chapter 44

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[a/n]: SHIT i was playing adopt me (im sorry pookies) (really i am)

also thank you to @yumakokohead I HATE YOU YUMA for giving me this i was running out of images to put on these chapters

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With everything that's been happening in the killing game, I doubt that anyone would be in high spirits- except maybe Kaito, Kokichi, and... our favorite war starter. Well- the only war starter I know.

...I guess I should have expected that out of those three, Kaito would be the only one that showed up to breakfast today. After that...

I pushed open the door to the dining hall, expecting to be greeted by the dim and depressing sight of everyone eating breakfast in silence. Despite everything that those two have done, I still can't help but be worried about them- for opposite reasons.

Kokichi, for what he might do, and [y/n], for- them in general. And also for what they might do. I feel like they'd blow up the school if they decided they were bored one day.

Actually, they might do that, even if they aren't bored. I can't help but feel like there's more to them than that, but I just can't crack into their mind at all. Both of them, just a blank, smiling face with no emotion other than happiness.

Was their outburst just a lie like Kokichi's...? I don't know what I'm supposed to think. My head hurts, I don't know who I'm supposed to trust- actually, it was a mistake to let my guard down around them in the first place- what if someone else does that? What if someone else just happens to be lying to our faces?!

Then again, I... only have myself to blame. They weren't even hiding their intentions on the day we first met, but that doesn't make it any easier. How could I be so stupid to even-

"You're worried about those two, right? We're all worried, too..." Maki interrupted my thoughts, her red eyes looking over me. I swallowed thickly, trying to push the negative thoughts away.

Kiibo nodded, placing a hand on his chest. "I searched everywhere for them, but I couldn't find them at all."

Himiko poked at her plate quietly, seemingly distracted by something. Those two were kind of close, right..?

"They... couldn't have escaped by themselves, right?" Tsumugi stammered.

"No. [y/n] doesn't even seem to express a desire to leave, and as long as Monokuma is here, I do not think that is possible-"

Kaito cleared his throat, gathering all of our attention. What did I say? Apparently, we all need someone like him in this killing game... if it weren't for him, everyone would probably already be down in the dumps. Not that a lot of them already aren't, as much as I'd hate to admit it. "Like I said, just forget about him. Anyway... Listen up, everyone. I gotta tell you guys something."

Kaito has an idea...? It's a little awkward with Kaito right now, but I should listen...

I sighed, looking up at him. "What's your idea, Kaito?"

"Hm? O-Oh, yeah..." Kaito turned away from me and looked around, hoping that nobody was listening. "Looks like Monokuma isn't here. Well, I wouldn't care even if he was. Didn't I tell you guys yesterday? I'm gonna get you guys outta here. But to do that, I need your guys' help. So please! Help me out here!"

Get us out of here? I can't help but admire his determination to save everyone- even after that from yesterday, but I'm mildly scared of what it's going to be. "...What?"

He took a deep breath, his face turning serious. "In order to help you guys, I need you all to work with me."

"H-Hold on... What are you talking about?" Tsumugi questioned, placing her hands in her lap awkwardly.

"Fight Monokuma with me."


"Fight... Monokuma?" Maki repeated in disbelief, as baffled as I was. 

"Since the Monokubs are gone, the Exisals that were protecting him can't move..." Kaito answered, pumping his fist in the air as he took a sip of his water. "Now's our chance to get together and kick Monokuma's ass!"

Himiko finally looked up from the sad excuse of a pancake platter. "But... but- Mono- Mono- But Monokuma's probably got... got more spares, right? Nyeh... won't it be pointless, no matter how many we beat?"

"Then all we need to do is destroy them one by one till there aren't any left!" Kaito shot back, smashing his fists together. I know I should be a good sidekick and believe in Kaito, but... god, I really want [y/n] here to just call him out on it. I immediately felt guilty for thinking that.

No. I should believe in Kaito. He believes in me, so the least I could do is believe in him back.

"B-But... we don't know what Monokuma's got up his sleeve... Even without the Exisals, this academy is still under his control..."

Kaito's jaw nearly dropped due to how baffled he was. "Then... you're fine with the way things are now? Do you guys really want to continue this killing game!? Are you okay with that!?"

I flinched because my brain automatically thought back to [y/n] and Kokichi.

"The only way to change things now... is to fight. If you want to put an end to this killing game, then we gotta fight. If we don't stand up now, then when!?"

"But we don't have anyone who can fight..." Tsumugi said, completely ignoring Maki's existence. "Like Gonta or Tenko or- or... [y/]-"

Maki crossed her arms over her chest, and Tsumugi almost fell backwards into a trash can because of how startled she was. Did... she forget that Maki was there? I don't know whether I should be concerned or confused by this information. "Then I'll just have to fight on their behalf."

Once the cosplayer regained her composure, she quickly fixed her hair and stood up straight. "What...?"

"I know an assassin wouldn't say this, but I'm sick of all this killing."


"Huh? Keebo, you too?"I

"My inner voice that guides me when I feel lost spoke to me again... It said, "Now is the time to stand and fight." It may be a dangerous course of action, but if it will prevent future victims..." Kiibo explained, gaining confidence as he placed his hands on his hips. "Then I've decided that I will fight Monokuma!"

Normally, [y/n] or Kokichi would have bursted into insults and laughter, making 'robophobic' comments at Kiibo's expense. Now... it's really quiet. Too quiet.

"I..." Himiko sighed, standing up and brushing herself off. "I... don't want to lose any more friends. It's even more painful than losing yourself. Yet- I don't know if I can..."

...Trust you guys? But really, I just have myself to blame... for actually... I clenched my fists, burying my face in my hands. Was this intentional? So that I couldn't even blame them in the slightest, even though I wanted to so, so badly?

"...I.. ah... know how you feel, Himiko..." I hesitantly sympathized, fiddling with the cuffs of my clothes. "..."

She leaned on the side of her face, nodding awkwardly. "That's... why I'll fight. I'm not afraid of Monokuma."

Tsumugi stayed quiet, before nodding in agreement. "Okay then... me too. We can't let the killing game go on like this."

I hesitantly looked from side to side, slowly going along with everyone. "...Y-Yeah. Right."

Kaito flashed us his signature heroic grin, which encouraged everyone and would piss off the missing two people. "So we all agree... Then it's decided. Let's do it! We're gonna beat Monokuma to a pulp!"

"Yes! Let's show him what we're made of!"

Shouts and declarations of their willingness to battle Monokuma filled the room, which was weird without someone deadass pointing out every flaw in a playful, cheery manner. It used to irk me slightly, but now-? I'm just... used to it. It feels incredibly strange when it's all gone out of nowhere.

"Well, don't got ahead of yourself. Because... this'll be the final battle." Kaito advised sternly, taking the leadership role- we need one in this situation, after all. After yesterday, we're all still having trouble picking up the shattered pieces.

It always confused me how [y/n] and Kokichi always seemed so unbothered, and how Kaito managed to spring back and become stronger than ever. I want to be like them... I'm grateful that Kaito's here to help me.

"Prepared... prepared for what...?"

"Prepared for battle, of course! Well, I'll take care of that for you guys." He tried taking the pressure off us, putting our minds at ease- how could Kaito be like this? He's always talking about taking the burden off our shoulders, yet where does all of the burden go...?

We bear it together, that's what he says. 'Let me bear the burden with you,' I wanted to say- but my lips wouldn't move, and my throat was dry. After what happened after the trial yesterday... I feel filthy for envying him.

"So you can make preparations, but you can't clean up after yourself?" Maki deadpanned, speaking everything that's on our minds.

"Well, since I was the one who brought this up, I gotta get things prepared at least..." Kaito explained, and I slowly looked away. "So you guys just gotta prepare yourselves mentally. The battle's gonna be tonight! Once it's nighttime, let's meet up at the gym!"

I nodded, trying to push the urge to gag away. I want to throw up. But I have to do this.

To end this killing game.

I trudged back to my dorm room, and immediately buried my face into my pillow. Deep breaths, Shuichi.

I'd really like a loud, childish ball of energy screaming in my ear right now. At least then, I'd get something to get my mind off something. Yet they aren't here, and I don't know when I'll see them again.

I hope that wasn't the last time I'd talk to them.

There's so much I still want to say to them.

They didn't come to the meetup with Kaito, Maki and I last night, either... I.. wonder what they were doing. I don't think [y/n] sleeps much- it's been getting more and more noticeable as we go on.

[y/n]'s attitude is around the same as before... but I can't help but notice how much more toned-down they are. Not that much, I don't know if anyone else has noticed... or maybe I'm just projecting onto them.

Or maybe it's because of the eyebags- or maybe I'm not getting enough sleep either. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

I need something to take my mind off things, but there was nothing lying in my room to do. I decided to walk around in circles in my room, trying desperately to just get some sleep.

I squeezed my eyes shut, quieting down the rushing train of thought speeding through my mind.

The killing game. Kaito. The plan. Fighting Monokuma. [y/n]. Kokichi. Everyone else. The truth. The lies. The outer word.

Please be quiet. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please-

I need to figure out the truth. I have to, I need to, I must.

"You're alone, Kokichi. And you always will be."

. . .

I jerked my head up, hearing the obnoxiously loud 'ding dong, bing bong' ringing from the monitor. I hit my head on the bedframe. My head's ringing, and I have a huge headache.

I felt myself automatically dread Monokuma's whiny voice, but hey, at least I'm not... oh, nevermind.

With my bleary eyes, I slowly lifted my head towards the monitor. I didn't see the lounging black-and-white bear there, I saw an empty chair. I didn't hear his voice, I heard silence.

Monokuma... isn't here? What was that...?

"...Is the plan compromised?" I wondered aloud, forcing myself to my feet. I felt a rush of pain hit my head. Damn it...

I should get to the gym, I'm sure everyone is already gathered there...

I tried to walk as slowly as possible to the gym, but of course, it's inevitable. Hence Kaito standing there with all his bravado, prepared to fight Monokuma... and everyone there with him. "Alright, everyone's here. I hope you're all ready."

No, I'm not ready.... but if I wait until I'm ready, I'll be here all day.

I dropped to the ground, burying my head in my knees- just give me a few seconds.

"So you went to my lab yesterday to find weapons to use against Monokuma." Maki concluded.

"Yeah, that's right. Anyways, let's get started. You guys better be ready!"

"Ah... you don't mean ready to die, right?" Tsumugi randomly exclaimed, the word slipping out of her mouth. She quickly took a step back, shaking her head. "Sorry- I didn't mean it like that..."

"Are you feeling scared? That's alright! We'll bear the burden together!" Kaito gave her a reassuring thumbs-up. "I meant ready to fight and win!"

Himiko stepped towards me and sat down next to me. I silently prayed that she wouldn't say anything and thank god she didn't.


We merely sat there and enjoyed each other's company. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less- and for some reason, it carried some of the weights wrapping around my heart.

"This time, we can't give up! Cuz this is our final chance! We're gonna beat up Monokuma and end this ridiculous killing ga-"

"What a coinkydink- I was planning on ending this killing game, too."

"Ending this killing game? Aww... so that's what all those invites were for. Sorry I ignored you, Himiko!"


I wish I brought advil.

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word count: 2264

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