First story!!!
Ram Kapoor: A big business tycoon, a little healthy in weight in a cute way yet very hot. His Family is a first priority for him no matter what. He has one younger sister Prathi whom he loves infinitely. She is his little world.
Dr Priya Sharma: gynaecologist, presently working in shree raksha hospital. The epitome of beauty and a very caring girl.
Prathi Verma: little sister of Ram. Cute and sweet. She loves his brother more than anything. For Ram, she is his little princess. She married Karthik Verma a year ago and is expecting.
Sudhir and Shipra Sharma: Priya's parents
Amar and Krishna Kapoor: Ram's parents
Neha and Vikram Shargil: Best buddies of Ram since childhood. Vikram is currently working in the Kapoor industry.
I shall update the first part soon
Till then bye..............
Wid lots n lots of love and hugs.
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