Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 guys!! :D

I really like those chapters, hope you like them as well ^^


Zayn's P.O.V:

Its already been three month since the last time I saw Alexis. I missed her so freaking much. And I also hurt her really badly. I did not even had the courage to talk to her. I hurt the girl I loved and still love. But she probably hates me. Well I can understand her. I said that I dont want to see her anymore, but that was a big lie. I really wanted to see her blue eyes again. I missed her soft hair, soft skin, our nights together when she slept on my chest and I could feel her heart beats. This girl changed my life. I was in love with her, and of course mister smarty pants ruining it all. Nice one Zayn. 

In these three month I wasnt that happy person that I was before. I mean I wasnt depressed from the outside, but inside I was screaming and crying. 

Some things changed During these three months.

First of all we were on tour. which was pretty cool, but every time we sang a romantic song, It reminded me of Alexis. of course I didnt started crying, but right there I wasnt the happiest man on earth. especially in the song Truly, Madly, Deeply. It just Described I the most perfect way our previous situation. I was Truly, Madly, Deeply, foolishly, completely falling for her. And somehow she kicked all my walls in. and I was still truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with her. 

second of all, After a month, I met a girl. Her name was Molly. She was cute. And I thought that I will never see alexis again so I need to try to get over her, so I thought that maybe she will help me to get over Alexis. Molly was a little bit Bossy, and  She was very jealous type of person. I remembered last month we talked a little bit about Alexis, and I said that I miss her and she got mad and started yelling at me that "You cant talk with or about other girls when you with me!!" I was shocked when she said it. But im still with her even know I dont love her. She is cute but she is to bossy and jealous. She can get angry if I will breath next to a girl. But she took my pain away a little bit. I was focusing about not to get her angry so Alexis was a little bit less on my mind, but still, she was there.

Tomorrow its my birthday. Im really happy that Im going to be older. I think getting older is being more mature. I had my boys with me and my girlfriend, why should I be sad? Oh yeah one person was missing. Alexis. Im thinking about her a lot during the day. And every time Im haring myself even more because I hurt her. Im such a jerk.

It was getting late, and I assumed that the boys are going to wake me up early tomorrow so im decided to go to bed. every night since then I dream about Alexis. and every time I dream about this moment when I yelled at her that I dont want to see her anymore. And its a lie! 

I was laying on my soft bed and slowly I fell asleep. Tonight, I had a different dream. I just saw Alexis as an angel and she was sitting next to me and gazing into my eyes and I was gazing into her eyes. That dream was good I dont want to wake up! wait whats that noise? that suddenly I woke up and heard the lads and molly singing "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to Zaynn! Haaaapppyyy Birthdayyy toooo you!!!" I was happy. I said "Thank you guys!" then the boys looked at each other and Harry said "Zayn, we got a little surprise for you" I looked at him and said "Oh really? what is it?" then suddenly, The angel from my dream came into my room. Alexis. at first i blinked a few times and I quietly asked louis "Im not dreaming right?" he laughed and said "um.. im not sure.. Alexis is this a dream?" She smiled and said "No. its not a dream. happy birthday Zayn!" she laughed and came over to my bed. We gazed at each other just like in my dream! then Liam said "we'll leave you two kids alone" he smiled and they all got out of the room but Molly got out last and before she got out she gave me the creepiest look that I have ever seen. This girl is strange, But right now I only care about Alexis. She came to me. then she said "Do you want to see my present for you?" she smiled. I missed that smile so much! that was a type of a smile that lightened the whole room! I smiled at her and said "Of course!" Then she gave me a huge Package and I slowly opened it and than I got out a huge collage of pictures of me and the lads, of all of us together, of me and molly and the most important thing, of me and Alexis. I saw that there was also a note in inside of the Package. I looked at it and it said "For Zayn" I opened it and there was a long section which said:

"Dear Zayn,

Today, as you know its your birthday! I would like to wish you only the best!

I wish you that you will always be happy. remember happiness is the most important thing in life. always do the things that make you happy! 

I wish you richness but not only in a Financially, also in goals of life.

I wish you that you will accomplish every thing that you wish for, and remember try hard until you get to the top! the climb is hard but the view is great ;)

I know we lost contact, and we havent even talked for three month, but I have to say,


I missed your smile, Your laugh, Your eyes, Our nights together when I laid on you chest and counted your heart beats. They were sweet and calm. I missed all of this Package which called Zayn Malik.

And even know we had out up and downs, I still consider you as one of my best friends (there are five of them I guess you know them already)

You boys changed my life. You made me feel special. especially you. You were so nice to me and at first I thought that I dont deserve someone like you and Im still thinking it. Youre just to good to be true Zayn.

Youre kind, nice, helpfull, smart, funny, and in other words perfect.

So I wish you to stay The perfect as you are right now.  

I really hope That you will not kick me out of your house, because I really want to stay with the boys and with you.

more things that I wish to you is that I wish you a lot of luck with Molly! She seemes like a nice girl and I hope that she treats to you right!

Ok im already crying right now so thats it. I said what I could write (my hand is kind of hurts) and again I wish you that you will have the best birthday in the world!

love, Alexis <3 "

I started crying and grabbed Alexis's body into a hug. I hugged her tightly. She started crying as well. I said "I missed you so much. you were so missing here. I need you by my side" She said "Im really glad to hear that. I missed you like crazy! You were missing in New York. you were missing in my heart" we stayed like this a few minutes and I didnt wanted this moment to end. then there was a knock on the door and we let go of each other and Niall said "Listen guys, You can catch up on each other later, im hungry and they dont let me eat the cake without you so come on!" we laughed and went to the kitchen. every one was happy except Molly. wow that girl was about to explode! we sat around the table and started to aet the cake. Of course Niall ate 3 slices. and we all started talking to each other while we were eating, except Molly. I felt like she's going to explode soon. very soon. when we finished eating I hear Molly calling Alexis and they walked into another room. I wonder what she wants from her.




Mariana XOXO <3

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