. Sounds like a flattering headpiece, non? But another option is a tiara in which a single, grand diamond has a smaller, more colorful array of gems inlaid around it. Personally, I would find the latter more tasteful and appealing. Of course, the final call is yours to make. I'll take no offense if you dismiss the thought outright."

Vil stays quiet.

"But I trust you know deep down..." Rook continues. "That simply brushing up our status quo will never be sufficient for taking on the dazzling Neige LeBlanche. And that we will need a more innovative mindset."

Vil nods. "Yes, I suppose so. The entrants appearing in this year's Song & Dance Championship will be..."

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