Chapter 53:"Crimson Love Letter II"

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Seiichi, Conan and Hattori stand in front of the house in deep though until Seiichi got message from his phone make him smile

I heard the news, are you okay?


I'm fine... just got caught in the serial murder ...

- K.S

Seiichi snap back to reality by his brother make him wave his hand in nothing, he clear his throat,"Anyway, Hugo send me the analize... i send it to you..."

"Yeah..." Conan open his phone and let Hattori read the Karuta card

"Then the target are the Top member of Satsuki-kai..." Hattori comment standing up from crouching next to Conan

"Yeah, we should take note of those two, i'll watch over Achiwa-san. He should be staying at the same hotel as us, if i'm not mistaken" Conan suggest

That leave Hattori watch over Ooka Momiji while Seiichi volunteer that he gonna stay with Conan.Not long, a car come to pass trough but got halted by the officer, it seem he come from Satsuki-kai

"Sekine-kun!" President Achiwa call him 

'Sekine... this person is Sekine-san...' Seiichi though with narrowed eyes touching his earring,"Hugo... take the picture and send me the identity of this person..."

'Picture already taken... Sekine Koji, Satsuki-kai member, Cameraman and a Karuta Player' hugo informed this to Seiichi and of course he informed it to Hattori and Conan

They walk toward them listening to the conversation, Yesterday he had too much drink and end up falling sleep without noticing th ephone was outta charge so he didn't answer the phone call

"And when i wake up, i saw the news that TV station was blown up, when i called the Association, they said that president is at Yajima place and i searching for me so i hurried here and it look like there a big fuss, so many police... what happened to Yajima-san?" He ask gestured at the police

President Achiwa told him that Yajima-san got murdered make him surprised, he even told him that it was burglar with Katana that was in the corridor. President Achiwa introduced him to Ayanokoji-Keibu and told him that Sekine-san was Yajima-san rival for the last two year the final of the Satsuki Cup ahve been matches between those two

"Well, i lost two years in row... i though that this year,for sure..but... now i won't be able to compete with him anymore" Sekine-san say with dejected

"ANyway, are you going to started the tournament as planned?" Kogorou ask

"Ah, i've been thinking..." President Achiwa sentences got cut by Sekine sentence

"You gotta do it,Mr.President! If the traditional Satsuki Cup were to be canceled because of Yajima-san death,wouldn't Yajima-san death be vain? he would be beaten down for nothing!" Sekine-san say

Hattori, Conan and Seiichi who heard it jolted look at him then Seiichi smirk cleared his throat,"Did you two think what i'm thinking?"

"Yeah..." They say with smirk

"but, it too early to accuse him of Organizing the TV studio bombing that likely targeting Satsuki-kai Member..." Conan comment

"I'd reckon that it's be safer to watch over Achiwa-san and Momiji-san, as we decided earlier" Hattori say make them nodd

They separated way, Conan and Seiichi go back to the hotel while Hattori go to Momiji-san house.Seiichi and Conan go to the audotirium where President Achiwa go to discussed for the Cup.Suddenly, Conan phone ringing showing Ran name make him answer the phone behind the door while Seiichi use Hugo to analize the building of Hotel and Conan flip the tracking into President Achiwa clothes to track him down even if he go outside

Seiichi look around until he noticed a famillar person,"Onii-sama... that person..." He point at the female with Kimono greeting President Achiwa

"Yeah..." Conan and Seiichi look at each other nodd and go to her

Ran, Kazuha, Kogorou and the kids was in the hotel room while Kazuha and Ran practicing Karuta until Conan and Seiichi enter the room

"we're home..." Seiichi greet them

"Conan-kun, Seiichi" Ran greet them

"we brought you a dependable helper!" Conan say gesturing at the door 

"Eh? Heiji mom?" Kazuha surprised

"I heard about it from Heiji so i rushed over her..." She say nodd slightly to Kogorou as greeting

She gonna help Kazuha as her opponent to practice Karuta,"Maybe as former Queen my abilities won't be good enough,but..."

"Former Queen?" Ran ask in surprised

"I'm only here because Heiji asked this of me so i'm going to teach you everything i know but we're running out of time so training will be tough,are you ready for this?" She ask in serious

"Yes! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" Kazuha say in determined voice

For the past night, Seiichi didn't get sleep since he was busy analize the karuta card and take the information of the man from Momiji-san card pack and indeed he found something intresting. The morning is come with Kazuha and Hattori mother practicing Karuta until Seiichi noticed his brother wake up in panicked slightly

"Do not worry, he still in the hotel..." Seiichi say to him who sleep next to him

"Are you wake all night?" Conan ask

Seiichi hummed show him the report from his phone make Conan take the phone,"Not only me... Kazuha-chan really do well..." Conan hummed read the report make him smirk,"You found something intresting..."

"Nagoro Shikao..." Conan hummed then surprised make Seiichi smirk

"I told you it become intresting..." Seiichi comment

Not long, Ran wake up noticed Kazuha panthing, sweating make Hattori Mother to let her to rest. Seiichi want to help her to lay down but Ran is more quicker than him

"Let her sleep..." Hattori mother say to them,"She was trying her best with no wink of sleep"

" was she?" Ran ask holding Kazuha in her arm

"She's better than i expected but making Top 4 is going to be difficult and it would be honestly be really difficult for her to advance all the way to the final..." She say 

"But..." Ran concern and worried

"You should let people finish talking..." She scold her while Seiichi make Futon to let her sleep,"i said it would be difficult not impossible. In competitive Karuta, Metal Fortitude and the ability to maintain concentration are key. This girl has both... if she can remained composed and doesn't allow her feeling to lead her astray she stand chance of winning"

After all that, Conan, Seiichi, Kogorou and Hattori meet up at the Confrence room. Conan use his tranquilizer gun to Kogorou to make him sleep while Sekine-san arrived at the confrences room

"So what did you want?" Sekine ask

"it's about murder Yajima-san..." Conan say in Kogorou voice

"wasn't that being done by burglar?" Sekine-san ask

"Really?" Kogorou ask make him confused,"See,i've come to the conclusion that it was cold-blooded, premeditated murder"

"Your kidding? Yes, Yajima-san wasn't nice fellow but i really doubth anyone to kill him!"

Hattori accused him but he denied it and Conan begin to deduced using Kogorou voice, he lost Satsuki Cup two years in row now and  it was Yajima-san who beat him those time

"If Yajima-san dissapear... you would..." Kogorou trailed

Sekine-san suddenly stand up make Hattori and Seiichi alerted and tense,"Shut your trap already! of course i want the tournament but i wasn't obsessed until kill my own rival! besides the cops are claiming it was burglar,why don't you?"

"Multiple reason...first of all, the way the murder scene was rummage through is too inconsistent for it to have been robbery" Kogorou say

"See, the criminal didn't touch anything karuta related..." Hattori say make him backed away leaned at the wall

"Well, the criminal has just killed a guy, so they must been all worked up,right?" He ask crossing his arm

"I see and here i though that the criminal might have been emotionally attached to Karuta  and therefore couldn't bring himself to handle them roughly" Kogorou say

"Detective really do arrive at the strangest conclusion!" He sneered,"well, it's up to you to deduced..." He walk behind the couch make Conan,Hattori and Seiichi wide eye in panicked,"it has nothing to do with me"

"R-Right... the floor in that Annex creacks.. it creak as you wlak in! remember!" Hattori say in hurry

"And what bout it?" He ask in confused

"the sound alone should alerted anyone inside the fact that someone had entered yet the body show no sign of struggle" Kogorou say

"I see, you saying that Yajima know the intruder?" Sekine-san ask with his hand in his chin,"But that not true, even when you're training, Karuta requires a considerable amount of concentartion once your focus on the game, you didn't noticed  trivial things and sound around you. so Yajima-san got killed because he didn't noticed the intruder"

"That can't be..." Kogorou denied and tell him Yajima-san fatal wound was in front of his head,"Had he continue to play Karuta without noticing the intruder then the wound would be in the back or side of the head.In other word, the only way he could have received this particular wound is if Yajima-san and the Criminal know each other"

"The criminal into Karuta, knew Yajima-san, and doesn't have alibi at the time of the crime..." Hattori trailed

"And he must also have benefited from his death..." Kogorou got cut by Sekine-san sentence

"How strange!everything point at me.But you see all  you've been blabbered thus are far more guesses! if you want to point me as the criminal, you need the proof!" Sekine-san say

Suddenly a knock come from the door saying it's time but before he get out from the room Conana ask using Kogorou voice

"Something you said back then caught my attention, i'm not sure you remember or not 'If the traditional Satsuki Cup were to be canceled wouldn't Yajima-san death be vain? he'd be beat down for nothing!' that what you said... upon hearing the weapon is Katana you'd assume that it must have been either be slashed or stabbing but ou specially said 'beaten down', only criminal could have known that the Katana was too rusty to be pulled out from it's seath. So how did you know that he was beaten to death?" He ask

"that cause i saw him in the crime scene..." Sekie-san say in stuttered

"The body had been covered up by the time you arrived so you had no opportunity to look at the corpse" Kogorou say 

Seiichi can sense a nervous, panicked from his body gestured tyring to run away from this but then he get out form the room say that he only guessed

"I wonder how that shock gonna affect him..." Hattori comment

"Now all we have to do is..." Conan trailed

"Is check out the venue..." Hattori finished his sentence

Seiichi tap his phone showing a hologram of the Venue,"i already looked it up and it might be tough..."

"Man... this place is enormous" Hattori comment touching the hologram screen whistled,"and amazing technology..."

"I take that as compliment..." Seiichi comment

"Hmm..what that buillding on the cliff?" Hattori ask point at the single towewr building at the near of the waterfall

"Satsuki hall..." Seiichi say showing the hologram of the tower along with constructed building,"it was constructed in honor  of Achiwa-san wife, Satsuki-san"

"I see.. and only two of the finalist and the reader,Achiya-san are allowed to climb up there once a year" Hattori comment

"The match is recorded using Camera and microphone installed in the hall and transmitted as the viewing hall on the other side of the river..." Seiichi informed them showing the Camera and Microphone from the Hologram structure buillding

"Kinda overkill..." Hattori comment

"it say that the humidity and temperature inside the hall remain constant thanks to an air conditioning system and the sound proof walls comepletely block all outside sound, The system installed were  all state of Art..." Seiich informed them

"They created the ideal competitive environment just to play Karuta" Hattori comment

They decided to get out from there since Achiwa President and Sekine-san get out from the buillding, Seiichi and Conan wait in front of the hotel while Hattori take his bike

"Look like they're gonna go to Achiwa Coompound match hall in order to rehearse tomorrow match" Hattori informed them,"they'll be escorted by the police on their way there, so no need to worry but things got problematic once they enter Achiwa compound"

"what about Momiji-san?" COnan aks

"Don't worry! since she live in Kyoto, she'll be there with everyone else!" Hattori assured him

Hattori, Conan and Seiichi pepared to follow and not long the police car come out from the Hotel basement parking lot

"President Achiwa, Ooka Momiji and Sekine... everyone gathered" Hattori say

They follow them until Sekine car explode suddenly make them fley away by the impact but Seiichi as reflex managed to jump into Sekine car taping his CAD make the fire gone leaving Sekine-san unconsious

"Hattori, Onii-sama help President Achiwa and Sekine-san!" He command open Momiji-san car door,"Momiji-san are you okay?!"

"Y-Yeah..." she say get out from the car holding Seiichi hand

Seiichi look around with narrowed eyes trying to found the culprit but found no one suspicious until Momiji bodyguard, butler come to her make him get away from her go to Hattori and Conan who checking Sekine-san until the ambulance come

-Osaka Police HQ-

Seiichi, Conan, Hattori, Superindent Hattori Heizo, Toyama Inspector and Ohtaki-han in the confrences room discussing about the bomb, Ohtaki-han say that Sekine-san still hasn't regained consious, there 50/50 chance that he make it

'no surprised.... it surprising me if he survived...' Seiichi though ruffling his hair

Momiji-san wasn't injured but for healthy reason she got check up on the hospital along with her driver,bodyguard,butler Iori-san

"SInce it turn like this you should tell us everything,you know... Achiwa-san" Hattori san say make him tense

"The explosion at Nichiuri TV... we suspect that it could've been targeting Satsuki-kai..." Toyama-san comment

Seiichi and Conan saw the hestitance at President Achiwa make Seiichi stared at his brother who glance at him nodd

"Hey,Ojii-san..." Seiichi called him tapping his phone showing hologram picture,"who is this Nagoro Shikao?"

"T-That photo,where did you.." President Achiwa riled up by the photo

"It got you riled up, so you clearly must have some idea of who that guy is..." Heiiji say make President Achiwa ducked his head in hestitance,"If you know something, you oughta  share it without hestitance,Achiwa-san..."

He begin to explained there this association in Kyoto called Nagoro-Kai, they maintained a very elitist doctrine the member,of which there weren't even 20, performed rigorous training every month.Nagoro Shikai was their leader

"He was really talented and people  said it would be only matter of time before he compete with Meijin..." President Achiwa praised him

But he also say he was really tenacious during competition and truth to be told, looking from afar, his play  style was far from beautifull, he was violent like picking a fight and about 5 years ago,Nagoro-san challenge the president, Satsuki-san under the condition that the losing side the association would be disband

Seiichi wide eye in surprised,"what? ain't that basically like Dojo Yaburi.." Hattori comment

"But Satsuki-san didn't have to accept the challenge,right?" Conan ask

President Achiwa told them that Nagoro-san leaked the news of the challenge to the media, so there no way Satsuki-san could have refused, he said that Satsuki-kai is afraid of the Nagoro-kai and would avoid the competition so it mean he put her in position where she can't refused

'How barbaric...' Seiichi though in distaste

"So how the match turn out?" Toyama-san ask

"The match is never happened...Nagoro-kun didn't show up at the schedule time.The game thus considered forfeited and Satsuki declared as the winner.Nagoro-kun,who had fled from the fight in spite of media circus he started become shamefull stain upon world in Karuta world and vanished from the public view..." President Achiwa informed them

"So how are things in Nagoro-san and Nagoro-kai?" Conan ask

"Nagoro-kai was disbanded due to the loss of the president, Nagoro-kun was missing to this day" President Achiwa respond

Seiichi hummed averted his eyes,'is he missing or he already didn't exist...' he though glance at Achiwa President

Toyama-san wondered that Nagoro driven by his hatred for the Satsuki-kai is behind this case but President Achiwa didn't know but the one who insisted on the disbandment of the Nagoro-Kai was the late Yajima-san

"Oh my..." Seiichi raised his eyebrow in surprised by sudden turn of the information

"We,Satsuki-kai... would've been preferred to settle this peacefully,without making more matter wrose but nonteless...." He trailed

"So,what about the member of disband Nagoro-Kai?" Heiji ask

"Anyone who wish to join Satsuki-kai was free to do so but only two of them decided to join..." President Achiwa say

"Ooka Momiji and Koji Sekine,am i right?" Seiichi ask make him nodd

"Yeah... especially Ooka-kun who studied Nagoro-kun specific technique thoroughly in effort to perfect her skills and whose favored card are nearly the same as his once were. Those 6 card that had the 'Momiji' poems on them were never missing in either of their deck, she really was his first best student" president Achiwa praised her

The reason why Nagoro favored card has Momiji in it because Nagoro first name was Shikao, shika niku who is also called as Momiji.Hattori-san comment that he wouldn't be fun for Nagoro to see his favorited joined Satsuki-kai and active in there but why exact his revenge now all of  time besides, he has no reason to send them a warning

"We don't know  the reasond behind the 5 years silence... but maybe that bomb threat was announcing his return?" Hattori ask

Seiichi snorted crossed his arm,"If he is alive..."

"what do you mean?" Hattori ask

"Think throughly he is missing for 5 year... it was a miracle if he alive but if he didn't..." He trailed

"There was accomplice?" Conan ask

Seiichi shrugg,"I wonder~ if he alive then we can still catch him but if he didn't it like we caught his ghost, his accomplice who is a alive person try to framed a dead being..." he sneered,"How pointless..." he cleared his throat,"anyway, we should look at the series of vengefull act Nagoro Shikao against Satsuki-kai..."

Suddenly Ohtaki-han phone ringing make him answer the phone and Hattori-san suggest to  arrange a joint investigate along with Kyoto Prefectural Police until Ohtaki-han claimed in surprised make them look at him 

"Superintendent! we've examined Sekine-san smartphone and it seen he received a strange message before the explosion!" Ohtaki-han say

"Strange message?" Hattori-san ask

Seiichi narrowed his eyes touch his earring,"Hugo, you know what to do..."

'of course,sir...'

"We couldn't identify the sender, but the message itself contained a picture of Karuta Card" Ohtaki-han say make them surprised

"What kind?" Conan ask

Seiichi stand up go to Ohtaki-han,"do you mind?"

"Yeah..." Ohtaki-han let him

Seiichi take out his phone and not long he show a hologram picture of the Karuta card, he put it in the table to let them read the card


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