❤️Daryl- Oh Baby

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Y/n and daryl had the life of their dreams. They didn't have money or fancy things. But what they did have was worth so much more than that. Two children, a boy and a girl. Noah was the eldest at 12 years old. And then Daisy who was 7. But, just a few months before the apocalypse, y/n fell pregnant. At the time, daryl and y/n were thrilled, but as the world changed, the thought of having a baby became terrifying.

"When's daddy and uncle merle coming back" Daisy asked as y/n finished platting her hair

"Soon baby" y/n said smiling

"If they ever make it back" noah huffed

"Don't say that!" Daisy yelled at him, running out the tent

"Honey, I know you're scared for them. I am too. But please don't say stuff like that around Daisy. Say it to me all you want, but she doesn't need to hear it. Now I can't promise they'll come back, you know that, but I can promise that so far, we haven't had a radio call telling us somethings gone wrong, and everything seems to be on schedule. Have faith" y/n kissed his forehead and stepped outside the tent. She was 8 months pregnant and was not enjoying the heat at this time

"Daddy!" Daisy yelled as the van pulled up. She ran towards daryl who lifted her up and kissed her cheek. Noah ran and hugged him aswell

"Did you find uncle merle?" Noah asked

"Ye. But, he's found another group. Don't you worry, he's safe. He just wanted to start fresh. Perhaps we'll see him again soon" y/n could tell that he was lying from the sadness in his voice but the kids didn't seem to notice as they ran back to go and play

"He cut off his own hand" darly told her

"Why doesn't that surprise me. He always was one for dramatics" she sighed hugging her husband and kissing him softly

"How you doing anyway? I know how much you hate the last couple months of pregnancy" daryl asked

"I'm alright. Been getting braxton hicks recently but nothing I can't handle" she smiled

"You sure they just braxton hicks darling?"

"Nope. But im convincing myself they are. Either way, we can't do anything. Just gotta wait til it happens. Not like we're unfamiliar with home births I suppose" y/n had never planned on having home births. But with noah, she didn't make it to the hospital. And Daisy was born at home during a hurricane

They kissed softly but y/n pulled apart gasping. Daryl held her hand and rubbed her back

"Oh fucking shit" she whispered, clinging onto his hand until it went away

"You just remember to breathe now darling. You want me go and get jacqui?" Daryl asked

"No no. I'm alright. Its been like that all day. Just on and off. If these are real contractions, then they're atleast 45 minutes apart" she reassured him. They continued on the day as normal. When the night came, daryl was terrified he'd wake up to her giving birth. But it didn't happen. And so came the next day. Daryl refused to go hunting incase y/n went into labour. Just as he was arguing with Shane about merle, Daisy ran over

"You OK darling?" He asked

"Mama says the baby coming" Daisy told him. Daryl wasn't shocked, they all knew it would be any day now.

"Right, wheres noah?" Daisy went and got noah as jacqui helped y/n lie down in the rv

"I need the pair of you to be very good. Best behaviour. And I dont want you to worry about your mama cuz she gone be just fine. Now go and play" he kissed their foreheads and then went into the rv and sat next to her, her head on his shoulder as jacqui checked her dilation

"Not quite there yet sweetie. Soon though"

"Don't bullshit me. How long you reckon?" Y/n asked

"A couple of hours perhaps" jacqui gave her a sympathetic smile and then left daryl and y/n to be alone. He gripped her hand and kissed her forehead as she started crying

"Hey, sshh, it'll all be OK, you'll forget it all once we hold that baby"

"I'm so scared" she sobbed. Daryl held her against him tightly

"Aint gone let anything happen to ya darling. I love you so much" as he said that, another contraction came along. Y/n winced and cried at the pain, cursing god and mother nature. This went on for another hour before y/n said

"Go get jacqui. Please" daryl kissed her forehead, running to get jacqui. He came back and sat behind y/n, helping her sit up as she spread her legs

"OK y/n, I think you're ready. On next contraction, give me soft pushes. Don't tire yourself out too soon" jacqui instructed. A contraction came along and y/n pushed, groaning at the pain. She pushed 3 times during the first contraction, and then another 4 times for the next contraction

"Oh fucking christ" she cried out pushing again. Her hair was stuck to her forehead with sweat, and daryls knuckles had gone white but he wasn't dumb enough to complain

"How have I done this twice already?" She cried, putting her chin to her chest and pushing. The pain was excruciating, and her screams were loud despite her trying to muffle them to save the children from trauma

"Because you're incredible. That's why" daryl kissed her hand. After half an hour of pushing, y/n was passing out from the pain

"Y/n honey, are you alright if we turn you on your side? Change in position might help with the process" y/n nodded, unable to form words at that time. Her contractions were now ontop of one another, giving her hardly any time to rest. With the help of daryl, she turned around so she was lying on her side, daryl rubbing her back with her head in his lap. He held her leg up as she pushed, jacqui smiling at her encouragingly

"That's it y/n. I can see the head" she cried out. Y/n pushed again, the feeling of her skin stretching burnt like crazy. Tears poured down her face as she screamed and sobbed

"Aaarrhgghh" she screamed, pushing

"The babies crowning"

"You doing so well honey" daryl smiled, kissing her forehead

"Just pant now, try not to push or you'll tear" y/n cried, trying so hard not to push as the babies head made its way out, resulting in the pressure declining significantly

"Heads out. You're almost there. Just a few more pushes"

"I can't. I can't do it" she cried, clinging onto daryl

"Yes you can darling. You can, I know you can. Just a few more. Think of how happy you were when you held noah and Daisy. Best feeling in the world. You'll get to feel that so soon" y/n nodded, pulling herself together so she could push.

"Aagghhh fuck. Get it out!" She yelled, one shoulder was out. She kept pushing, allowing the other shoulder to come out. She was stretched more than she thought possible as the arms came out. With one last push, the baby slid out into jacquis arms

"You have a boy" jacqui smiled, although she didn't pass the baby to y/n

"Why isn't he crying?" She asked, watching in fear as jacqui rubbed the babies back, praying in the process

"Daryl whats happening?" She asked. He couldn't answer. Just kiss her forehead and watch with tears in his eyes. Once the crying started, they let out a sigh of relief. The baby boy was placed onto y/ns chest as she cried with happiness, daryl awell

"He's perfect" y/n cried

"Thank you so much. I love you. You're the most incredible woman I've ever met" daryl cried to y/n kissing her forehead and stroking the baby boys cheeks softly as he slept

A few hours later, after y/n and the baby had slept and cleaned themselves up, they walked out of the rv. Daryl held the baby boy whilst helping y/n walk down the steps. T dog also helped her get down as it was still very painful

"Daisy, noah, come look at your baby brother" everyone awed as the kids looked at the new addition

"Can we play with him now?" Daisy asked

"Soon baby soon" y/n promised kissing her cheeks

"What's his name?" Noah asked

"Gabe dixon"

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