3) Magatama Issues

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After the investigation that day, I walked back to my place. A gentle breeze blew through my hair. I kicked a stone along the sidewalk sleepily. My concentration on the rock's movement was the only thing keeping me from falling asleep then and there.


Confused, I turned around to see two familiar outlines: Cotoli and his peppy little sister. Chrysalis broke into a sprint and Cotoli sighed before following her. Chrysalis waved as she drew nearer.

"Um, Chrysalis, you do realize my name is 'Lucas,' right?" I asked once the pair had reached me. Both were panting wildly. I got the feeling that they weren't the types to do a large amount of physical activity.

The girl nodded. "Of course I know! I just call people by the first syllable of their name. It's just my thing," she smiled. "It's a little strange, but I don't really care. It's a cute little thing in my opinion. Your dislike towards it won't make me stop, so you had better stop hoping while you're still ahead."

"Something up, Luco?" Cotoli questioned with a smirk. I groaned, but I immediately regretted it since Felicity had given me that nickname. Emphasis on 'Felicity.' I didn't want to seem unhappy with anything she did. That might invalidate my crush on her. I think. I honestly have no idea. I've never known anything about love or any of its delicate little intricacies.

I shook my head. "Nothing," I said simply, hoping that he'd leave the subject alone.

Cotoli rubbed something in his pocket and Chrysalis fiddled with her necklace. I eyed her Magatama. That thing could see the secrets hiding deep within people's hearts. Spirit mediums or those related to them often received the nifty little lie detectors. Curse all of my coworkers being spirit mediums!

"We should get going," Cotoli said. "It's late and there's a trial tomorrow." If he saw something with his Magatama, he sure wasn't letting on that he had spied anything out of the ordinary.

Chrysalis looked disappointed at that. I already knew what she was thinking: something like, "But Cotoli! I wanted to crack open his secret!"

I silently thanked Cotoli before realizing that it was most likely just a matter of time before Chrysalis figured it out. I held in a groan of anger. Stupid persuasion skills. I liked them when they could be used to my advantage, but Chrysalis using them to discover my secrets was nowhere near useful for me, the hopeless romantic who just wants to be left alone to figure out what in the world he's really feeling.

"Night," I told the siblings, walking in the direction of my apartment. Chrysalis waved to me briefly before departing herself, Cotoli at her side.

"See you at the trial tomorrow," Chrysalis called out in a sing song fashion. I had no idea how she could be so perky in this situation. I guess that's just how she is.

"Alright," I muttered, wanting to escape to clutches of the Magatama. I walked just a little faster together home before a certain lawyer student (*cough* Chrysalis *cough*) showed up to crack open a secret I myself didn't understand.


"But Cotoli! I'm telling you! Something definitely happened to Lucas today!" I told my big brother as we walked into the apartment we shared.

"And it isn't our job to crack open his Psyche-Locks if they aren't related to the case at hand," Cotoli retorted. He was always trying to keep me out of other people's business. He was one for privacy.

I groaned and flopped backwards on the couch before pulling out my phone. I went to a Notes app and began writing down what I knew. It was how I always figured out the truth behind things I didn't yet understand.

The page was open to the last time I'd used the app: when Cotoli had kept my Christmas present a secret last December. I hadn't cracked the secret that time, as Christmas presents were often difficult to figure out, but this would time around, things would be different. I just knew it.

My fingers clicked on the screen, nails making contact with the glass every second. I ignored the sound and began to type as rapidly as I could to get everything I was thinking down into my phone before I forgot about it:

What I Know:

*Lucas got nervous when we asked if something was wrong.

*He didn't act off until he returned from his excursion with Felicity.

*He didn't seem to notice, but he blushed when Cotoli called him 'Luco.'


Something happened between Lucas and Felicity that made the former happy. Maybe the latter as well. I still need to figure that out.

I grinned with my conclusion. With this sort of info, I'd be able to pounce on him when I arrived at the agency tomorrow. Thank goodness. I hated not knowing a secret for an extended period of time. It nagged at me until I managed to crack the case.

"I'm heading to bed now," Cotoli called as he walked into the back room. It was fashioned into a bedroom, one that we shared.

I nodded. "Be in there in a few," I told him as I turned off my phone.

I plugged in my phone and set the device down on the couch. A yawn escaped my mouth, so I figured it was time to go to bed. Staying up late the night before a big interrogation was never a good idea.

After changing into my white t-shirt and loose pink pants that were my pajamas, I crawled into my side of the bed that I shared with Cotoli. Another yawn came from my mouth.

My kitten, Thea, crawled up in between Cotoli and me. It wasn't long before I fell asleep, hand resting on the cat's tan back. She purred gently as I drifted off to sleep for the night.

I bet I dreamed of Felucas becoming canon.


ah yes another update


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