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Harper whines and tilts her head, looking down at her feet. Well, paws. She whines again but louder as she backs into a tree. "Harper." Harper looks up from her paws and sees Sam slowly walking towards her with his hands up as if to show no harm. "I will tell you everything if you can change back."

Harper huffs and sits down. She closes her eyes for a second before opening them again. She looks at Sam and whines while she tilts her head. Paul, who is standing behind Sams, laughs and takes a step forward, ignoring Jared's protests. "Look at her! She could barely hurt a fly." Harper growels and runs towards Paul shaping at his ankles. Harper barely has her teeth in him before Sam pushes her off.

Jared tries not to laugh. "Think about your human body, what it looks like and what it feels like, and then change."

Harper looks at Jared before doing what he says. After some shaping noises and groans of pain, Harper is in her normal body. Naked. But before Harper can do anything about it, a shirt and shorts are thrown in her face. Harper quickly put them on, then she looked at the boys, who all three had their back towards her, Paul looked forced by Jared, but the thought still counts.

"What the hell happened?" The boys now turned to Harper as is dressed in clothes, really baggy clothes since their Jared.

Sam nods his head in a direction and then starts walking that way. "Let's walk and talk." Harper, Paul, and Jared all follow Sam as he starts talking about everything, well, most things. Shapeshifters, that they hunters, the mind reading, pack order, how she's is the first female Shapeshifter, and that all have it in the DNA, which is why they turned.

Harper's head feels like it's spinning. "Ok, wait, so we hunt something? Like deer?"

Paul laughs and shakes his head. "I wish. No, we hunt vampires, except the-"

Paul gets shut up by Jared, slapping his hand over his mouth. "We'll talk more about that later."

Harper waits to see if the boys start laughing. "Ok, I'm believing the whole shape shift thing because I just turned into a giant ass wolf, but vampires? Seriously?" Seeing Sam and Jared nod their head with no hint of a smile, Harper sighs. "Of course, seriously. Where are we going, by the way?"

Jared smiles. "We're going to Emily's, Sam's Fiancé. Or as we Shapeshifters call her Emily, Sam's imprint."

Harper looks confused for the 100th time that night. "What's an imprint?"

Sam smiles as he thinks about it. "It's not like love at first sight. It's more like gravity moves suddenly. It's not the earth holding you on Earth anymore. She is. If she needs a protector, a lover, or a friend, that is what you'll be, whatever to make her happy."

Harper awws, and then she thinks out loud. "That sounds exactly like love at first sight, like straight out of the dictionary."

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