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"Let me tell you a story", A teenager with a brown hair and cold blue eye hummed with serene smile as he leaned to his chair,"A story about a boy, a teenage boy who was different from other... a boy who tried to survive from something that human can't see...make him independent from young age..." he mused with sharp and cold voice,"The boy who was got shadow by his own brother, the boy named was Kudo Seiichi, the twin brother of Kudo Shinichi, the Great Detective of east, the savior of Police force..."

"Kudo Seiichi was not neglected or abused by his own family, he loved his own family and his true friend...but, he got neglected and abused by the society, the world.Kudo Seiichi was got compared to his Genius brother while he was only an average boy, a creep, a loneliner..." The teenage mused with non-chalant voice,"And so, the boy faded from the Light of his brother spotlight and go to darkness.His brother was busy and he rarely hang out with his own little brother because of that Kudo Seiichi only try to protect him from the darkness because of the love even if he need to lie and hurt himself, he gonna keep his secret in himself and didn't let his brother or his family know make him a loneliner, an Ice Prince that what the people call him..."

"At age 10 he meet someone who changed his life, who was black and white to a colorfull world..." The teenager say with warm voice and warm blue eye like a sky,"He meet a lot of people and bunch of adventure he has in his life...and the secret in this world" He say with amused smile

The teenager adjust his seating to comfortable cleared his throat,"This story is about a young teenager who joined one Association to defend the Human society from the terrible, disgusting creature..." He say with angerĀ 

"let me explained to you,In this world got divide by 2 that is living and deceased,there also 2 world in this world a living world or a deceased realm (Yomi) where the dead person go after died to become Demon or Spirit... they live in our world, they stay low in forest or in other place until one day in Ancient Era a demon was exist that kill a human,A demon who can't seen by Human kill a human who say to 'eat',they call it the'Human-eating Demon' or 'Man eating demon' it keep happened until edo-era and The police who was in Edo-era didn't believe because the Demon was gone back to darkness when the sunrise begin until the sunset..."Teh teenager explained with Non-chalant manner

"and so the cases about this was becoming more frequently. But one man encountered a demon and saw it run away when to sun is about to rise to a shrine(temple). This demon is different from those Youkai(spirits who can survive even when at broad daylight), instead this demon seemed to hate the sun. The man discovered a way to make a sword out of a stone that can absorb the power of the sun. He decided to kill that demon when night comes, as that's when the demon appears. The man fought the demon but no matter how many times he injure it, it's always regenerating. The man decided to cut it's head off and that's when the demon stopped regenerating and turned to nothingness. The man travelled to every villages to kill these demons alone.... Untill a former victim of a demon he killed joined him on his journey becoming that man's disciple. The man created an organization that hunts the demons as he knows he cannot fight them alone, naming it the 'Demon slayer corps' or 'Kaisatsutai'. Many people joined as they want to stop those evil creatures from destroying the peaceful country they live in and to protect innocent people's lives using only the special katanas and some special guns specialized for killing the demons..." He explained,

"But, they know that only Katana will not enough to kill those Demon, the Era changed and the Demon become more powerfull until they found a Magical World, they make an alliance to defeat this Demon along with them" He explained

"But a decade has gone and the Magical being was gone perished..." He say with mourn,"But a young man who can't use magic but has spiritual power evolve it using the Tecnology and it become the 'Modern Magic' not an 'Ancient Magic',A lot of the member was died on the Action because of this they make an School along with other Magical being..."

"On Showa-Era the government recognize their hard work because of the war that happened in one forest.A war between demon hunter and a man eating demon but it keep secret.On Heisei the Kaisatsutai officially work together with government,a police in secret only a human that got eaten or kidnapped by demon is got transfer to kaisatsutai,this keep happened until Heisei era and it growing until International, people didn't name the organization 'kaisatsutai' anymore but as 'Exorcist' and the organization change to 'International Exorcist Associtaion'..." The man explained with glee

"And this is the story about the teenager who try to survive in that Organization with struggle... this is also the story of Kudo Seiichi who try to kill the leader of Demon who already formed an Organization that gonna endager the Human Society if it keep continue.... and also my story..." The teenage man say with warm and gentle

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