Chapter Three: “An Artist’s Ideal”
“Art Was Supposted To Be A Bang,
So Why Can’t I Destroy You?”
—On Creating a Muse—
Sakura woke once again on the velvet cushions of the castle lounge. It’s a bit unsettling to wake up every morning like this. Hm? There’s another couch there? She eyed the duplicate furniture and then rubbed her eyes groggily. When she opened her eyes again —
When did —?! Sakura sat up straight in a shock. On what used to be an empty couch, sat two handsome men dressed in fine dark suits like nobles on the prowl. Two very, very familiar men…
Oh God. This is awkward. Sakura tried to think about what to do when you have two lovers sitting next to each other. Sure, they weren’t official lovers and only had one night stands, but maybe experienced people had some social code for morning afters? I knew I should have read those flirting tip books the ladies snuck in the crevices of the library! What would be the experienced, the most mature, the most eloquent thing to say in this situation…?!
“U-Um, well, I’ll leave you two alone to talk. I must get going…” Sakura murmurred as she quickly jumped off her seat and began to speed walk to the stairs. The answer is to escape!! She was so nervous, that she didn’t even do her daily ritual of admiring today’s clothes. She’ll find out later. Priorities!
She’d gotten to the bottom of the stairs when two hands clasped her shoulders. Gulp! “M-May I help you?” She squeaked out while looking behind her.
“Sakura,” Itachi growled. “Who is this man? I assume he is one of the souls you had to save, but what is your relationship to him?”
“Tsk.” Kakashi sneered down at the man next to him. “That should be my line. Sakura is mine. I don’t know why we teleported to this strange castle, but we won’t stay here.”
“You can’t leave, you lout. I’ve been here since yesterday — its’ enchanted. The angel can’t leave either.”
“Ha? Angel? She’s clearly with the Fae —“
The two men started arguing and Sakura had a naughty idea. No wonder they gave me until midnight to find the room — well, here goes nothing! “Actually, the reason why you are both here in this castle is simple.” She waited until both men focused back on her. “In order to — Excuse me, can you remove your hands? I’m trying to tell you.” She gave her best ‘offended noble lady’ glare she could muster.
“Excuse me, my Lady.” Itachi immediately dropped his hand with a slight bow. You could tell he was used to dealing with nobility.
“…Fine.” Kakashi on the other hand was more of a rogue and slowly released his hand with a grumble.
“Thank you.” With great dramatics, Sakura channeled in her most serious face and spread her arms wide. “If you kneel before me, I can use my magic to show you the truth of this castle. It will take me a great deal of concentration, so please don’t stare at me — Nay, don’t even look at me or I won’t be able to spell properly. I am fairly new, after all. When I finish with the spell, there will be silence. Do not fear, I am in the middle of conjuring. Do not disturb me until I say it is done. Now!”
Then men frowned, but did as she told. Looking at her “princess face”, they solemnly knelt to the ground and bowed their heads down.
“Arashli Man Suerom…” Sakura began to chant random words while she peeked down at them — nope, no one was lifting their heads. “Liserat faen gol…I call upon the powers that be…”
When she silenced herself, she waited for three seconds and then quietly darted up the stairs. It was good it was marble and she was barefoot or she’d never have succeeded. Dash —!!
And just like that, she entered the third room.
One minute later….
“I knew I shouldn’t trusted that damn fairy!”
“Hn. The angel is naughtier than I thought.”
She won’t escape next time.
Once more, a white light enveloped Sakura as soon as she opened the door…and then she was frozen.
“Eh?!!!” She tried to speak, but even her lips couldn’t move. In fact, her scream was silent. Did I enter the wrong room? Why can’t I move?!
Sakura tried to move her eyes, but even that could only look straight forward — she almost had a mental breakdown when suddenly a woman’s face popped up from below.
“I need to add a little more depth to your chin…that pout of your lips needs more fullness…” The woman said, but her voice was a bit too deep…But she was too pretty to be a man? That luxurious blonde hair was too cared for! Was that insulting? Where did my manners go — no wait, Sakura, you’re being touched by him!
Sakura’s head went into a spiral as the man continued to molest her face. Strangely enough, she could feel his fingers, but they weren’t warm. It was like ice. His hand pulled up to her vision line and it was covered in gray clay of sorts…
The blonde man then said, “My masterpiece will soon be finished. All you need, my muse, is a little time to harden and —“
Sakura fell into a shock. If that gray clay was really her body and if she judged the situation right….She was a cursed statue?! I…I’m going to faint…
Suddenly the man lifted his hand to her eyesight and on his palm…was another mouth — which had more gray clay pop out. “…!” Sakura stared in morbid curiosity as the mouth licked it’s lips sexily before licking her face. The wet streak on her cold face sent a shock through her - a mix of chill and fire. Then she heard the man say she was almost done…
For the first time since she started this dream world, Sakura Haruno couldn’t handle it. And so she fainted with only one riduculous thought running unbidden in her mind —
Does mouth clay last long? I don’t want to melt under the sun if I’m going to be a garden statue…
With silent tears, she completely knocked out.
After a long time, Sakura ‘woke up’ and once more couldn’t move.
I…What now? Sakura sighed mentally. There’s no way the Godmother would leave me like this. She had faith in her. But how do I break out of my statue state?
She analyzed what she could see — so it’s night. The studio is empty and she could see the heads of other statues, but all of them were half finished of sorts. One had no eyes, one had no lips…another was just a lump. It looked like the pretty man had an artist block.
Okay. So I am still a stone lady. Maybe if I tried to call for help with my thoughts? Fairy Godmother Ella? Hello? Anybody there? I’m stuck as a statue and I don’t even know if I have a nose! HELP!!!
……Shit. Sakura cursed for the first time in her life. There has to be another way. This is a magic dream world, right? Maybe this was a test of magic. I was healed in the last world when I asked for help. Maybe I might be able to access magic directly…?
Honestly, it was a long shot, but Sakura had nothing to lose.
Sakura envisioned the light sparkles that healed her fatal wounds the day before. She thought of the feeling of it — warm, a strange vibration…a feeling like all her body was open and heart an open channel…
Deep within her, she felt a foreign feeling…like a frayed string that was just barely holding on, she focused on that feeling and calmed her mind down. Clearing the mind, she began to steady her ‘breaths’ as she focused only on that frayed connection…Come…Closer…
And like a spark was lit, the feeling grew stronger in response. It grew within her until she could feel her immobile body fill with it’s warmth. More and more, the heat grew until she could feel the breath come out of her and she gasped.
“Hah..!” Sakura breathed in her first breath of air since she fell into this dream. Gulping down deep breaths like a fish out of water, she focused the newfound energy within her to her hands…to her fingers….She moved one! Real tears fell down her face as she slowly broke out of the shell she was in. Crack. Crack.
She moved another finger, then a hand…then she could feel a toe…Part by part, she cracked open her stone cage until the heat burst out of her in a brilliant inferno of light that blinded her.
When the light faded, Sakura could feel the cold air lick her skin, the smell of clay and wood assault her and she cried. “I’m free!” She breathed out with bliss. “Oh thank god, I can feel my fingers again.” She kissed her hands like a mad woman and twirled around with arms wide open, laughin her heart out.
“M—Miracle! It’s a miracle!” Suddenly a man’s voice shouted from below and Sakura froze like the statue she was before. The pretty man jumped up from where he lay on the floor and reached out to hold her — but he stopped short as he sobbed. “Y-You’re…human? Or are you a figment of my imagination, my fantasy pretending to come to life?”
While the artist sobbed before her, Sakura on the other hand was having an existential crisis around her mission. So, I escaped being a statue and now I assume this is the soul of the dream. Seeing as how he slept under me for a whole night and has mouths on his hands, he is definitely not a normal insane artist devoted to his craft…And I just ‘came to life’ in front of him — while…Yep. I’m naked. God. If I’m not careful, he might go completely insane!
Sakura did the only thing she could think of and asked, “So, I’m Sakura. And you are?” She tried not to care about his eyes roaming over her body seeing as how he literally molded her out of clay a while ago. She peered down at him with her best “princess face” and said, “Well? Your name.”
“S-Sorry, love, I am Deidara.” His deep voice had a kind of tang to it, almost musical. “I can’t believe you came to life. My ideal woman, my masterpiece…” His gray-blue eyes seemed to shine with a euphoric light as he smiled big, “Yes! I finally broke the limit of my art — you didn’t just come back to life, you came to life with a BANG!!” He made wide motions with his arms as he exclaimed, “That light! When you cracked out of your stone cage, the way that brilliant light bursted out or the cracks of your bodily cage…It was the most exquisite thing I’ve seen in my life. My explosive muse, my one and only.”
Deidara reached out to her with the gaze of complete worship and his palms slightly drooled towards her.
I still can’t get used to those hands…but…Sakura had a naughty vision of what those mouths could do and she gulped. Bad Sakura! Settle down!
Clearing her throat, Sakura asked, “Pleasure to meet you, Deidara. I was not born from this statue, but I was sent here to listen to your worries, your fears and wishes.” And hopefully get a clue to how to complete this dream. But…I seriously do not have any original ideas, do I? Godmother Ella would laugh at me.
“My…wish?” Deidara stopped drooling, well, his palms shut up, and he held a finger curled to his chin, eyes focused in thought. “It can be anything?”
Sakura held up a hand. “I can listen to your worries and wishes, yes, but if it’s something I can grant, then I shall.” Even though I have no powers or deep knowledge…What am I trying to do?! Sakura hid her nervousness behind a practiced noble smile, honed from years in the capital’s teeth.
“Then…” The manly beauty cocked his head to the side, ponytail dangling for an aesthetically-pleasing effect, and smirked. “I would like to hold you, love.”
“Yes — Hm?!” Sakura dropped her act immediately and jumped back off the pedestal. Now eye-to-eye, she stammered, “D-Don’t you have any serious worries?!” Are all men beasts?! Sure, she checked him out earlier, but he didn’t know that! A blush ran down her body as she covered her chest with her arms.
“Nothing matters now that you exist.” Deidara stepped forward bit by bit like he was trying not to scare off the bunny. “You are already my greatest dream come true. And I fear that the night will soon take you away if I dally. So if you were truly sent here, love, I plead for your kindness. Let this mortal man please you, my goddess.” Deidara’s words spun like silken gold as he woo’d her.
Sakura stood with her back to the window and full moon eclipsed her curvy form. Her long pink hair fell to her hips like a shimmering curtain of silk, those wide emerald eyes lit like the stars…and those hips that tempted a man to hell everytime she fidgeted…Deidara couldn’t hold back a gulp as he feasted on the vision before his eyes. A fire lit in his groin as he imagined what he could do with those perfectly round hips — hips he molded himself. He let out a breath, “Perfect…”
Deidara was only a step from the pink goddess as she backed up against the window. He could see her more clearly, see the slight shadow under her eyes, the bit of sweat of her neck, the slight imperfections of humans — and it only stimulated him more.
Sakura shivered under Deidara’s gaze of undisguised yearning, that pure desire seeking her. It made her feel like the goddess he believed she was and she almost fell to the ground when her knees turned weak without warning. “D-Deidara…” An animal lust entered her eyes like a spell. Before she could re-think her actions, she already stepped forward and fell in his arms, her legs shaking and body wet. That’s when she noticed her body was extra sensitive to the point that even the feel of cold air on her naked skin sent her into a tender mess. Was it because her body was ‘new’ in this dream? Every sense is twice as ignited than I had ever felt before!
Sakura hissed as a painless searing heat came over her and she gaped. Breathing heavily, she clutched onto the artist’s broad shoulders as her body became an inferno of heat and lust. She moaned when a smooth yet large palm trailed down her back and held her hips, the feeling of a pair of soft lips on each side.
“Hnn…” Deidara licked his lips. “It seems like an aphrodisiac property has been added to this body you have entered, my goddess. I would apologize you have been sent to revive in such a sinful body, but I cannot. If you will grant my wish…” He blew in her ear to her disaster and smirked, “I will grant you yours.”
Th-This sinful man…! Sakura dropped all pretense and simply dove to his lips as her answer and a passionate kiss ensued. Tongues wrapped around each other as his hands cradled her hips and he grinded against her. Sliide, slideeee.
After a while, they broke apart to catch a breath and Deidara tugged down his pants while lifting one leg with the other hand. Guiding her leg to wrap around his waist, the pants fell and his member slid against her clit and up her stomach. She felt his veins and thickness slide against her when she leaned against the window sill behind her and propped her ass on the ledge. Wrapping her other leg around him, she grinded.
Suddenly, she felt the wet licks of his hands sliding up her waist to her stomach and up her sides until they came to her full breasts. Those long fingers squeezed while those mouths on his palms lapped against her breaks, tongues out licking her mounds fully. Sakura arched her back when those mouths encompassed her nipples and played with her naughtily. “Nnn..!” She cried out.
Deidara chuckled deeply at her reactions and whispered against her ear, his foxy eyes narrowing, “Do you like that, Sa-ku-ra?” His hot breath against her neck sent more shivers down her spine and she moaned. “Don’t worry, kitten, I’ll satisfy you. So wet, love.”
Deidara backed up a bit so his tip only just touched her hole. Then he took his hand and gave one last squeeze before sliding down to her center and that wicked tongue entered inside her.
“Ahh!” Sakura cried at the extreme sensations that followed. The slightest touch drove her mad. “N-No, it’s to-too much! It feels so good!” Her eyes watered with tears as shocks and tingles scalded her skin with pleasure. And then Deidara once more captured her full lips while his palms licked her in and out. That long tongue swirled inside her, reaching every point of pleasure and she became a wet mess.
“Yes, love, feel it. Take it in. Become putty in my hands.” Deidara murmurred as he stole her lips, lapping them and biting while he played with her body.
A long time passed before he released her and she fell back completely against the glass window. Her breath heavy as her chest heaved under those wickedly playful eyes. Deidara had long removed his clothes and he propped his naked self against her before lifting her up so her ass tilted upwards — and entered.
“Ahhh!” Sakura screamed as his length thrust deep inside her, reaching further than that tongue did and the angle gave him access to a part she never had touched before. “Ah, ah, ah!” He grunted as he moved inside her, rocking her to him and hitting her deep. Thrust, thrust, thrust.
Her full breasts bounced before his eyes as he pounded harder into her — and came. Cum filled her and she collapsed against his hard chest in satisfaction…only for him to move again, harder and harder until she couldn’t hold back her moans.
Looking up, Sakura could see the longing in his blue gaze, the worship and desire naked and pure. It took her breath away. The sheer need in his eyes thrilled her fully as he rocked her. That’s when a dam of desire broke inside her and she licked her lips wickedly like a lioness on the prowl. Grasping his shoulder, she moved with him, bouncing and claiming him as her own.
They rode each other like feral beasts and those second mouths licked her all over in heated trails. They fucked until the moon began to fall and a soft light barely lit the studio. As they laid on the floor, and he kissed her hair, Deidara spoke, “You are my salvation, with your perfect imperfections and the light of your eyes, you claimed me as your own.”
Sakura snuggled into his embrace and she kept silent as she listened to his heart beat. Slowly, the man began to breathe steadily and fall into a deep slumber. When more time has passed, she looked up at the graceful beauty of this strange artist.
In the studio where they laid, she could smell clay, paint and the sweat of her man — it was an intoxicating mix. The smell of this hub of creativity gave her a sense of art being born, of love and where she felt the most sensual and free. Sakura thought about how she didn’t feel ashamed of her body anymore — of how the corset she used to wear would signify her curves were too much and her waist too wide. None of that mattered. She felt reborn out of the clay this man spun…
In this studio, she felt like the goddess of creation herself.
And she fell to sleep with a true smile.
…In the soft silence of the night, a small yellow fire lit over her forehead before disappearing into the center of her brows.
[Dream Three Complete]
[Reward: Let Nothing Limit Yourself. You Are the Master of Your Body. Property of No One.]
[Second Reward: Awakening. Godmother’s Prediction Held True — Magic Channel Opened. Rare Second Stage of Spell Opened. Trials Updated.]
[Dream Worlds Updated]
[…If the Lady’s Soul Isn’t True, Spell Will Collapse]
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