(Γ·πŸ’»πŸ¦ "System Override" πŸ¦ πŸ’»Γ·) Twisted Malware

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First main of the story :),

He's a nightmare to deal with since his mechanic works like Vee except he puts a slow I debuff when you fail a skill check


Aight lets get this chapter starte-



WHOOPS SORRY NOT SORRY! ANYWAYS, please mind me for a second as this is my time to shine, HEY-


Bad child >:(, anyways as I was saying, time to start this chapter



As Y/N were sitting with Susi, who was chatting with Chocoly and Piccal

Their eyes wondered everywhere in the elevator and noticed Vee looking down

Y/N did the logical thing to check up on her and see whats wrong and sat down next to her

"Why the long face, Vee? Got called outdated tech from Sprout again?" Y/N asked her, Vee deadpanned at them and shook her head

"No, it's much more complicated than that" She tells them, crossing her arms together

"More so, I'm worried about my little brother, you know Malware right?" She said to them, Y/N shakes their head

"He's one very chaotic child, he'd always get into trouble and didn't care, he was a prankster all right" Vee told them, "But still, he was my little brother, I wonder how is he during these days, we haven't seen him still"

"Well don't worry Vee, I'm sure he's okay!" Y/N tells them, the cards from the elevator drop to the floor, Y/N picks them up and put them to their face


Blind Grab
Every Toon will recieve one random item if they have an inventory slot open


Add 5 seconds to the elevator panic timer


Penny Pincher

Every Toon recieves 45 tapes


"I don't think I want too many tapes, blind grab can be a bit useful if it gives the right item, decency is also pretty good," Y/N thought to themselves

After a short time, Y/N picked the Decency card, they inserted it into the little hole and it played a jingle

Later on, the elevator opened and showed another map of the warehouse

Y/N came out of the elevator with Vee and Finn

"Let's split up?" Y/N asks Vee and Finn, "Sure I don't mind" Vee tells them

They all go their seperate ways and look for machines individually, at some point in time, some ads popped up but it looked different from Vee's

Y/N was a little confused on what just happened and went to look for Vee to ask what happened, until they heard something coming from behind a wall

It was footsteps and a couple of glitchy sounds, Y/N looked behind from a wall and saw it was a twisted and their torso has the same fate as Vee's and as well as their legs

They appeared to have a chainsaw hand that looked deadly, Y/N backed away from the twisted but accidentally stepped on a pop can by accident

The twisted turned to look at them and rushed to place where they heard the sound

It saw Y/N and tried to attack them with their chainsaw hand but Y/N dodged the attack in time and rushed to hide first

The twisted went after them but didn't see where they hid so it got a bit angry and left

"Well they sound like a main, I need to go find Vee" Y/N said in their thoughts

After for quite some time, Y/N found Vee doing a machine, they went to her and she noticed and paused the machine to hear what Y/N will say

"Hey Vee, so um I got into a situation with another main, it had an email browser for a head, was he your brother?" Y/N asked her, "That sounds like what my brother looks like, did he have a little danger sign on them?" Vee questioned them

"You could say that, but anyways what did he like the most though?" Y/N asks Vee, still unsure on what to do

"Well for the most part, he liked to prank everyone and set up chaos wherever he went, lost count on how many times people had to call me," Vee chuckled by that thought and continued "But I don't think he likes anything else other than that, sorry Y/N"

"Nah, it's okay, I'll find a loop around it instead, thanks for the info though" Y/N thanked Vee and ran off to try to think of something

"I can't think of anything, maybe I should do a machine now, so I can probably think of something" Y/N said to themselves and found a machine, then extracted it

After a while, they filled the machine completely and walked off to look for more

While wandering in the warehouse, they stepped on a little something, it looked like a USB that had a tag on it saying "Virus calmer"

Y/N wondered if this was connected to Malware, before they could scatter their thoughts, they heard a little commotion somewhere near them

They looked from behind a wall and saw that Vee was really struggling against holding back Malware, if anything, they looked like siblings who were fighting

Y/N looked at the USB on their hand and saw Malware had a little hole for that behind his head

Vee saw Y/N and they signalled her to keep quiet as they were gonna jump on Malware's back, Vee nodded and continued to hold back Malware

Y/N jumped on to Malware and he noticed it, Vee was just holding him still now and Y/N inserted the USB into the hole

Malware collapsed onto the ground and Vee picked him up and carried him, "Don't worry about him, he's just tired, he'll come back to normal"

"Oh uh okay, let's do the last machines?"
Y/N asks her, "Yeah, I do feel a little bit pity for Finn doing it all by himself" Vee says to them

"Heh that thought alone is funny" Y/N tells her and left to do the last ones


----later bcuz me is lazy!1!1!1----

After completing the last machines, the elevator opened and they all walked in

"So hows Malware doing?" "He'll wake up in 3 2..."

And he woke up, he looked around the elevator in confusion

"Where am I? Who are you? What happened?" Malware asks us, "You can drop the act now Malware" Vee tells him

"Eh your no fun anyways, are you Y/N?" Malware shifts his attention on them, "Yeah that's me" Y/N tells him

"Sorry for the trouble, but may I say something?" Malware tells them, "What is it?" Y/N says

"The author of this book doesnt know what she's doing or writing, it explains the weird grammer throughout the whole book"


"Malware, don't break the fourth wall, your just angry 'cause I shooed you away earlier"


"What did you ask again?" "Nothing important, so where we off to?"

"Just bringing back your friends, that's all" Y/N ponders, what other secret is Sunny hiding?


My brain doesnt like motivation at all, so its late :p

Some facts on Malware:

-known to be a chaotic prankster

-has Vee to deal with all his shenanigans and gets annoyed by it

-would time to time jumpscare people

What twisted Malware looks like

Also the ads too 😁

Aight the next toon is a filipino food but also a good friend of Malware

Hint: πŸ₯€πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­

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