chapter 31

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Did I do something wrong?

Do they hate me?

...No. It's nothing personal. They have their plans, and so do I.

It would benefit both of us if we grew apart. I understand that.

I need to find out what their plans are. Maybe not. It seems pretty long termed. I've noticed something was up a while ago...

How they laughed it off as a joke when I brought up my hypothesis of their plan.

How they wouldn't look me in the eye during the class trial.

I'd be willing to bet that they've been planning it since forever ago, but it became way more real when Tenko died.

They realized they've been getting attached when they felt bad after her death. But what their ultimate motive is...

. . .

He's untrustworthy. He's a liar. He's manipulative. He's childish. There are so, so, so many reasons why I shouldn't grow fond of him.

Wait, I just fucking described myself.


If my past self met me today, they wouldn't like who I am either.

If I looked at myself today, I wouldn't trust them.

If I even had a future ahead of me, I would find myself as a selfish, heartless dick.

Just keep listing cons of him. Find a reason- find an excuse to not feel bad.

I will eliminate every reason I have to live and sacrifice myself for the world's entertainment.

I'm going to make myself down in history.

No matter what.

. . .

"..Aren't you already in history?"

"You are the Ultimate Influence, after all."

. . .


"...Why are you more excited about this lab than the person that it's meant for...?" Shuichi stammered, raising an eyebrow.

"What? The Ultimate Influence can like cosplaying, too. It's practically my job- did you think I could just influence normal, sane people by looking like myself?" I pouted, placing my hands on my hips. "Then again, that wasn't cosplaying, that was disguising myself as a fake person that was accepted as a real being."

"Yeah! Cosplay isn't a disguise!" Tsumugi chimed in passionately, holding up a finger.

I nodded, hopping happily. "Anywaaaysss- AAH! THIS IS SO COOL! I JUST WANNA TRY EVERYTHING ON! EVERYTHING!"

"That's right! There's no point in doing it by myself... I think you'd make a pretty good Power, [y/n]." Tsumugi tilted her head to the side.

"Oh. Yeah, my character totally wasn't inspired by her or anything." I agreed, waving my hands in the air. "I can do a voice impression of her- Ahem... BOW BENEATH ME, MORTAL HUMANS! THE GLORY IS MIIIINNNNEEE!"

"-...Wow, you two are basically interchangeable!" The Ultimate Cosplayer exclaimed, bending over. "What do you think, Shuichi? Do you wanna give it a try?!"


"Yeah, I think it's just plain fun to become fictional characters." Tsumugi swooned, going all misty-eyed. "To become a completely different person and feel like you're part of a different world... Doesn't that sound interesting? Don't you want to live in a fictional world?"

"Ah, but... I'm investigating right now..." Shuichi sweatdropped nervously. "That reminds me... [y/n], did you give Kokichi the card key?"

"What does it look like?" I questioned sarcastically, raising an eyebrow.

"...Ah- sorry?"

"Thank you."

Here's a tip for you guys! If someone apologizes to you, don't say 'It's okay', say 'Thank you' if you don't want them to do it again.

"Okay, then. [y/n], come with me! I'm so excited..." She grabbed my hand and pushed me backstage.

"I'll see you later, Shu!" I called, waving before I was yanked out of sight.

"Alright... okay... bye..." He got up and shut the door behind him.

"...after this, I'll make you one of my signature cocktails..." Tsumugi was rambling at an incredibly fast pace.

"Tsumugi, you know I'm dirty-minded." I said flatly, not bothering to resist as she practically shoved me inside. "Anyways! Getting drunk?! Sign me up!"

"Oh- I was thinking about it being non-alcoholic..." The girl cleared her throat awkwardly. "Then again, you are... um..."

"Amazingly sexy? Yeah, I know." I joked sarcastically, waving it off. "It's fine, give me whatever you want. I can tell a spiked drink from a normal one though- if you're gonna try to kill me, please don't choose a method as plain as your personality..."

"I knew someone like you would make fun of my plainness..." Tsumugi huffed. She didn't seem too offended, though. I'm 99% sure she grew to enjoy being called plain at some point, so I don't really give two shits.

"Do you think Himiko would make a good Natsuki?" I quizzed, leaning back.

"Well, they do have some matching personality traits..." The bluenette looked over some of the wigs curiously. "But honestly, I believe that people can cosplay as whatever they want. Even if the character is as different as them as night and day."

"Hm... Yeah, that's true." I clicked my tongue.

"Well, okay then! Take off your clothes!"

"WHAT?! Jesus fuck, at least buy me dinner before you tell me that out of the blue!" I yelped, nearly falling over. "I can be flexible, but this is way too random!"

"Oh, that came out wrong, didn't it?" Tsumugi placed a hand on the side of her face bashfully. "You have to change into an outfit, don't you? Go on, I won't judge."

At least there's no cameras here.... That way, those bitches can't even put this fanservice in, even if they wanted to! Sorry baes! I know I'm hot, but I am not giving those smut artists and fanfic writers a reference.

I fidgeted uncomfortably but took them off without too much of a struggle. "M'kay. Now what? Can I have something to wear?"

"You're pretty ambiguous, so you can practically cosplay as any character without even needing much make-up. I mean, make-up can practically transform anyone into whatever, but I bet it would be super handy if you could just do the bare minimum. Here! Put this on." She chucked some clothes at me, so I quickly changed into them.

I sat on the floor with a sheepish smile. "...Assassination Classroom?" I guessed, playing with the black blazer.

Kokichi would look cute in a Fukase cosplay...

No, no, no. Stop thinking about him.

"Mhm. I'll go find some yellow contacts, and you'll be all set."

. . .

"When was the last time you cosplayed with someone?" I questioned, twirling the knife prop that she gave me.

"Um... all my friends prioritize their other plans over mine, cuz I'm plain. That, or they completely forgot about their plans with me." Tsumugi answered, breaking character. "So I barely even get the chance to... add that with the killing game, and- oh, wow, it's really been a while."

I blinked, staying quiet for a moment. "...Yeah, I can't relate to that problem at all, but it must suck being forgotten, right?"

"Not really. I'm pretty used to it by now. When the teacher's taking attendance in class, they'll skip me, cuz I'm plain. Then, whenever people are splitting into teams, I get picked last cuz I'm plain. When I want to check out, I need to try really hard to get the clerk's attention... cuz I'm plain. It's basically been my entire life, so I just delt with it." She explained, shrugging.

I know I'm famous as fuck in this world, but...

What word? This is your only one.

I only made the Ultimate Influence like this because I wanted attention. At least here. Even if it's a fake memory.

Having attention all the time is a pain. Tsumugi's life is probably easier. Wouldn't it be easier to just make this fake reality the real one?

I fucking lived her life before I came here. How does she get used to it? Bad attention is still attention.

You're the very person that you wanted to be.

Shut the fuck up.

"Um- [y/n]? You're kind of zoning out here."  Tsumugi blinked. "Oh- did you get bored? Did you forget that I'm here?"

"Huh?! No, silly! Of course I wouldn't." I yawned, shaking my head. "It's fine! I'll remember you, even if everyone else doesn't."

"...Hm." She hummed quietly in interest.


"Y'know, I was honestly surprised when you out of all people took notice of my references and paid attention to me." Tsumugi admitted, fixing her glasses. "You're weird, [y/n]. I expected someone as flashy as you to hang out with people just as flamboyant."

Like Kokichi?

"..Is this a Demon Slayer reference, or...?"

"Eek! You got me there." The girl laughed, resting her head on her hand. "Every time I use the word 'flamboyant' is basically a subtle reference to the Sound Hashira..."

"Going back on topic..." I stared at the floor, shuffling my feet. "Someone as epically smart, hot, amazing, cool, and godly as myself is sure to attract attention wherever I go! You should come with me to a park or something if we get out of here. I mean, I'll probably cause a riot, but once they see you with me? You're not gonna be plain anymore! People'll notice you wherever you go."

My eyes flickered up to hers, smiling sweetly. "...Doesn't that just sound amazing?"


"..Or- um- we could go to a con together!" Tsumugi suggested, trying to derail the conversation.

She'd prefer to be plain and forgotten.

I don't get it.

"Haha! Yeah, that'll be fun, won't it?" I bobbed my head up and down quickly, playing along. "Anywho, I'm gonna head back to my dorm. Can I have my clothes back?"

"..Shouldn't we just wait for Shuichi to come back with news of the Flashback Light?"

"Tsu, everyone knows I don't see the point in these. See ya." I gathered my attire and left the research lab.

. . .

"Alright, has anyone seen [y/n]?" Kaito bashed his fists together.

"They went back to their room." Tsumugi responded, shaking her head.

"Well, that checks out. It doesn't suit [y/n] to not follow along whatever shit Kokichi's up to, though." The astronaut scoffed, scratching the back of his head. "Still, I believe in my sidekick! Nobody tried to get them here?!"

"Oh, what about Kokichi?" Gonta brought up.

"Forget about him! It's his fault for messing around like that!"

"The favoritism is unmatched." Himiko called out dryly. "He must be a real pro at hide and seek. I magically looked all over the school, but he was nowhere to be found."


"No one can find him, huh?"

"He might've used the motive's card key to enter a place we're unaware of." Maki muttered, biting her nails. 

"Do you think that's where the real motive is being kept? Either way, it's worrisome." Kiibo thought aloud, placing a fist on his chest.

"Heh, next time I see him, I just gotta catch him and ask. Anyway, let's try out this Flashback Light!"

"But... I'm still uneasy about these Flashback Lights... Are they really okay to use? Maybe we should just turn to divine wisdom..." Tsumugi grasped her arm tightly.

"Well, if we don't use them, our memories will never come back, y'know?" Himiko shot down, adjusting her hat. "So we've got no choice but to use it! The memory we'll get from this is our only clue!"

"I agree with fish dicks over here!"

"Who are you calling a chunk of breaded fish, you robot-fucker!?" Himiko snapped.

"Ah-haha, for someone who looks like canned tuna, you make some pretty good comebacks. I wonder what [y/n]'s been teaching you."

With those words, Kokichi entered the dining hall with a childish grin.

"Who are you calling a wad of shredded fish!?" The redhead stuttered, sweat beading around her brow. "Wait... Kokichi!?"

"For fuck's sake, Kokichi, that's just insulting. Don't disrespect canned tuna like that."

"[y/n], too!?"

. . .

Despite the brief exchange of words between the two of us, neither could look each other in the eye.

"I'm just here cuz I ran out of snacks in my dorm. Don't mind me." I spoke calmly, trying to look away from the purple-haired liar at all costs.

"I knew you'd find us here... but only because it's you." Maki furrowed her eyebrows, pressing her mouth into a thin line.

"Thanks for the compliment! So, why are all my merry friends gathered here?" The boy chirped, stealing a quick glance towards my direction. 

I became extremely interested in the chip bags I've been rummaging through.

"First things first... What did you do with that card key?" The detective interrogated. 

"Ooh, so you're worried about that. Well, relax. Unfortunately, I couldn't use the card key."

"You couldn't use it?"

"Yeah, I had no idea where to use it, so I just gave up instead." He lied nonchalantly.

"You don't seem too disappointed about not being able to use it."

"I am disappointed, dammit! I wanted to use the card key!"

"I smell another fuckin' lie!"

"Agreed." I said, flicking my wrist gingerly. "But let's not pry. He'll just keep denying it."

Cue a lot of confused looks being shared. I wonder why.

"Whatever... We've got more important things to do." Defying Gravity held up the fancy flashlight.

I scooped up my junk food and ditched the dining hall before he could turn it on, speed-walking towards my dorm.

I let out a slight sigh of relief, trying to slow down my heart, which was practically pounding in my chest.

I really, really, really wanted to rip it out.

Why was it so hard to look away from him?

I tried thinking about something else, but his stupid face just kept popping into my mind.

And why has he been littering my every thought ever since I told him to leave me alone!?

. . .

incorrect quotes:

kokichi: I like writing on walls, fuck you society! Dan.
kiibo: Dan, this is actually a door, not a wall, regards, society.
angie: Follow your dreams!
shuichi: I literally only have nightmares.
maki: Question everything.
kaito: ...Why?

miu: Yo girl, on a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?
y/n: Germany, 1942.

kokichi: I never understood why people cared so much about their dumb friends until I got a dumb friend myself.
kokichi: *Picks up y/n*
kokichi: I've only befriended y/n for a day and a half, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.

tsumugi: Who would you swipe right for? kaito or miu?
y/n: I would delete the app.

*the Squad at Disneyland, in the teacups*
tsumugi, shuichi, and himiko: *spinning a little and talking*
y/n and kokichi: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*

kokichi: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."

tsumugi: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry?
kaito: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition.

shuichi: My expectations are low, but they can always go lower.

y/n: I like wearing oversized sweaters. Not just because they're extremely comfy and cuddly, but because whenever the sleeves are really big, I get to flop them around and smack people.

*Squad is playing Among Us*
tsumugi: I believe himiko is innocent, I was with them the whole time. kokichi, what were you doing?
kokichi: Oh, I was just murdering... I mean, nothing!

himiko, texting: Answer your phone
y/n, texting back: Wait a minute, I can't find my phone
himiko: Understood
himiko, 5 minutes later: You're a terrible person. You know you're killing me. You're killing me, y/n.

word count: 2476

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