Chapter 10

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Valentine POV

"Stop moving" I whined. "Your the one that's moving me" Corey argued. I was doing Corey's Halloween zombie look and he wouldn't stop moving. "People are coming in an hour and I haven't even done my paint. Stop. Moving" I told him. "I'm trying I'm trying" he said
"If you don't stop moving then I'll sit on you" I told him. "Oooh so scared" he said sarcastically. "Fine" I said and hopped on his lap facing him. "Why is it sticky" he whined. "Because it's fake skin stop moving!" I told him.

I was almost finished when Corey just went back and I fell with him. We were face to face and he was just holding me closer to him when he reached out and kissed me. He smelled so good and his lips were soft and he was so warm and did I mention he smelled really good!!
We broke apart and I got up. Corey sat up I chuckled "what?" Corey asked me. "You look scary" I said. "Do I really?" He asked with a smirk. "Yeah check out for yourself" I said and got off of his lap. He got up and look in the mirror. "That's pretty cool! How'd you learn to do that!" He asked. "My dad always does my Halloween make up" I told him "first grade I was suppose to be a vampire but he made me in to a Dracula, yes there's a difference. Third grade I was a devil. But c'mon I still am. Sixth grade I was a zombie that was pretty cool. Seventh grade I was a broken glass doll that one was awesome eight grade I was Edward scissor hands. That one was hard and the other years I didn't use make up" I explained "that's really cool" Corey told me.

I then did my make up I didn't do much. I just put in red eye contacts, I put red blood gushed around my chin and made me look slightly more pale and dark eyes.

People came a little after 9:00 and then got pretty packed. It was really cool. I saw Corey Feldman again. I hadn't seen him since he ditched me at that first party. "Hey happy birthday" he told me. "Thank you" I said. "Having fun in Los Angeles" he asked. "Yes!" I said. We had a short talk then left. When I saw fricken Brad Pitt!!! "What the..." I muttered to myself. I couldn't go up to him. What would I say. He wasn't really famous in the 80s but one thing for sure he was still cute.

I went for some fruit punch and passed by the clock. I walked back looking at the time 11:35pm it read. Where has the time gone! I went in to the bathroom and washed my face really quick. I still had faded paint on my face but I didn't have the time to take it off, I still had my red eye contacts too! I went in to the hall closest. Everyone has there coats and purses in there. I took out my skate board and my bag and made sure I had everything especially the paper clips and the old lamp wire.
Everything was there in the bag. I looked for Corey. I found him and saw he was talking to some people he was laughing and seeming to be having fun. I almost reached the door then stopping from hearing something that got my attention "thank you all for coming to my new friend Valentines birthday party" it was Corey speaking. My eyes went wide and froze. "Valentine come here" he said looking around for me. I couldn't do it, I can't do this I ran off from his penthouse. I then felt bad for leaving like so but I couldn't face him.

I heard someone walking behind me from a distance. I got scared and walked faster but then hearing the footsteps coming closer and closer and then he turned me around me seeing it was only Corey. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I'm. Im going home. Thank you Corey for everything" I tell him. "You're leaving? Like that? Without telling me?" He asked "I-i didn't know how t-to tell you" I told him. "Why are you leaving? Why do you keep on trying to leave?" He asks me. "It's time for me to go Corey" I said.
He looked so sad it broke my heart I wasn't to cry and hug him and never let him go and stay with him but then I wanted to leave and run off because I couldn't handle the pain of knowing he's gone in my time It hurt to face him because I felt as if I were lying to him. All these mixed emotions hurt my heart so much.

"You can't go" he told me. "I know Corey" I just said "will you come back?" He asked me. "Yes" I lied I don't think I would come back but I didn't want to say the truth and seeing him smile is all I want right now to cure this pain inside of me. "I'll miss you" he told me "I'll miss you more" I told him. And I will, I do. I miss him so much even if he's here right in front of me I feel him far even if I was hugging him I feel the distance I feel him gone and it sucks. I wanted to cry and a tear slipped down my cheek.

I think Haim noticed and he opened his arms and took me he hugged me and it felt great "come back soon" he whispered to my hair. I nodded then to make my heart hurt worse. I broke up the hug and turned around and walked.

I wanted to turn back. I wanted to run back in his arms. But I didn't turn back and I didn't run back in to his arms. I walked away feeling farther from him. The cold air drying up my tears walking on the cracked cement trying not to step on a crack.

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