°He Xuan°

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What happened next would be something He Xuan would not want to remember or tell but to summarise it yesterday they became a pair and He Xuan taught him how to not spend his money on anything and everything.

During all this time Shi Qingxuan sat so close to him that he could smell the usual vanilla fragrance that he used to get from him reminding him of too many things which wasn't appropriate for the moment so he quickly wrapped up the game claiming to be tired and that he would go home.

On the way home Shi Qingxuan and Pei Xiu tagged alone. Shi Qingxuan and Pei Xiu kept on talking about things he wasn't interested in so he didn't pay much mind. After sometime Pei Xiu left saying that he wanted to pay his friend a visit.

Soon silence engulfed the 2 boys as they walked quietly but the silence was soon broken

"So you will be leaving next week?"


"Oh will you come back here for vacations?"

"Most probably"

"Make sure to meet me then"

And why would I do that?

"I guess?"

After sometime Shi Qingxuan broke the silence again.

"That convenience store! Wanna get ice cream?" Shi Qingxuan asked pointing at it with sparkles in his eyes.

"But I don't have cash--"

"Don't you worry! I will pay for you, you needn't return the money later" Shi Qingxuan said as he dragged He Xuan by the hem of his shirt

"No it's fine I don't want any"

"Now now don't muddy the waters He Xuan" Shi Qingxuan said looking at He Xuan intently

He Xuan finally gave in and let himself get dragged to the store but unconsciously he held Shi Qingxuan's hand because it was better the holding the hem of his shirt but soon realised that they weren't on chummy chummy bases and was about to wring his hand but he could feel Shi Qingxuan's grip tighten as the entered the store making He Xuan not want to remove his hand no more.

After a debate on the flavours of ice cream Shi Qingxuan finally took something other then vanilla or strawberry....he took butterscotch. He Xuan didn't say anything as he clutched the chocolate flavoured ice cream in his hand.

"Why don't you try something else?" Shi Qingxuan asked looking pointedly at the ice cream in He Xuan's hand "Chocolate has become basic now you know.."

He Xuan just looked at Shi Qingxuan and proceeded to pay for his and Shi Qingxuan's ice cream. Shi Qingxuan sighed exasperatedly
"You didn't have to pay for me..."

"I don't do that for others so call yourself lucky" He Xuan said nibbling his ice cream. Soon silence descended as they walked home eating ice-cream in a hot summers day.

As they walked Shi Qingxuan could see He Xuan eyeing his ice cream

"Want a bite?" Shi Qingxuan asked as he turned to him without hesitation He Xuan bit a huge chunk off and munched like he was pleased with himself.

"You-" Shi Qingxuan was about to start but stopped he couldn't get angry in the way He Xuan acted. He Xuan was very pleased with himself.

"Butterscotch is palatable"

Was the only thing he said after the horrondous crime he commited.

Hey guyssss author here!!! Tho I thought you guys must have a confusion with the ages so presently Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan are 14 while Shi Wudu and Pei Ming are 16 hope it clears you guy's confusion✨✨✨

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