Chapter Two- Adoption

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     Two months of preparation came and went, and finally, everything was ready. That night Shota had called a family meeting, Hizashi had been worried to find his husband in such an anxious state. When he'd spoken of adoption, Hizashi was shocked. He'd never taken his husband as someone willing to raise a kid, despite being a teacher. Now here they were, the day had finally come and Shota was planning dinner when there was a knock on the door.


     Hitoshi, who is now 15, has been in the system for most of his life, moving from 'family' to 'family' often enough to become an annoyance to the orphanage he'd been staying with. Now, he's in the backseat of a car with his social worker behind the wheel. He doesn't like the idea of being so close to him when he's annoyed, so he chose to sit in the back. 

     When Hitoshi was informed he was being adopted again, he didn't get excited like anyone else would've. He doesn't have high hopes of finding a forever home. He has a hunch he'd be back in the system within a month tops. He has gone through so much with other 'homes' that he expects to be ignored, shouted out a few times, maybe even neglected completely before being tossed away again. Whether the homeowners were heroes-like they are this time-or not. Finally pulling into the driveway and stepping out with a small bag, Shinsou braces himself for whatever is about to happen. His social worker, as usual, doesn't walk to the door with him and leaves as soon as Hitoshi was out of the car. 

     He walked to the door, knocking and alerting the people inside. Answering the door was a scruffy looking man, who Hitoshi recognized as Erasurehead, despite him being more  of an underground hero. He's mostly dressed in black, and held a cup of coffee. A sense of nostalgia and peace washes over Hitoshi at seeing the hero he looked up to as a kid, before he comes back to reality and remembers his situation. He may be a pro-hero, but he won't allow that fact to stray him from his usual behavior in a new place. For the moment, he plans to keep quiet, lay low, and wait until he learns the ropes and drawn lines. He always makes sure not to cross said lines, whether accidentally or not.

"Hello, welcome. Hitoshi, right? Come on in," the hero greets.. warmly?

Hitoshi can't tell, but also can't sense any malice in his tone. He's hard to read. Shinsou waved at the greeting, not one who enjoyed verbal communication in a new place unless absolutely necessary. Aizawa leads him inside, noting the car speeding away with a scowl. His expression quickly softens as he closes the door again and turns to face the boy.

     The first thing Shinsou notices among the furniture littering the living room is a small brown cat napping in the sunlight that crept through one of the window's curtain.

"My name is Shota Aizawa. Either name is alright, it's up to you," he says, "My husband, Hizashi, is in his studio at the moment. I'll show you to your room, and in about an hour we'll sit down to eat. He'll be finished by then."

Shinsou nods in acknowledgment. Shota is quick to note Hitoshi's behavior. Not uncommon, of course, but he hopes he and Hizashi can make him feel welcome.

"Your room is this way," he says, beginning to lead the way through the living room and down the hallway.

He points out each room they passed as he did, telling Hitoshi which one is what including Hizashi's studio. As they move, Hitoshi mentally maps out the house. Hitoshi's room is the last one to be pointed out, decorated generically so it isn't too bland and he could still put his own spin on things. It's well appointed, including a bathroom so Shinsou can have privacy. There's a basket on the nightstand with assorted snacks and candies, as well.

"We didn't know your style or how you want things, so we kept the room how it was when it was the guest room. We'll take you out shopping when you get settled in, so you can decorate it however you want," Aizawa says casually, trying not to lay it on too thick since he knew Hitoshi didn't have the best experiences with new places. 

Hitoshi looks around, while running through the map he made in his head. He mentally marks the fastest routes to certain rooms, just in case they're needed. 

"Well, you can take some time to yourself to unpack or do whatever you need to. Nowhere is off limits except the master bedroom and Hizashi's studio. Of course, if there's an emergency you can forgo those rules. I'll be in the kitchen making lunch. Oh, do you have any dietary restrictions?"

     Shinsou, as usual, doesn't know what to expect from the new place. It seems that no mater how many times he goes through it, the first day is never easy. As his thoughts get the better of him, he finds himself thinking of the nearest escape route, wondering if it was even worth staying when he knew it'd end just the same as always.

     After a few moments, Hitoshi realized he'd spaced out completely, only barely registering Aizawa's question about possible dietary restrictions. He thought for a moment, before reluctantly shaking his head, not feeling the need to comment. If he did, it'd just make everything that much more difficult.

-921 words

-Chapter cover not mine

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