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Gif made by ruesbennett

The rest of the world was in utter shock of what just happened. For two years half of the population were gone and suddenly two years after their back at the same age, appearing where they once were. Families were reunited, billions of love ones finally restored to one another.

A month had gone by, the world slowly rebuilding the travesty that had occurred.

February the 19th, was the day they declared Apokolips day, celebrating and honouring the War, due it to be the first of spring, the season of new life and beginnings.

The League had informed to the rest of the world what had happened and what was currently happening. The new Trinity stood before the rest of the public answering questions and Damian and Jon in their new uniforms.

"As you know half of the population has disappeared for two whole years then instantly reappearing. The information on how they got back remains classified," Damian, the new Batman said in his deep voice.

More reporters bulged forward, and questions fired from everywhere like wildfire.

"What is MAGI?" said a reporter

"MAGI stands for Minor Age Gap Incident, all those who have been impacted by MAGI are those who have died in the war and have reappeared again," Informed the Red Angel

"So do they stay the same age as they were before or do they plus two ages from before?" Asked a blonde reporter.

"It has been a wild debate, but we are now confirming that those impacted by MAGI are now two ages in advanced, to both match up with others and not to confuse sibling ages," Red Angel said

"To end this discussion, it will be a long road to recovery, it will be difficult in all departments but we must rebuild. We are not the only ones impacted by this, everyone throughout the universe has been impacted," said Jon, the new Superman.

"That will be all," Batman said as they went.


Damian, Adora, Titus and Bruce stood in front of the collapsed Wayne Manor. The rest of Damian's brothers were already busy enough, helping others from their cities.

"Wow," Adora said shocked as she looked at the rubble.

There was a silence that was like their voices had been taken out of them.

"It will be weird without Pennyworth," Damian commented, his hand wrapped around his beloved's waist.

Sadly Pennyworth didn't appear as only those who have died only by the war, Alfred only died of Stroke.

"Have you heard from you Mother?" Bruce asked his son

"Yes, I've been informed they are restoring the league alongside Mara," Damian replied

"So how are people being reached from throughout the galaxy and universe?" Asked Bruce

"Jon and I have already talked with the lanterns, many have volunteered to assist and inform others of what happened," Adora said

"What have you been doing?" Bruce asked his son

"Since we do still own Wayne enterprises Adora and I have also used this tragedy to our advantage father, Adora has been non-stop combining her tech with ours to support others making rebuilding faster, she's been greatly applauded and praised for the Cradle that she once used to heal you in the battle of Trigon," Damian said smiling at his beloved.

"Yes, all bad things and events have light within them," Adora said

"What's that from?" Damian asked

"Me," Adora smiled "Maybe it's time to stop hiding behind other's words and be front and centre,"

"Wise words," Bruce said

"Wayne enterprises have boosted to the top of the economic world, many other companies are following behind," Damian said

"How about the others, how are they doing?" Bruce asked scratching between the ears of Titus's head.

Damian and Adora only smirked at each other "We've strategically placed the others on positions they will both thrive in," Adora said

"The Kents first," Damian said "First Louis is now head of the Daily planet, having all control over gossip, news and headlines about the war, also having media on our side,"

"Damian bought the Planet basically" Adora looked over to Bruce who gave an approving face

Like father like son Adora thought

"For Jon, as the new Superman, we've made him the face of the League, since superman seems always to be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Justice League, we used his charisma and innocent face for the 'face' of the league, Damian and I have kinda been the Kermit geniuses and people behind the plans," Adora said:

"Also, as for the rest of the Titans, Richard has just been mainly focusing on his family, Mari and Kori, but he helps when he can. Donna had become a fashion designer and as the new Wonderwoman she's also the new ambassador of connections for other secret worlds; she's also joined the New League. Recently visited Arthur Jr, son of Mera and Aquaman (A/n: Actual thing btw in the comics) they've joined forces to connect other secret worlds to today's human society, soon Arthur will become the new Aquaman and join the league while his father still reigns and restores Atlantis,"

"Also, Atlantis has been immensely generous and has also helped us in rebuilding with their tech, now Altalntis and humans have never been so close than ever before," Damian said seeing the pride in his father's face

"Speaking of Atlantis Tech, Atlantis and I have been combining our tech which is making healing and weapons faster and stronger ever than before. Infrastructure in Gotham has boosted beyond than any other city in America," Adora commented then said:

"Jamie and Traci our embracing their philanthropy degrees, they've both established a whole new organisation that has sent a whole new wave of influencers and volunteers, also courtesy of Wayne Enterprises who has been sponsoring them. Jamie has also joined the League as well as Blue Beetle,"

"Billy has also joined the league as the new Flash, and we've had no further update of what else he's doing," Damian said

"Rachel is helping out John and Zatanna restoring the house of Magic, Rachel also joining the League has become our person to go to magic and demon knowledge, Gar also joining the league,"

Bruce crossing his arms chuckled "So while the rest of the world is still celebrating and rebuilding you guys have already taken control already?"

"Basically, yep," Adora popped the p

"Good job, both of you, you've really have cleaned up our mistakes. I'm proud of you," Bruce complemented

"We've still got a whole lot of work ahead of us, but we will rebuild and restore Earth," Adora said


A few months later a majority of the world's cities have slowly been restored, Gotham being right on top. Damian became the CEO of Wayne Enterprises as, by his birthright, his father had time for so many things that he once hasn't had, also proclaimed the oldest bachelor.

Adora, the whole world knowing that she was the love of Damian's life she pursued her inventions by becoming an already a world-renowned geneticist still being highly praised for the cradle, an architect who is also a mastermind behind the new ways for buildings to withstand natural disasters, but as well being constantly worshipped for her beauty, modelling for Donna's expensive line of clothing and is known as a fashion icon, everything relies on her every word.

The two becoming an instant power couple were constantly busy with their new jobs both as civilian and as heroes. Sure they would see each other but they hardly had time to relax.

Adora arriving in front of her boyfriend's building in a limousine with a black coat with golden buttons which was one from Donna's latest collection, her hair in perfect curls, black high heeled boots her signature style, and a pair of black sunglasses taking them off and putting it on her head.

Damian's assistant then came rushing to his bosses' beloved, remembering to not have a single hair out of place or he would be fired. Once in the private elevator the assistant, opening the cushion doors to open it and letting Adora sashayed in.

Looking up from his desk, the young king getting up putting the pen down on his desk and walked to his beloved.

"Beloved, I missed you dearly," he kissed her wrapping his hands around her waist

"It's only been seven hours," she chuckled

"yes, seven miserable hours away from you," he dived down peppering kisses on her jawline.

"How is work?" she asked

"Terribly busy, come I want to show you my plans," he guided her to his desk and tapping on a small robotic projector that was the shape and size of a hockey puck.

The hologram showed a watch, something that looked like a past invention called a fit bit.

"Um, it's a fit bit?" Adora raised a brow

"No, beloved, let me explain," he moved his fingers to remove the screen like thing from the wrist bracelet. He made it bigger "Since the war, phones have been destroyed. But, this is a new era of a new generation. This works like a mini phone, except it's like my wrist hologram we use. It will project the movies we watch, games, everything. It can be used in water, making it waterproof. It will revolutionise how we use technology, making phone obsolete,"

"So what is it called?" Adora asked

"Well, I was rummaging through old English and came across this word strecé, meaning tech," Damian said

"I like it," Adora said taking off her coat, "By the way, the manor is almost returned to its former glory with my tech it only took a few weeks to get it three-quarters of the millions of dollars of real estate rebuilt, and probably a little bit bigger, but don't worry I've made sure the Batcave is untouched and unnoticed,"

"Father will be pleased, once the construction is finished I'll organise someone to move the stuff to the manor from the penthouse," Damian said

Adora smiled then hid her face in the crook of his neck and sighed "been such a busy year, the war was only a couple of months ago and now it seems like it was years ago," Adora mumbled into Damian's expensive Italian tux

(Initial Lemon, skip to *)

"it has been hadn't it?" Damian said raising Adora chin with his hand, that made him look into her dark chocolate brown eyes. Damian, with surprise to Adora, began to kiss her deep and passionately, which soon intensified as Adora took off Damian's tux making it drop on the floor. Damian began to stick his tongue in Adora's mouth making moan.

Damian than pinned her to the wall unbuttoning her blouse revealing her lace bra.* Before he could even reach it a knock came from the door making Damian dagger his eyes at it, if looks could kill the building would be down.

"Miss Oak, your photoshoot is in thirty minutes!" said Damian's assistant on the other side the door.

Adora buttoning her blouse slipped through throwing Damian's tux at the back of his head.

"Sorry Dami, but duty calls," she laughed putting her coat back on.

"I'm going to murder him," Damian growled hugging Adora not wanting her to go

"Oh, my dear Dami," Adora chuckled "We wouldn't want the new Batman to start killing people now would we?" she whispered so no one could hear.

"I'm taking the night off," he said giving her a kiss on the forehead and letting go.

"Love you!" she said as the door closed.


"Val! Your two minutes behind schedule, come on!" Donna said to Adora who was pointing here and there two make up artists.

"Sorry Don," Adora said closing her eyes so the brunette makes up artist could do her smoky eye shadow.

"Alright! Everyone out, Adora I want fierce, I want-,"

"Attitude," Adora finished her sentenced

"When do you ever doubt?" Donna said

"Never," Adora said as she got into a pose as the camera clicked

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