Chapter 4

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Alice,Ben,Charles and Carol went to the library instead of going to bed.They wanted to discussed about several more things before going to bed.

Ben opened the library doors and gestured the other three to entered.Once they all in the library,The discusions began.Alice was the first one to asked.She asked Carol on how does she knew about the secret and Carol replied and tried her best to remembered every single details.

"Well do you guys remember one of our elder sibling who's name was Phil.?"

"Yup,i remember him.He got 'adopted' when we're six years old"Charles answered.Carol then continued,

"Well he loved to tell me story about a young girl fight with many demons and tried to save everyone,but in the end the girl lost her memory as the price that she need to pay for her family's safety.On his last day before he got shipped out,he told me that he'll loved to see me for one last time before we're depart.I followed Mama and Phil to the gate and i was being very careful with my surrounding so that i wont be seen.Mama then entered a small room and she left Phil alone.Phil told me to hide under the truck and so i did as he said..and i wittnesed everything.The scene where he got stab in the heart with that Vida flower and then was dropped into the tank filled with that weird liquid.I watched the entire seen with horror in my eyes and goosebump.Then when i return home,i tried my best to memorised his story and I finally understand that it was Mama.Mama was the little girl that tried to saved her family but she gave up and become a Mama."Carol finished her story with a sigh.Ben was trying to digested all of the new information he just received.

"So should we tell the rest of the kids"Alice suggested but then Charles raised his right hand and said,"Lets not tell them yet.We don't want to make chaos and bring anxiety to other kids."

"Well I agreed with Charles.After all we just discovered this thing so lets not rush.Is that okay with you,Alice.?"Ben asked and Alice simply nod.She then started to yawned and bid the three kids and wishing them goodnight before proceed to the bedroom.

"We can't tell her that not all of us going to escape this place.Some of them have to stay here."Carol said.

"Why not?Didn't you listen what Mama said,she want all of us to escape."Ben tried to protested with Carol.

"Much as I want to disagree but I think Carol's right.I don't really trust with Mama.She lied to us for a long time,She can still be lying to us right now too if she want.Ain't that right Carol.?"

Carol nod her head as she agreed with Charles.Ben seem's unsatisfied with the statement but he had no choice but to agree with Charles.He seem's like he got a point.Mama could be pretending to help them.After the conversation about Mama,they exited the library and walked to the bedroom to sleep.


There was a huge dining table in front of her.There were wines,bread,various of fruits and tons of plates and glasses.All of the corpse of the kids from Grace Field were on top of the table and they all of their mouth kept opening and closing as the same words came out of their mouth,killing the silents in the dining room.

"Help us,freed us,why don't you save us......."

Alice watched the entire scenery.She covered her mouth.She kept apoligising in her heart and she watched all of them begging for help.And then out of nowhere a hand gripped her shoulder tightly.She turned around and she screamed as she saw Little Cissy corpse opened her mouth widely at her like she was trying to eat her.

Alice woke up from the nightmare.She rubbed her temple with her hands.She then cried a little as she remembered what happened back at the Gate.She looked to her left and right at her siblings and thought to herself,'I have to save all of them,we are going to escape this Neverland and onwards to our Wonderland.Thats my promised.'before going back to sleep.


It was six in the morning yet Alice haven't woke up the others.She's still paranoid with her nightmare last night.Carol then woke up and looked at Alice.She felt sorry on her.So that day,on the first time Carol woke up everyone.Few seconds past and the kids woke up.Some of them was wondering why it was Carol who woke them up instead of Alice,but then they stop wondering as Alice stood up a greet everyone.

"Good morning everyone!Sorry Carol to troubled you with waking up these kids..I was so exausted last night until I overslept."

"Its not a big deal actually.Listen up everyone,go and clean yourself and then go to the dinning room okay.Breakfast will be ready at once."Carol and Alice tried their best to hide their sadness and anxiety.

Ben,Donny and Puspa were preparing the foods and drinks.Puspa asked Ben about last night but Ben simply said that they had so much fun with Cissy before they depart.He gave her a fake smiled and Puspa sigh saying that it'll be more lovely if she could join them.inside,Ben felt sad as he had to lied to his sibling.

Everyone then walked to the dining hall.Ben greeted all of his siblings.


"Arghh....morning to you too Charles.And please stop yelling as I'm deaf or something."

"Hahahahahahahahahahahah.You're funny Ben.Keep the smile on your face suits you."Then Charles leaved Ben as he joined the others.He knew that Charles was giving him hint to fake the emotions.'I hope you guys doing great'he thought to himself.

Everyone was in the dining hall afterwards as the foods and drinks had been served.Alice seated next to Ben as Charles seated next to Carol opposite with the two.The four of them then started to felt goosebump as Mama joined them.

"Lets us all pray for today's blessing,My sweet children"she said as she smiled to everyone.

"Thanks for the food."

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