Chapter 8 Hogwarts Letter

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Lindsay's POV

It's nearly Harry's eleventh birthday so our plan is nearly in motion. Harry and I have gotten to know Neville and Luna better than before except I was good friends with both of them in the last timeline. I awoke to remember the date. It was the day that Harry originally got his Hogwarts letter. I was excited to do more to change the timeline.

Hermione would have killed me and Harry for messing with time. Scratch that she probably will kill us.  After what happened in Harry's third year we should know better. If Hermione does get mad at us though we can explain that we had no other choice. Well, it's the truth.

I quickly got out of bed and got ready for the day. The plan for Harry's first year would be that Harry would bring Neville, Hermione, Ron, the twins, and Percy to get the stone. I would then use aeroportation to get there when Harry is facing Quirrell. We can't let on that we are from the future though.

I run to the training room where Harry and I train to expand our magical cores to their full potential. Sirius takes the training to a whole new level. Harry and I already have our wands from the original time. My wand is Rosewood, eleven and a half inches, stiff but also quirky, with a core that consists of unicorn hair, dragonheart string, and a phoenix feather, and it's lightweight but works brilliantly.

We start off with stretches then we run around the track. After our runs Harry and I face each other in a duel. Our duels almost always end in a tie. Today had to be one of the longest duels we've ever had since the Weasleys, Neville, and Luna came into the training room.

" My word," I hear Mrs. Weasley say.

Harry took his eyes off of me. He should know better. I disarmed him then I quickly stunned him. I then walked to him and undid the stunning charm but then he pulled me to the ground and pinned me.

" Oi! You cheater," I yelled.

" You cheated first," Harry said.

I then rolled us over so I was on top of him and pinning him to the ground. He struggled but I stayed strong.

" Say it," I said.

" You win," Harry said with a sigh.

I got off of him and helped him up.

" Good match big bro," I said.

" Good job you two," Sirius said.

" Thanks Sirius," I said as I jumped off of the stage.

" That's against the law to do magic outside of school," Percy said.

" If you live near muggles or you do magic in a community. We're neither Percy. The law was created to protect the muggleborns. The Ministry can see where magic is being used but they can't tell who's using it in a magical household," I said.

" That was cool. Can you teach us that," Fred asked.

" It depends on what your Mum says Fred," I said.

Suddenly I hear an owl in the kitchen. I looked at Harry.

" Race you to the kitchen," I said before using aeroportation.

He apparated to the kitchen but I still beat him. He glared at me before going to the owl. He took the letter off of the owl's leg and I gave the owl an owl treat as Harry opened the letter.

" I got in," he said.

" No. I thought you were a squib," I said sarcastically.

" Shut it you," Harry said.

I laughed at his reaction. The Weasleys, Neville, Luna, Sirius, and Remus came down the stairs.

" What's going on down here," Remus asked.

" Harry acting dumb," I replied before returning to my fit of laughter.

All of the sudden a sweaty, smelly, wet towel landed on my head.

" Gross," I yelled before I threw it off my head and onto George's head.

" Oi! I'm not the laundry hamper," George said taking the towel off and throwing it into a hamper.

" Oops sorry George," I said giggling.

All of the sudden I feel a vision hitting me. I start to gasp for air and I grab for the counter. I here my name being called. I feel Harry helping me to stay on my feet. Then the vision hits me with full force. It showed the mirror of Erised. I was there with Harry and so was Neville, Ron, Fred, George, Percy, and Hermione. I looked in the mirror and saw what Harry and I desired. We saw Ginny and Nathan plus my godchildren and my children. We also saw our future children. Quirrell trying to kill the others but Harry and I made sure that he failed. My vision ended and I collapsed to the floor but Harry caught me and carried me to a chair.

" You alright sis," Harry asked.

" I'll be fine," I said

Sirius got me a glass of water. I took it and had a couple of sips.

" What was that," Neville asked sounding kind of scared.

We'd brought his confidence up but not enough.

" I'm fine Neville. It's nothing," I said.

" Lindsay Rose Potter that was not nothing if you were gasping for air," Mrs. Weasley scolded.

I had winced at the use of my full name. I never had liked it.

" You need to control it kiddo not fight it," Remus said.

" I usually do have control. This one just hit me Uncle Remus," I said.

" Eat," Harry said tossing me an apple.

I glared at him and took a bite of my apple.

" Is Lindsay going to tell us what happened to her," Fred asked.

I sighed.

" It was a vision of the future. It was blurry though so I could barely make out anything from it," I said.

" But something bad will happen," Harry asked.

I used our link to send what I saw to him. He nodded after seeing it. I stink at lying and Harry knows it. He use to tease me but now he helps hide my lying.

" Well, now we need to find a date to go to Diagon Alley," Sirius said.

I thanked Merlin that Sirius got off the topic off of my visions. Things are going to change...


I know it's been a while I've been busy with college.

Will things change? 

What will happen next?

I'm open to ideas.

Please vote, comment , and follow.

- GinnyWeasleyRules

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