Chapter One: "When You Wish Upon A Star"

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Chapter One: “When You Wish Upon A Star”

“Cinderella, Cinderella,
Left A Cage and Came Back to Paint It Gold”
—What Do You Really Wish For?—



In a castle on a hill, a noble lady was being berated by her parents. And all for giving a prince a chaste kiss. The lady frowned and quickly wiped it off her face as she pasted on a fake noble’s smile. Wasn’t that how fairy tales were supposed to be — to find true love’s kiss?

The lady, a woman of petite frame, brilliant green eyes and stunning long pink hair, smiled kindly at her parents — as practiced by hours of stern tutors. She snickered in her mind. “How am I suppose to find love if you will not let me show love?”

“Lady Sakura Haruno! How dare you speak to your parents like this!” Her mother gasped. “Marriage isn’t made from simple, base love. It is a partnership — one for the family and especially for a noble family. The more power that is in your hands, the higher your responsibilites will be and thus the greater value your reputation will be.” She whipped her lacy fan into her palm. “The prince will be your betrothed, we plan on that, but do not disgrace your name before then. The contracts will be written and the deal set by the next full moon. Until then, you are to remain chaste, honorable and unblemished. They must see you are the pure virgin we guaranteed to their prodigal son and I will not have you mess that up by acting like a whore!”

Her father nodded in agreement. “Sakura, you are worthless to the family if you do not marry well. All these luxuries you are priveleged to does not come from thin air. Now that you are older, you must earn your keep. You are a noble lady even if you are older than other brides. How you manage to scare your suitors is beyond me, but you are nineteen — and still unwed! If you insist on being here, you must carry your own weight.” He eyed her up and down like a cattle for sale. “Yes, if the prince doesn’t become your betrothed, then I know of other lords who will. And you are lucky in that the prince is at least your age, my dear.” The older man’s threat was clear. 

Tch. Old man. He had already begun negotiations with his cousins it seemed. In what way was their family pure and honorable? Bloodline purity my ass.

“Yes, Father. Yes, Mother.” Sakura bowed her head to hide her disgusted gaze, but her delicately styled pink hair was pinned back with the teeth of dozens of pins and so she had to pretend to be docile lest she be thrown in her room without supper again. Now that she was of marriagable age, at least she didn’t have to worry about the whip. “I apologize for my shameful behavior.”

“Remember Sakura. You must destroy your love rival for the prince’s affections. By any means necessary, yes, but not damaging our noble name. Do not be like those harlots of the other families.”

How? The prince won’t suddenly take interest in a mouse in the corner! Other ladies are already providing him favors, as they say. I do not wish to be a harlot, but I just wanted to taste a kiss. Why is that a sin?

“…Yes, Mother.”

One day, I will break through this glass cage and never come back…I wish.

For all her thoughts talking back, she knew the world can be cruel to a woman. An unskilled and homeless lady who couldn’t even protect herself would not survive on her own very well — the commoners who slept outside their keep’s walls were a sign of that.

Sakura shut the door behind her with her head held down.




Instead of returning to her room filled with pillows of silk and scented lavendar, she ran out the doors and into the night. She ran and ran until she couldn’t anymore — and ended upon a green hill surrounded by a million stars. And it was in this moment that she felt truly awed. Not wealth of her family or the riches of the crown, the power of the nation or the kiss of the one who will be prince.

She just wanted to run away. 

She laid upon the grass in her puffy white dress and sighed. The corset made it hard to run so she had to tear at the knot at her back, but it barely loosened. The extra fabric weighed heavy on her legs and she was sure her hair, which took hours to style, was a mess. Gazing at the stars, she wondered if this was all she was. A political tool who only use was to sit pretty, bear children and be eternally grateful or in other words, silent.

A shooting star fell — many of them. The night was so dark, so clear that she could actually see many tiny little shooting stars that would be hidden under the artificial lighting of the lamps of her kingdom. 

“Man’s creation hides true beauty…I wish I didn’t have to hide…I wish I was happy.”

“Oh? Princess? Is that official?” Suddenly a voice popped into the air and a woman clothed in blue appeared in the sky. “Hello, child, I am your fairy godmother.”

“Fairy Godmother?” Did those exist? She thought they were only in fairy tales to lure children into believing in dreams that came true.

“Yes, dear. Now then…” The woman pulled out a wand with a star that shone on top and whished it away. In an instant, her hot, puffy gown changed into a simple blue dress that she could breathe in — no tight corset. “Isn’t that better? Now, straight to business! Quick, what do you think is the task of a fairy godmother?”

Sakura couldn’t stop a smile and amused the mysterious woman. “To deliver happiness, isn’t it? I assume there would be glass shoes and princes involved. And, um, share a chaste true love’s kiss?”

“Ha! Quite funny, but not exactly so. Heh, chaste kisses. If I recall, political marriages assume you do more than kiss to produce a heir. What we like to do is provide some realism.” She floated to the grass below her and sat next to Sakura with a friendly grin. “Now, then. To be a godmother, we must search for clues — especially clues of the heart. It is to discover what you seek — but if you notice the wrong things and end up wanting the untrue thing as result, then the godmother has failed. There is never 100% accuracy. Do you wish to try, dear child?”

“…I’m not a child.”

“All are children compared to the universe. My job is to make sure you live your life instead of pass it by. Whether you find your happiness then is out of my control, however. So I shall grant you a single wish — but unlike those fairy tales, it won’t be so easy as saying it out loud and dancing in a ball.”

The Godmother lifted her finger up and a sparkle followed as she circled it in the air. “One by one, you shall enter the dreams. And if you could find their heart in the madness of their own creation, you will find a clue to what you seek.”

Sakura breathed in the cool night air and a refreshing feeling entered her heart. This was really happening.

A divine voice echoed from the stars and Sakura could only drop her jaw in an unlady fashion. “This is magic!”

The Fairy godmother chuckled. “Yes, now listen. This is important.” She patted the woman’s shoulder. “A lot of things will be magical in the coming nights.”

The voice called out,
[Wish Upon A Star spell activated. Fairy Godmother trials begin]

[You will dream a long dream, but it will hold the dream of twelve nights. When you return, not a second will pass by. 

In these dreams, you will find things inside of you that could surprise you…Pay attention to those. 

In these dreams, you can be as open to your desires as you wish. But be of open heart.

And, finally, in each dream, the spell ends at midnight. — And you will replenish anew for the next dream.

Your true love may be there or not, but regardless, by solving their entanglements of madness, you will help these poor souls. And discover a part of you sealed up until now. Heed thy warnings, pay attention and be open and you will find your way.]

A strange feeling settled over Sakura. A soft warm breeze that spread across her chest. After she took it in, Sakura could only gasp and she asked, “But…Why me? I never even knew you existed before tonight.” Sakura wrapped her arms around herself. “I…do not believe I did anything of value to deserve this, fairy godmother.”

“Why anybody? Why are some princes and some paupers? Even I do not know why I was a fairy godmother, but that is not my role. I question it like you, but I make the best of it. You seemed like a nice girl and a rebellious one at that. I am a fairy godmother who happened to pass by. If you wish, we may even call it destiny, although destiny always changes.”

The fairy godmother leaned forward, Sakura caught a whiff of oak and cinammon, and her blonde hair glistened under the stars, her blue eyes twinkled. “I was once known as Ella, if you need a name. And I was in a similar position as you so I can feel for you. A beautiful doll trapped in a cage, preyed upon by the desires of men and kings. But that is in the past. Now enough about me…” She lifted her wand and the yellow star grew brighter.

Her voice echoed into the night as a great wind lifted them both into the sky. “Do you dare cross the threshold into the unknown of your desires, Sakura?”

The quiet girl became quiet and she looked into her godmother’s blue eyes. They sparkled, yes, but also held an aura she only wished she had — free, unbridled and full of love. They told of a woman who went through storms and walked on the stars and moon. And she wished she was her. This may be my only chance. 

Sakura nodded, her long pink hair finally loose from their bonds and flowing in the wind, and she said, ”Yes.”

“Then it begins…


Tick. Tock. Chime.

Twelve Nights.
Twelve Men.
One chance each to wake the sleeping prince.

A soft light enveloped them both.




Sakura found herself in a dark castle — it was no different from her own except the marble was black not white and gold and the tiles were simpler. Quieter. Instead of the floral and over-the-top gold decor of her home, this place had black furnishings and velvet cushions, silver linings on the walls — it was the sinister equivalent of her golden cage.

And before she even took a step, a delicious thrill crawled through her down to her toes. 

For the next twelve nights, this was her battlefield and her greatest opportunity to be unbridled as she wished — if she could succeed in her mission. 

“I better find the first room.” 

Dressed in nothing but a transparent black lingerie, she walked barefoot through the cold palace. Marble statues lined the halls that added to the weight of what she was about to attempt. She was a little afraid at being alone in this dark place, but the fear slightly excited her. “This is part of Godmother’s spell. Do not be afraid and trust the process. She wouldn’t send me to the beast’s lair.” She pepped talked herself. To distract herself, Sakura studied the fabric she wore as she walked towards the second floor where the sleeping quarters should be. 

It’s very silky. I feel like my skin is softer and body is sexy when I wear this. It’s a new feeling…I think I like this. Sakura had never wore such scandalous things before. The dress, if you could call it that, only came mid-thigh and left little to imagination with her chest bulging out. Her pink hair only served as contract to the striking dress…and she was going to walk in the first room now.

For the first time, she felt in control, in power and desirable. Like a cheetah on the prowl — and the adrenaline was delicious. Empowering. She licked her lips and laid her fingers on the thick wooden door. Once she opens this, there would be no going back. 

No more corsets and tight shoes.

No more scowls and shame. 

No more Lady Sakura.

A tendril of thrill unfurled in her gut and she turned the handle. “I’ll see for myself.”




Dream One: Itachi Uchiha

As soon as Sakura opened door, she fell into a cloud. It was red and carried her away from the door that somehow held up in the night sky. She flew further and further from her only exist and soon field came into view. She was taken aback at the corpses littered across the ground and as a sheltered lady taught to abhor violence but love societial cruelty, she frowned. Sakura, how else do you think your lands were gained? It is terrible, but don’t pretend it doesn’t exist.

Soon after, she was led to a man lying down in a barren field. He wore the white armor of a knight, but the steel was stained with blood. His helmet was missing so she could see the man’s pale face squinting in pain. His face etched with the worries of the battlefield and ebony hair trailed behind him like a curtain of shadow. 

As soon as she landed next to him, the man’s eyes flashed open, hand on hilt of his sword. Then he paused. His dark eyes took in her form. “So I am finally dying.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Why else would an angel fall from the sky?”

A blush stained her face — I suppose jumping from a cloud would give that impression. “I am no angel, believe me. I am a simple woman.”

“As you say, angel.”

“…” Forget it. Now…what the in the hells do I do now? I suppose it makes sense this wouldn’t be a simple evening of chatter. “Um…Do you have any last wishes?” Seriously? That was the best I could come up with? I am really playing this angel angle to death. Her blush deepened in embarrassment. Maybe she was to pretend she was an angel in order to get through the mission. But that was blasphemous! Or so her mother would say.

…But she was sent here like this, so she played along.

“Beautiful angel…If you are here to judge my sins, I will adhere to your punishment.” He didn’t move from where he lay and simply faced up to look at the clear skies. “I will accept it all.”

“Tell me.” She bent to her knees and sat beside him. She held his hand and let the blood on his hands stain her skin. Being unblemished helped no one. If I can help aid this man’s last worries, then I will kneel in mud I must. “Please, if you may care for my company. I will listen.” It was rare to see such a strong warrior so vulnerable at her knees and the moment humbled her. Knights were deemed to act honorable, but cold in order to keep uphold their kingdom’s pride and so she’s never seen a knight like this. Or any man for that matter.

“…So this is the time for confession. Very well…” The man shut his eyes solemnly. “I am but a simple warrior named Itachi Uchiha…”

The mysterious knight went on to tell his tale of how his family lost the war and he couldn’t protect his common people, the innocents in the villages. He was deemed a prodigal son whose strength moved mountains, but he family betrayed him for power and his brother was led to believe he was a traitor. He faced the dragon but didn’t see the traitors in his own court. So he was sent on a suicide quest and now left for dead.

“I fear I am too late to be saved, angel. My failure is my ignorance and at least my brother still has a place to call home. That is all that matters to me.”

“You did nothing wrong.” Sakura had to grit her teeth to stop her trembling. Hearing his story of being so used and abused to death filled her with rage. “Absolutely nothing!”

Itachi’s eyes widened a bit at her rage. “You are angry for me? A failure?”

“Any man who would give his life for his kingdom so selflessly is not a failure in the heaven’s eyes.” Since he didn’t believe her, she evoked her angel status to great effect.

“Please, Angel. Then let me ask you…Will you forgive a man like me? A man who could not serve his family and failed his kingdom’s people? A man whose strength failed to keep the peace. Would you really value a man whose life lost all purpose?”

Sakura closed her eyes and she couldn’t help but ask the same question to her heart as she thought of the way she lived these past few years — controlled and unwanted. And how she stabbed herself in the heart before anybody else had the chance to.

Like Itachi, she was tormented with her demons but blamed herself when she did no wrong. And it wasn’t fair, not to her— and especially not to him. 

Sakura placed her hand over heart as she spoke to it. Will you forgive me for betraying you? For letting you down? For leaving you dry until you couldn’t fathom love? To die in the desert of my barren feelings.

And the answer to both, she spoke.

“Yes. I forgive you. But you should forgive yourself for denying the beauty that I know is in your soul, Itachi. If you do that, then you will be free.” Just as I will. I will be free from my first enemy — my own hasty, fearful self. “You deserve to be free, you were always meant to be free.”

Sakura’s soft voice tickled Itachi’s heart and for the first time, his mask broke entirely. The strong warrior was held tight by the sight of those clear green eyes, holding him hostage and setting him free… and he crumbled before her.

As soon as Itachi realized that truth, he could only bow his head before her and hug her tight. “You save me, Angel. I am yours.”

Once more, Sakura was enveloped in a  soft white light. 




The dream ended and Sakura woke in a bed of white sheets. Next to her, Itachi laid down, staring down at her with his head propped on his elbow. 

“Itachi…?” He was too close! Sakura could smell a slight rust, a fresh smell of the forest…and…She sniffed. Fire or ash? 

Is this…part of the test? No…I don’t know…Sakura couldn’t stop running her gaze down that sharp physique and her mouth dried up. But do I even mind?

“So my angel has awoken. I couldn’t believe you were real so I had wanted to hear your voice.” He tenderly touched her cheek. “But I couldn’t bear to interrupt your sleep.”

Sakura blushed at his close presence before her eyes deeped and narrowed. No, I do not mind. Since this is a dream, I won’t hold back anymore!

Itachi watched her face redden and chuckled. “So the angel is aware of her lack of dressed state. Seeing as how the heavens sent me this gift…” He rose from his side and the silky black blanket fell from his bare chest down to his hip — his hard muscles trailing down, not too lean but not bulging. She could barely fit her hand around his bicep, she predicted. 

He placed one arm on the other side of her head and his long black hair curtained their faces so she could stare into that dark gaze. The heat of his gaze exuded control and yearning. “May I be bold to consider you are…” He leaned into her ear and his voice became a soft husk, “Waiting to be unwrapped?”

His fingers untied the bow that kept her dress together…He pulled slowly, watching as she hitched her breath in anticipation. The silk ribbon came loose and the dress fell apart, sliding off her pale skin like a curtain lifting to reveal the goddess free from her cover. His finger edged against her skin like a line of fire. 

Looking into Sakura’s watery emerald eyes, the sensual man lowered his lips to between her breasts and then slowly trailed his tongue from belly button to her chest. He gave one breast a kiss as held it like gold and then slightly nipped the tip in a bid to heighten that electric feeling. The wet of his tongue, the heat of his hands, those hard palms cradled her like she was made of the cloud she rode to him.

It was

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