Chapter 13

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"Nevermind. I'll just find it myself." Kaminari said when he went back to the kitchen.

"They don't know?" Bakugou asked.

"More like they were in the middle of the romantic staring contest. Like seriously, just kiss and date already." the electric boy rolled his eyes.

"Cha, they are too much of the cowards to confess to each other." the older laughed.

"Tell me about it."

"You are too right?"

"Excuse me?" Kaminari dramaticaly put his hand on his chest.

"I mean if you like someone, you would never confess because you would be scared of rejection." Bakugou teased.

"Well-! Yeah you're right..." Kaminari blushed in embarrasement.

"Sparky can you hand me a spoon please?"

"..." Kaminari gave the spoon to him in shock.

"What's your deal?" Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"You said please..." Kaminari fake cried.


"You were never this nice to me. I'm so proud."

"Stop it." Bakugou turned away embarrased.

"Don't worry Kitkat. I won't tell anyone. Your reputation as a heartless jerk will still be going on." Kaminari hugged older around his shoulder.

"Stop saying nonsense." Bakugou suprisingly didn't push him off and continued doing what he was doing.

"You know, you're being a lot nicer than before."

"Not true. Salt please."

Kaminari handed him salt and leand over on the kitchen island. "Kinda is."

"Well it depends who I am talking to. Oil please." Bakugou said.

Kaminari started searchin for the oil while thinking. "So you were only nice to Midoriya, when you were dating?" he asked and handed him the oil bottle.

Bakugou looked at him unimpressed. "You are so stupid."

"Hey! Why?"

"Try to come up with an answer yourself." Bakugou said and Kaminari frowned and leaned  against the counter. The older looked at him and smiled a little bit. It was funny how dramatic, his friend can be.

"Help me mix this will ya?"



"There is no way you did this all by yourself." Mina stared at the bowl of ramen.

"Don't believe it, don't eat it." Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"No, no it's fine." she grinned and started eating.

Sero and Shinso were already stuffing their mouth like they didn't eat for days.

"Can you slow down!?" Bakugou scolded them.

Mina was laughing, Sero started appologising with a full mouth, Shinso didn't even flinch while Bakugou was yelling at them. Kaminari was quietly enjoying his dinner.

"Wow, what a view." Jirou came in the dining room smirking.

"Huh?" Mina turned to her confused.

"Bakugou is yelling at everyone, except for Kami. He is the usually the one, who gets yell at the most. But look at him. He's eating his meal with sparkles in his eyes like a five year old." she giggled and pointed at the blond.

"What? I can't eat in peace?" Kaminari rolled eyes at Jirou.

"No, it's just suprising." Jirou raised her hands in defense.

"Why the heck are you so happy about?" Bakugou looked at him.

"Nothing, I'm just happy that this cooking was successful." he grinned at him.

"Of course it was successful. I was the one making it." Bakugou exclaimed proudly.

"Hey, give me some credit too. I was helping you." Kaminari puffed his cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Blasty pinched his cheeks.

"Owe! Meanie!" Kaminari hit his hand. Bakugou just stuck his tongue out at him teasingly.

Jirou pointed at the two confused while looking at Mina. The pink gril just shrugged and continued eating.

"Hehe.. another point to the list." Shinsou giggled to himself. 

"I'll better leave. This is getting weird." Jirou sighed and while staring at Shinsou, who was laughing to himself like a maniac.

"Well, after you finish eating, do the dishes. I'm going to my room." Bakugou stood up.

"Okay!" they all said in unison.

But the explosion boy didn't leave. He stood next to the table staring at Kaminari.

"Huh?" the elecrification boy looked at him totally confused.

"Hurry up." Bakugou just rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you're waiting for me? Wait a second." he stuffed the rest of the contents of the bowl in his mouth.

"..." their three friends just sat there felling like the outsiders.

Kaminari then stood up with his mouth still full. He waved at them and left with Bakugou.

"They are acting so sus." Shinsou smugly said.

"So true." Mina nodded.

"Just finish your dinner." Sero motioned them to continue eating.

With the two blonds they were waiting for the elevetor to come. Kaminari was still chewing and Bakurou was just looking at him unimpressed.

"What?" Kaminari turned to him.

"Nothing, you're acting like a child."

"Oii, stop teasing me, you meanie!" Kaminari hit him on the shoulder.

Bakugou just laughed. The elevator opened and they got in.

"Can you help me with homework, Kitkat?" the younger boy smiled at him.

"Fine, whatever." Blasty put his hand in his pockets.

"Sweet! I'll come to your dorm." Kaminari grinned and left the elevator when it got to the third floor. Bakugou stayed and pressed the button to the fourth floor.

He got out and was walking to his room. In his suprise he saw a buch of flowers and his favourite chocolates. There was a note with an appology and sad face. He angrily threw everything out of the window and locked himself in his room. He knew very well from who it was. 

He was angry how just a small thought of green head can messed up his emotions. It was getting better. He wasn't that emotional when he looked at Deku. He didn't feel anything. But sometimes younger's actions made him remember their memories. Like those flowers and chocolat. Or how insisting he could be. Grabbing his arm and looking up at him. Bakugou loved it. He found him cute everytime he did it and just wanted to kiss the boy. Now, he found it annoying how Deku tries everything he loved about him to win him back. Winning him back by making him remember those happy memories he had with him. He felt weak, how Deku broke his trust, but still manage to make him guilty about not comming back to him. After all, they were together more than two years. And when Bakugou loves someone, he loves them with all his heart.

Few minutes later someone knocked on the door and Kaminari came inside. He saw an angry pomeranian face and put his head to one side, feeling confused.

"Wow, you look grumpy." he grinned at him. "Look what I found!" he showed Bakugou a small basket with a lot of sweets in it. "We can eat them while studying!"

Bakugou looked at his friend's bright face and started to feel more caml. Kaminari always manage to make him fell better with just a smile.

"Sure." he smiled a little.

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