§📼"Blast to the Past"📼§ Twisted Torrie

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2nd main of the story yipe

Yes yes I'm aware that a lot of people made tape ocs too

But its not like Qwel would add them anyways, she said it herself she doesnt look at ocs so it doesnt look like shes stealing them


Alright enough ranting, lets get straight into it


As they kept descending down and down, the newly rescued twisteds only chatted within the safe space of the elevator

And as always, every Twisted went to sleep except for Y/N (dang these dudes be tired every floor)

"Hey.. You got some tapes now? I'm getting tired" Sunny says, looking disheveled and tired

"Erm no I don't have any, sorry" Y/N lies to her, "Oh well, it's okay, I can always... Look for more" Sunny tells them, "What do you mean?" Y/N asks

"That's a riddle for you to solve, a warning for the next floor" Sunny said, "but for now, goodbye" And there she descended below the elevator shop shaft

"I almost feel bad for Sunny but I am curious to what will happen" Y/N said in their thoughts

"But I do wonder what she meant by 'look for more'?" They thought long and hard enough but no one could come to their mind

"Maybe it's best that I don't think too much about it" and so Y/N waited till every Twisted was wide awake, witb Astro looking very down so Y/N decided to check what's wrong

"What's wrong Astro? Why are you sad?" Y/N asked and sat beside him, "Well, it's you know, about my sister, I'm curious as to why she's even hanging out with Dandy when she has the biggest hatred to him" He tells them

"Well everyone has their reasons, maybe she'll tell us later on" Y/N answered

"I do hope so" Astro told them, the elevator door opened and went out Y/N, Boxten and Shelly

It only revealed the cramped warehouse floor, Y/N sighed at the sight of it

"Bad memories of this floor, Y/N?" Shelly asked, "Yep, it's just... So cramped.." Y/N answered

"By the way, is it just me or there are more tapes than the last floors we went through?" Boxten pointed out, they both also noticed that detail and looked to see the many tapes surrounding the floors

"This is.. Unusual but Sprout would have a field day with collecting all of this" Shelly said out loud, then they all split up to find a machine and ignore all the tapes

As Y/N wandered around the cramped warehouse, they were curious as to why there were a lot of tapes, so they picked one up

They heard stomping from afar and hid behind a shelf and then arrived a twisted that they haven't encountered before

They had a frayed skirt, big claws but most importantly, the upper side of her face was gone. Reduced from existence

The Twisted tried to listen around the surroundings and heard nothing out of the ordinary and left

Y/N went out of their hiding spot and rushed to find either Boxten or Shelly if they have information about the twisted

They find Shelly doing a machine in one of the small secluded spaces and tapped on her shoulder

She turned around and Y/N asked, "Do you know a toon who had a gray-like dress?"

Shelly thought for a while and said, "Yeah I do! Her name was Torrie!" She continued, "We loved to discuss about history! Why are you asking though?"

"Just saw a poster of her, that's all!" Y/N lied, "I have to find Boxten now, goodbye!" They said as they rushed away, leaving Shelly stunned

After a while, Y/N found Boxten near the broken elevator door

"Boxten! I have something to ask!" Y/N told him, "No need to yell but what is it you want to ask?" Boxten said

"Just something, do you know who Torrie is?" Y/N asked him, "Well we were friends, she liked listening to the sounds coming from my head and we'd record ourselves in her tape recorder" Boxten told them

"Oh thanks for telling me that, you can go now!" Y/N said to Boxten and left him alone, he shrugged it off and left to go look for machines

He found one in a corner area and finished it instantly because of his passive duh

Boxten then found another machine but it was very open, meaning any Twisted can spot him but his passive is very sigma and completes the machine fast

He picks up a tape out of curiousity and hears stomping coming from afar and hides in a cramped room

The twisted form of Torrie hears him going into the room and also goes in

Although Torrie may be blind, she atleast has a good sense of hearing

Boxten stayed as quiet as he can so Torrie would leave the room alone when suddenly, his music box head played one note and caught Torrie's attention

Boxten went out of the room in a hurry with Torrie chasing them,

Meanwhile with Shelly and Y/N, they were peacefully extracting machines with Boxten running in the background and Torrie behind him

"You hear something?" Shelly asks Y/N, "Nah, must be the ambience" Y/N paused and told them

Back with Boxten, he was cornered with no way to escape, he was panicking so much that his head started to play a familiar tune to Torrie

She stopped being aggressive and stood for a little while Boxten was only confused on why she stopped being aggressive and Torrie put her hand on Boxten's head

"Can you play that again?" Torrie asked him, smiling Boxten did what she said and played the tune again

As the tune was beginning to close, the elevator opened and the both of them rushed to it, the other mains got surprised by her arrival

"Oh Torrie! You were down here all this time?" Shelly said, "Well it's okay if you didn't notice but yeah, I've always been down here" Torrie explained, "By the way, I assume you all are twisteds as well, correct?" Torrie said, they all said "yeah" nonchallantly

She then sat beside Boxten to hangout and chat with him

Y/N only stared at the sight and pondered how many toons did Sunny's toon handler create?




Finally, war is over

I just noticed there's one reoccuring thing whenever I make a main twisted is that they only have one eye showing and clawed hands

Huhuhu i'll try better next time

Here's what her twisted form looks like


All I can say that shes the 2nd slowest twisted next to sprout but beware of the tapes, literally



-she and Dandy are good friends, but not that close

-sometimes she likes to sit in her room and record her voice for unknown reasons

-the first of the mains to get twisted

-not as popular as the other mains but not as ignored like shelly


The next twisted are a conjoined twins


Hint: 🎧 (the smaller version of this one)

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