MiTzu [Let's Have A Meal pt. 2]

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I actually planned this beforehand. But it turns out some also wanted a part two. So here it is๐Ÿ˜


It hasn't been long since I was ignoring her. I have to. I'm afraid of falling deeper for her. She suddenly calls me though telling me to meet up with her. Is it about that again? How many times do I have to tell her she's not.

If only I could tell her how much I love her. Welp. There it is. I fell and I don't know if there'll be a way of turning back. I met up with her and sat down quietly. She's the same? No, she has become prettier but a little bit gloomy? Why?

She ordered and I did the same. I am trying to act natural. I have to. I might burst out that I'm actually so hyped up just meeting with her. I have to stop this though. This is not good. This love won't do any good. If it's even real love.

She looks quiet and just munching on her food. She was all smiling but I know her eyes don't lie. She's not okay."What's bothering you?" I said naturally. She has became more quiet.

Please tell me the truth, Mina. Please. I want the truth. I don't want you to hurt. "I remember my promise, Myoui. What's the problem? I told you. You are not useless. You're actually perfect. You have a nice personality. You're so kind to everyone. You have this perfect smile. You're smart. You're cool. You're elegant. And..." I paused for a moment.

I took a deep breath. "... You are you. I definitely would love to be with you. You're special. Not just to me but also to everyone." I said and she cried. Wtf did you do, Chou?! I'm panicking. What should I do? She cried. For the first time. In front of me.

"Then why, Tzu? Why did you suddenly ignore me? You acted too sweetย first.ย  Those late night texts. Sudden hugs and sweet words. I missed them Tzu. I don't know why. But I missed you. It seems like I can't live without you." Wait? She misses me? She misses all of the things I did to her.

I thought doing that was just making her uncomfortable. I paid and left. I panicked. I didn't know what to do. I have this mixed feelings their talking about when you love someone. Do I really love her? I just made a mistake.

I'm dumb. Chou Tzuyu, why did you left her behind? I feel tears down my eyes. I ran and went home. What have you done, Chou?

-days after-

It has been days. I cried thinking of what to say. She didn't called nor texted me after that day. Did I really made a right choice? I don't think so. Chaeyoung has been giving me these stares like it was a mistake doing that.

"Tzuyu. You should talk to Mina. You have to, Tzu. You've been crying for days now." Chaeyoung said with sincerity. Maybe, I should. Chaeyoung left the room and I dialed her number. "Hello..." There was a short silence and then I heard her voice.

"Oh, Tzuyu! How are you doing? Do you need anything?" She said with a jolly tone. She acted like nothing happened. "Let's meet again. We need to talk." I said and dropped the call. I texted her the address. I hope she'll come.

Usual place. That place where we ate. That place where she cried because of me. I reached that place and saw her already sitting there with a smile plastered on her face. Why do you have to act tough?

We ordered and ate in silence. I spoke breaking it. "Did you really mean it?" I asked and she looked at me like she knows nothing of what happened that day. "Mina, please... I need to know if it's real Mina. Because for real, I'm becoming crazy. I don't know anymore. You have made me cry and laugh. I think I'm falling and I also think I'm not." I finally said it.

"Mina, I need to know. When you said you missed me. When you said you think you can't live without me. Did you really mean it? I've been preparing what to say to you when I suddenly need to confess. But those words that I wanted to tell haven't came out.

There were times that I was thinking if maybe you'll feel jealous when I talk about my crush and you didn't even noticed that it was you. There were times that I've just stayed quiet and look at every movement that people around you do. Because I'm afraid that you might get hurt.

There were times that I took secret glances at you. There were times that you caught those glances and it makes me forget what to suddenly act. I was thinking did I made it too obvious?" I paused and she was just quiet and listening.

"I think about you everyday and night that I suddenly get scared. What if I fell for you? I slide those thoughts and feelings away and even tried ignoring you. But fate is really amazing that it always makes me suffer giving me so many chances of falling back to you.

There, I've said it. And you'll probably stop talking to me. Whether you mean it or not, I know you'll end up ignoring me anyways. So, I guess I won't be needing your answer. Thank you for the time and goodbye." I said and was about to leave. But she stopped me with some confusing words.

"So, that's what I've been feeling?" She said. I looked at her. She's not angry nor disgusted nor tried running away. "Do I love you?" What?! "If what you said thinking that you love me was true. Then, do I feel the same? Do I love you too, Tzuyu?" She said.

What? I can feel my cheeks burning. "Cause, I've been thinking about you. Just like what I've told you. It seems like I can't live without you. I think I love you too, If you love me." She said with no hesitation. Is she hearing what she's talking about?! She loves me?

"If that's what it is, please stay and don't leave again. I felt so hurt that day. I cried to sleep at night. I thought you seriously don't like having me in your life anymore that I felt useless. I'm sorry, Tzuyu. Forgive me." She said. I felt my heart ached. "I love you too..."

Everything around became quiet. "What?" She asks wanting me to repeat what I've said. "I l-love you." She then smiled. "Then, I really do love you too, Tzuyu. I felt relieved hearing you say that." She said with a smile.

It's all good afterall.

i feel tired with the school works. so...


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