Marinette's POV
"Tikki," I said after Chat Noir left. "I can't believe I forgot."
"I'm sure it's alright, Marinette." My kwami replied. "But we better get going."
After my transformation, I raced over to the Eiffel Tower.
"Hey, Chaton." I said as I sat beside him.
"M'Lady." Chat Noir said. Was it just me, or did something about him seem... Off..?
"What's up, Chat?" I asked, confused on why he wasn't throwing pickup lines and puns at me.
"Just lost in thought." He replied.
I sighed. "I do that a lot too."
"Oh really?" Chat asked, a mischievous smile spread across his face. "What's on your mind?"
"Guy trouble." I responded. I leaned forward, my elbows resting on my laps. I propped my head up with my hands.
I sent a surprised look to Chat as he started laughing. "That's all I think about!" He chuckled. "Except I deal with girl trouble."
I gave him a slight smile, enjoying hearing him laugh. I couldn't help but remember Adrien's laugh that day when he had given me his umbrella. They both have such amazing laughs...
"What's this 'guy trouble' all about?" Chat asked, displaying a sly smile.
Before I could reply, a loud crash echoed through the night. Chat and I turned our heads toward the noise. As if in a silent agreement, we simultaneously made our way, quickly, to the sound.
"We're too late." I muttered. Dozens of Parisians were in strange positions not able to move, big pause icons visible on their fronts and backs.
"Lady WiFi?" Chat said, his face giving away his confusion. "Didn't we already defeat her?"
"Something must have upset her." I frowned. Alya's been akumatized again.
A laugh sounded above us. I looked up to see Lady WiFi standing on top of a building, phone in hand. She looked exactly as she had last time.
"Alya, snap out of it!" I yelled to my akumatized friend. "What made you upset?"
"I am Lady WiFi to you, Ladybug." The villain said. "I am going to reveal your true identity!"
She swiped her phone, directing it at me. A pause symbol flew towards me, but I jumped to the left to avoid it. The attack hit the ground where I stood only a second before.
"I want to help you!" I called up to her desperately. "Just tell me where the akuma is hiding!"
Lady WiFi frowned. "No way, Ladybug. You aren't stopping me this time."
I knew I was the main focus of her attacks. I nodded to Chat Noir, knowing he'd understand. He nodded back, and slipped away to climb up the building.
"Well, then I guess this is a lose-lose situation, Alya." I smirked. "I won't know where the akuma is, but you can't freeze me either."
I tried to think of where the akuma was. The easiest guess would be the phone.
A sudden shiver ran through me. I couldn't move. I tried to yell out, but couldn't.
What's going on? Hearing a cackle from my friend, I looked up. All I could move was my eyes.
"I got you!" Lady WiFi laughed. "Looks like Tomcat's left you, Ladybug. Finally all of Paris will know who you- hey!"
I had been watching Chat creep quietly behind Lady WiFi as she was gloating. He snatched her phone away from her when she was holding up her arms triumphantly.
"I will never leave my lady." He told her. "Cataclysm!"
The phone turned black. "No!" Lady WiFi yelled as I found myself able to move again.
Chat threw the phone to me. I caught it, and threw it down. The phone turned to dust, but no akuma flew out. "Well, at least she's weaponless now." I muttered, confused at the outcome.
I looked up to see my partner and best friend sparring on top of the building. I used my yo-yo to get to the top of a nearby building to observe Lady WiFi more closely.
She's wearing her glasses this time? I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed earlier. Her black glasses took the shape of her mask, not noticeable from the bottom of the building looking up where I had first been observing her.
"Lucky Charm!" I yelled, sending my yo-yo straight above my head. The charm landed in my open palms. "How am I supposed to use this black ring?"
I looked around, quickly analyzing the situation. Lady WiFi had pinned Chat Noir to the ground, and was trying to grab his miraculous off of his hand. Suddenly, I realized that my lucky charm looked identical to Chat's ring.
I leaped onto the building where Lady WiFi and Chat Noir were, and knocked the villain off of my partner. As Lady WiFi stood up and regained her senses, I gave the ring to Chat.
He gave me a funny look, but slid it on the same finger that he wore his miraculous.
"Ladybug!" Lady WiFi shouted. "You're ruining everything!"
"I'm just trying to help you, Alya." I responding calmly. I heard a beeping sound and realized that Chat only had two pads left, and I had four spots.
We'd better make this fast.
"If you want to help me, then give me Chat Noir's miraculous!"
"Alright." I displayed a fake look of defeat as I took the look alike ring of his hand. I gave it to Lady WiFi who laughed.
"Now give me yours!" Lady WiFi demanded. I winked at Chat Noir and touched an earing. He smiled and stepped forward.
Lady WiFi was too focused on her easy success to notice Chat swipe her glasses. "Hey!" She yelled, trying to take them back. I had already taken them, and snapped them in half.
As the akuma flew out of hiding, I said my usual words. "No more evil doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!" I caught the akuma in my yo-yo and released the now purified butterfly into the sky. "Bye bye, little butterfly."
I threw the fake ring miraculous up into the air shouting, "Miraculous Ladybug!"
Everything was back to normal. Alya sat on the roof, rubbing her head. "What happened?" She asked dazed. Chat Noir and I fist bumped as we usually did.
I picked up my friend and carried her down to the base of the building. "Don't worry about it, Alya." I told my friend.
Realizing that I hadn't said "goodbye" to Chat, I quickly made my way back to the top of the tower. I was surprised to see Chat perched on the edge with a flower in his hand.
"M'Lady," He began, giving me a sly smile. "This is for you."
I smirked at him as I accepted the flower. "What's the occasion?"
"Does there need to be?" Chat replied. "Can't this cat give his Bugaboo a flower?"
I smiled and rolled my eyes, but blushed a little. I would take him a little more seriously if he didn't flirt with every girl he talked to.
"I need to tell you something, Ladybug." Chat said. I raised an eyebrow, but still smiled at him.
"What is it, Chaton?" I asked.
"I love you." He said, seeming to stare into my bluebell eyes.
I couldn't believe it. "I..." I tried to speak, but I couldn't. Tears formed in my eyes as I said my next words.
"I... Love someone else..." A tear rolled down my cheek. "I'm really sorry, Chat."
"Don't cry, Bugaboo." Chat told me, tears building up in his own eyes. "It's alright to love someone else. I'm fine."
"I wish I could return your feelings, Chat!" I cried. "He's just... So perfect..."
I felt Chat wipe away my tears. To my surprise, Chat was smiling at me, though it was a sad smile.
"I'll only be happy if you're happy, M'Lady." He said. "I'd do anything to see you smile."
"Chat..." I couldn't believe he was being so kind to me even though I had just rejected him. He really does love me...
"What's this guy like?" Chat asked. "You said he's perfect."
"He's really kind..." I said reluctantly. I found it a little awkward to talk about my crush with my partner at the moment. "He is very talented... Generous..."
I blushed as I thought more about Adrien. "He... I go to the same school as him."
"Does he know that you like him?" Chat asked, clearly amused by my blushing.
"Of course not!" I said quickly. "He... I don't think he likes me back."
"Then he's an idiot." Chat said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "If he can't see what an amazingly smart, talented, and beautiful person you are, then he's an idiot."
I blushed, tears forming in my eyes once more.
"You should tell him how you feel." Chat finished, smiling at her warmly.
"Why are you being so kind to me, even though I rejected you?" I asked Chat. He put his other hand on my other shoulder.
"I'll always be here for you, no matter what." He said. I couldn't believe it.
I couldn't help but be frustrated with myself for not loving him back. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you, Chat."
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