It will never be the same

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I looked down on my bed and heard the clunking of feet coming up the stair.

"Go away Mom, I don't want to talk about what happened right now." I sniffled a tear forming in my eye.

The door opened anyways but when I looked up it wasn't my mom. It was Sting.

"Sting go away. I can't believe you didn't tell me."

"Y/N, you need to understand that Rogue didn't do that! He never would! And if he did I'd be the first to tell you to get away from him!" Sting ran up to my bed and put a hand on my arm.  His face looked flushed almost as if he just ran.

I looked at my window.

Why should I even talk to them if all they're going to tell me is lies.

"Y/N... Please..." I looked back over to Sting. He was crying.

"I already feel bad enough for what I did. But also think about me and the situation I'm in. The person I loved, I saw him abuse me."

"Wait, you loved him?" Sting sniffled. "Why didn't you tell him?"

"I was scared. I was afraid that I would mess things up. Besides I'm already a mess it would just be worse if I found out after I told him."

"Y/N, you have to listen to me."

"No you have to listen to me! No one has done that, everyone just thinks I'm crazy!"

"You're not making any sense. If I went up to anyone who knew you I promise they'd say Rogue never did anything like that." Stings face was red and his eyes puffy. He looked terrible but I'm sure I didn't look any better.

"I doubt it. If you're gonna be like everyone else then leave."

Sting face had dropped as if he couldn't believe what I had just said.

"I don't want you here anyways. "

That hit a nerve because in a few seconds it looked like Sting's life had fallen apart.

"You know what? I did this for you! I knew Rogue would make you happy! I just needed you to see past all the lies that you've seen! But if you ant do that then you don't deserve Rogue!"

Sting rushed out of my room and slammed the door. Within seconds my life was broken as I sobbed into my bed sheets and for the first time I felt truly alone.


Even though it's only been a little over a month since school started I feel like it's been forever.

Every single day I go through the same procedure. Get up, go to school, survive, then go home.

As I'm walking down the hall I see Rogue pass with Sting by his side and am reminded of how lonely I am.

I want to talk to Rogue. I really do, but the flashbacks. I can't go back to something like that.

I look back over and see that Rogue is also looking at me. I briskly turn away and quickly walk away. He brought this upon both of us.

I walk into history and of course sitting next to me is the ever loving Rogue.

I can't believe Mrs. Zyn wouldn't let us move.

I shake my head and pull out the history book under my desk. As I pull myself back up I bump my head into Rogue's side.

You have got to be kidding me. If you don't say anything to me I won't say anything to you.

Luckily Rogue didn't say anything or even look at me. History use to be a class I semi-enjoyed, mainly because of Rogue but it was better than nothing. Now add my combined hate for history and Rogue and you officially get the longest and most sufferable class.


I rest my head down on the desk.

It's only forty-five minutes. You can survive. Hopefully.

"Welcome to your favorite class Y/N," Mrs. Zyn walked up in front of me, "I'm glad you and Rogue had some sort of fallout makes this more interesting for me."

I shot her a glare and from my peripheral vision I could see Rogue did too. Clearly she was enjoying our suffering.

"Okay, so World War Two. A battle that ended all World Wars. "

I could already feel my eyes start to droop.

Really you can't even last five minutes. Pathetic Y/N.

Even insulting myself didn't help as my head just continued to fall.

And of course just like old times Rogue woke me up. Except this time it wasn't pleasant. He took his pencil and stabbed it into my arm. It broke my skin and started to bleed.

"Are you serious?!" I hissed at him. He really isn't helping himself.

"Well I just thought you wouldn't want to get caught sleeping in class. Unless you do, but you used to not want to. "

I growled, well kind of. He was right, "You could have done it in a nicer way." I jerk my head to the front and see the board is full of notes that I need to quickly write down before Mrs. Zyn erases it.

"Yes because I'd definitely do that to someone who keeps yelling at me because I abused them. Which I'll tell you again but I don't think it'll make a difference, I didn't do it."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and looked towards the front and finally paid attention for the first time. Let me say something. It was not fun. At all.

That was just first period, there were still seven long classes ahead of me.


Fifth period is finally over so I run as fast as I can to the cafeteria. I looked over to where I was told the usually table was. Of course there sat Shyla, along with our small group of three friends and that was including Shyla.

As I walked over Jade and Sam both looked at me with a sad expression.

"We heard what happened." Jade said face down her pretty black curly hair covered her face.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's not that big of a deal I still have you guys. " I tried replying calmly but I don't think that's exactly what happened. 

"Okay, sure Y/N. You might have us but you can't have HIM. He's the guy every girl wants." Sam answered a smirk on her face. She's trying to get me to talk to him. Of course she is.

"I don't." Shyla pipped in.

"Besides you, you want Sting."

"You're not wrong about that." Shyla giggled.

"Look Y/N I think you should give him another chance and you have him next period so it'll be the perfect time. "

Ugh next period with Rogue. No thanks. That is not at all where I want to be.

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