Alright time to make this chapter after that weirdass writing last time
Corla is a more sassy version of Vee hehe
Lets get this chapter started
Now was the day of another rescuing, they made a raffle box to see who would go down but of course Sunny and Y/N were gonna be regularly chosen to go down
Y/N had gotten 2 papers with a toons name on it, they read it out loud and started preparing their supplies
The selected toons going down the elevator this time were gonna be Y/N, Sunny, Monlene and Vee
"You know, I'm worried about Corla" Monlene speaks up, "Although she was very mean, she'd be kind to me" She continued to say
"She's picking favorites huh? I'll jot that down in my files" Vee replied, nonchalant about it
"This Corla person sounds really interesting, what's about her?" Y/N asks, really curious about the Corla toon
"Well first, she's a computer and also a very mean version Vee, no offense though" Monlene said, "None taken" Vee commented
"Geez if you three are gonna chat throughout our descend, at least make it quiet" Sunny popped up from behind all of them
The 11th floor was different, it was the gift shop floor, Y/N and the other toons split up
They went to the maze part of the floor but the maze itself was gone. Reduced to bits, only an empty space remains
"Huh, I'm glad that maze is gone but now it just looks weird without it.." Y/N said in their thoughts, completely puzzled by the scene before them
With Vee and Sunny, they were at the plushies section, "Who do you think we'll be able to rescue here?" Sunny asked her, "My best bet would be... I don't know, I wasn't that close to any of the SpringSight toons at all" Vee replied
"Hm bummer, but I do hope we find Moxie" Sunny told her while she was extracting with Vee just only beside her, leaning on a wall
"That toon's just like his sister, a clean freak and doesn't like me at all" Vee said, "Well, it's kind of pitiful to see Tisha clean things by herself" Sunny answered, "besides it's nice to see the siblings together again" She continued to tell her
They suddenly hear some plushies falling, they look over to see some of the mains plushies on the ground, Vee and Sunny check it but nothing was there
No trace was left behind, Sunny picked up a Shelly plush while Vee returned some of it to its shelf
She then looked over to Sunny and said, "*sigh* Let me guess, your gonna keep that in your room, are you?" "Heh, you know how I am with Shelly" Sunny tells her
Vee only rolls her eyes at the answer, "Come on lover girl, we've got machines to do" She says
Monlene was just at the other plushie shelves, the one outside the maze, she stared at it for so long, she didn't know how much time has passed
Y/N then notices her on the way to find a machine and taps her shoulder, grabbing her attention
"So why are you staring at the plushies?" Y/N asked, "Oh um, it's because that the creators also made a 5 plushies of our crew" Monlene explained
"I thought main toons can only get that kind of treatment?" They said, "Um one of us was a main so it makes sense but also we were popular like them as well" She told them
Some commotion happened somewhere beside them, and they decide to check it out for themselves, with a bit of hesitance of course
But nevertheless, they would look for what caused it, something that they noticed on the floor were wheel tracks, there was four of it
Both of the toons took a peek on who did the noise and saw something endlessly banging on the wall near the broken elevator
They had a lot and by a lot, I mean their feet and arms are no longer existing, only a metal stand with wheels can support them, the twisted was strapped to the locomotor carrier
Monlene was shocked at the sight while Y/N was surprised by the condition of the twisted, they think that the twisted was Corla, the toon Monlene mentioned earlier
The bot then blared an alarm so loud, they had to cover their nonexistent ears to block it and it rushed to the both of them, in full speed might I add
Y/N noticed this and grabbed Monlene's hand and got the hell out of there, they soon let go of Monlene to go their seperate ways
They then notice Sunny doing a machine with Vee nowhere in sight, "Hey Sunny, I know your a bit violent but really? Corla?" Y/N tells her
"Eh, I had a bad mood" Sunny replied, she then took out a wrench from nowhere, "But then again, I can bring back her previous settings"
"Really? You can do that?" Y/N said, "There are a lot of things you don't know about me, newbie" She tells them, she then went to find Corla, leaving Y/N
Not soon after, she finds her target, "Sorry again, I have to do this" Sunny climbs on her back to fix her electronics, she may or may not struggled with it 'cuz Corla was moving too much
But nonetheless, she ended up successful and shut down her system, planning to turn her on later and tied a rope to her so that she can drag her
They all then finish the machines pretty quickly and went back in the elevator, Vee comes in with... Malware? "Well, well, well look who I found hiding in my system" Vee said, looking at Malware angrily, "Not my fault you guys keep banning me from doing a run" He told her
"Well who knows what you would do alone hm?" They all ascend back to the lobby and Sunny powered Corla up
She boots up and tries to restore all her data lost, "Euhh what happened? And why am I limbless?" She said
"That was me, sorry" Sunny told her, Y/N then drags Corla to the revival machine room
"Uh I need your trinket, where did you put it?" "It's in my room" Corla answered, "I'll go get it then" Monlene then heads into the SpringSight elevator
Not too long after, she comes back with the trinket, it was just a computer mouse
"Alright then uh, can I have permission to stab you?" Corla gets confused on why they would ask that, Monlene popped up from behind her
"It's how they'll turn you back into a toon" She explained, "Weird concept but it's fine by me" Corla answered
Y/N then stabbed her directly at her screen and her form melted afterwards, leaving the locomotor carrier still physical
They then placed the trinket and the ichor sample into the machine and began the the revival process
Soon after, Corla's figure was shown from the machine and got back out, Monlene then hugged her tightly
"Ow, your gonna squish me to death" Corla replied, "Oops sorry" Monlene let go of her
Y/N then hands Corla's trinket to her and both of the toons walk out of the room, leaving Y/N in it
Yes this is a cry for help, anyways hope yall like this chapter
What Twisted Corla looks like
(Sunny did her very dirty)
-before the creation of the toons, Sunny's toon handler was supposed to make her role like Vee but eh, Delilah didnt accept it
-and so, Corla became the hacker of the crew
-Malware can pretty much possess her i guess
The next twisted is one who is a good picklocker
Hint: 🔑
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