Chapter 7

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Back in the Everfree Forest, Applejack and Apple Bloom had just arrived at Zecora's hut. They knocked on the door waiting for her to respond.
As the door opened Zecora was happy to see a friendly face.
"Ah, Applejack my friend, it's good to see you once again. And hello to you too, little Apple Bloom." She greeted her good friends.
"It's good to see you again Zecora." Applejack stated.
"And what brings you here today, while the others are far away?" Zecora inquired of the two.
"Well you see Zecora, something is wrong." Apple Bloom responded to her.
"Yeah, we aren't entirely sure what's going on. The Cutie Map sent me into the Everfree looking for a problem." Applejack continued.

"Well as you can see, here no problem be." Zecora looked at the two, a little bewildered.
"Yea, I thought it was odd. Do you have any ideas of what could be happening?" Apple Bloom asked before Applejack could say anything.
"Well, I am not sure of the problem you seek, but the Magic in this forest is anything but meek."
"Well that's odd?" Applejack chimed in confused. "The forest has been for the most part quiet since we restored the Tree of Harmony?"
"That is true my friend, but what is happening seems to have no end. Darkness seeks all the light, and even I have fear of this blight."

This took AJ for a shock. Even while the forest was wild, Zecora had lived here. Now even she was talking about leaving the forest.
"Are you sure about this Zecora?" Little Apple Bloom was worried for her.
"I am sure little one. This place is less than fun. The danger here causes feelings of dread and fear."
"What could be doing this?" AJ asked.
"Truthfully I do not know. But I think it's time we go." Zecora responded.
"The forest is changing once again and I fear that this will not end. Let us leave while we can, we can talk more once save again."

Zecora grabbed all the things she needed and the three headed out. Just than they saw as the forest was not just growing but the plants in the area had taken on a life all their own.
"Ok, we need to hurry, go." Applejack was concerned about them getting out of the forest safe. As they began to run things got more wild. Areas of rain than non, vines reaching out to grab them as AJ would buck them back. As they finally reached Ponyville, they heard a loud howl from behind them. As they turned back; they saw three Timber wolves. Bigger than any before seen. They stopped at the border. Almost like they where held back by some barrier.
"That was close." Apple Bloom said finally trying to catch her breath.
"No kidding." Applejack agreed.
"Thank you my friend, but I fear this may not be the end." Zecora was still concerned about all that was happening. This was even more than anypony had ever seen before.
"I should go back to the Castle, and have Starlight get everypony back fast." Applejack said with urgency in her voice. "Zecora, go with Apple Bloom back to the farm. You can rest there for now."
"I thank so kind, I would not mind." Zecora and Apple Bloom trotted away to the Apple Farm. Both being quiet not knowing what might come next.

Applejack arrived at the castle and headed to the map room to Starlight.
"Starlight, please call everypony, and let them know we need them back in Ponyville."
Starlight respond swiftly  "Not a problem AJ. Truth be told I have some news on Twilight I think you should all hear."
Starlight cast the spell once more to get in touch with everypony around Equestria and informed them to report back as fast as they could. Applejack was happy to know that they were on their way back, but she could not help but feel the news that Starlight mentioned may not be good.

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