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A few weeks later

"Y/N, I've seen the way you cried at his pictures. Face it, you miss him. He definitely miss you too."  Diaz assured her friend.

"No, i'm not going back."

"At least take your belongings, you have been wearing my clothes for 5 weeks. i have barely any clothes yet."

"Alright, fine. Since you insist, I need a ride back home."

The pair glanced at each other and laughed.

Y/N arrived at her home's doorstep. She grunted as she began flipping her keys out to unlock the door. She noticed shoes outside the door. Jungkook hasn't left for work yet?

As soon as she opened the door, the sight of a young female struggling to pull her pants greeted her. The female stared in shocked as she blushed furiously.

"Uh, i'm terribly sorry. You must be Mia, the maid right?"

Before she could utter a sound, Jungkook swarm into the living room with only a pair of sweatpants hanging loosely around his torso.

"Babe, are you-"

He trailed off upon seeing his wife standing at the door.

"You're back. Ava, get out."

Ava turned to Y/N and eyed her cautiously. Then she whipped around to face Jungkook.

"Bye, baby. See you later."

She pecked his lips but before she could walk away, he grabbed her arms and they started to make out wildly in front of Y/N.
Y/N looked away in disgust and the immeasurable pain drilled inside her heart.

After an excruciating minute or two, they finally left each others' faces. Ava smirked as she glanced at Y/N and left.

"What do you want? To save our marriage again?"

"No, i'm here to take my stuff back. The divorce papers should be coming any week now."

"Have you eaten?"

She cocked her head back, does he care about her now?

"What? I don't care about you. I'm not that irresponsible. That child is also my responsibility."

She rolled her eyes.

"Come on, I'll take you for breakfast."

"Don't touch me. Quit your act. I'll just ask my brother to collect my stuff."

She went out the door. Signing profusely, she waited for Diaz to fetch her back.

Jungkook watched as the door closed, leaving him all alone again.


His phone notification went off. A message came in.

Good morning, Mr Jeon.
This is Dr Sun from XXX Hospital.
To confirm your appointment this coming Thursday, please reply back with a "noted".
Thank you.

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